Chapter 81 - Evelyn

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Tam took a bite of his salad. "Mm, this is good. Who made it?"

"I made it." Tess said, "I'm glad you like it."

"I helped." Johnny said, elbowing her playfully.

"Yes, you helped." Tess pecked him on the cheek. He blushed and ducked his head, pretending to be interested in his food. I knew he was beaming, because of the love Tess gave him. He's always craved our parents love, but I knew that wasn't ever going to be given. I tried to replace it, but he didn't stop craving it.

"Ooh!" Two-Bit yelled.

"Aw, shut it!" Tess yelled back, "Or I'll make sure you don't get any chocolate cake for a week!" I wish I had Tess' guts. She's fearless, while I'm afraid of my own shadow.

Two-Bit paled at her threat, and nodded, his eyes wide.

"Good." Tess smiled sweetly, all hints of her threatening personality gone.

"Tess, why don't you cook more often?" Soda asked.

"Because I'm busy. Besides, Darry's a good cook." Tess said, defending her eldest brother. I smiled. She loves all her brothers equally, and tries to defend each one to the others.

"Thanks, kid." Darry smiled. A real smile, not the forced one that's become way too familiar. It's clear that Tess is his favorite sibling, even though he tries to hide it. She has a special place in his heart, as his baby sister. But, they all do. In fact, all of the gang has a special place in his heart, even Dally. I can see the way Darry worries over him. Is he safe? Is he alive? Is he in the cooler? He worries about all of us. It takes a toll on him, though.

Tess smiled at Darry, before going back to her dinner. Dinner continued quietly, without any major fights. Two-Bit and Steve fought over the last piece of chicken, but when do they not argue over food? It wasn't bad compared to their fight over the last piece of chocolate cake. They looked like they were gonna kill each other.

"Johnny." I whispered. He glanced at my pale face, before simply hugging me, letting me take shelter in his warmth. Neither of us had to say anything more. We could simply communicate through facial expressions.

"That's my cake!" Two-Bit wailed. He was clutching it close to him, the way a mother would hold her child. If she loved her child, that is.

"Nu-uh! It's mine!" Steve yelled, snatching it out of Two-Bit's hands.

"Mine!" Two-Bit  tried to snatch it back, but Steve held on.

"No way!" Steve pulled harder. It turned into a tug of war. But with a piece of chocolate cake, instead of a rope.

"Hey!" Tam screamed, "Give it!" The shadows swelled, and threatened to engulf them, so they quickly gave the piece of cake to Tam. Tam grabbed a knife and cut the piece of cake into halves. He gave half to Two-Bit, and half to Steve.

"His looks bigger." Two-Bit whined. I winced, knowing it would result in someone blowing up.

"They're equal!" Dal roared, "Now shut up, and eat it! Or I'll eat it myself!" He rubbed his temples, as if he had a headache. He probably did, and I don't blame him. I could feel the beginnings of one myself.

"Well, you finally agreed on something with Dallas." Linh said.

"I would've just eaten it myself." Dally muttered.

"Or not." Tam growled.

"Okay." Linh held her hands up. "Sorry." She turned to me. "If your annoying brother is being especially annoying, you can do this." A huge watery hand started slapping Tam.

"Linh!" Tam screamed, "Stop!"

"Fine." She pulled the hand back.

"Johnny ain't ever annoying." I said. He smiled at me.

"Is Dallas?" Linh glared at him. He simply shrugged.

"Kinda." I said softly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but his attitude is kind of annoying.

"Well, you can do it to him." Linh smiled.

"You're evil." Dal growled.

"Not as evil as the Neverseen." Tam muttered. "Brant. Fintan. Ruy. Trix. Umber. Lady Gisela."

"How evil could they possibly be?" Dal scoffed.

"Brant murdered his fiancee. Jolie. Just because she was part of the Black Swan. How is that not evil?" Sophie shouted.

Get out! Fitz transmitted. She's going to lose it!

Tam grabbed Linh.  I clutched Johnny's arm, as he led Tess and me out of the house, along with everyone else.

"Well." Tess said, "I don't feel sorry for Dal. He didn't even try to understand Sophie's pain."

"It must hurt, knowing what they did, and still have them running free." I murmured, "No punishment at all."

"They destroyed lives, and got off with nothing." Johnny whispered, "Here, the fuzz try to catch them, but they can't always find them."

"But at least some get what they deserve." Tess said.

"At least some get what they deserve." I echoed.

"Fintan killed Kenric! So many dwarves and gnomes dead! Because of Fintan! And Lady Gisela!" Sophie screamed, "And the Neverseen!"

I felt a wave of fury wash over me, before it was deathly quiet.

"Whoa, that's powerful." Tess whispered, "Can you feel the energy, coursing through your veins?"

"A little." I said.

"Not really." Johnny whispered.

"We can go in now, if you guys want to." Fitz said, "She's done."

"Okay." I said, not really wanting to go inside. Not yet. The stars twinkled, like thousands of gems. I sat on the steps, simply admiring the stars' twinkling movements.

"It's real pretty, ain't it?" Pony whispered, sitting next to me. "I like them, 'cause they help me remember it ain't all bad. Same with sunsets."

"Me too." I whispered, enthralled with the thousands of twinkling gems in the sky.

"Evelyn?" Pony asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Have you ever liked someone, and wanted to tell them, but you were too afraid?" he asked. I gasped. It's like he read my mind. I'm going through that right now.

"Pony...I, yes." I whispered.

"Oh." He looked a little disappointed. "Who?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Maybe if I knew, I could help you find a way to tell them." he said. If only you knew.

"I don't know." I said, stalling. I wanted someone to join us, but I wanted it to stay just Pony and me. I felt so conflicted.

"Those are some pretty strong emotions." Pony commented.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm an Empath. I can feel your emotions." Pony said, "I usually need to touch you, but they must be really strong, 'cause they're kinda floating off ya in waves."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's kinda cool, but a little creepy." He smiled for a second, before it faded. "I really wanna help ya."

"I know." I said, "You'd be the first person I told."

"Really?" He sounded real surprised. "You haven't told Alyssa? Or Johnny?"

"No." I whispered, "What about you? Have you told anybody?"

"No. I would've told Johnny, but..." He trailed off. I wanted to know, but I was scared. Scared of who it could be.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें