Chapter 10 - Linh

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A/N: One with the lyrics, one without the lyrics. Pierre's voice is amazing. Watch the whole movie. Les Choristes.

"You two are about the same size as Tess. You can borrow some of her clothes. Her room is right over there." Darry pointed to a room at the top of the stairs. "Pick an outfit." Sophie and I walk up the stairs. I can hear Soda talking to Darry.

"About that. The four of them never went to school today." Soda said. I guess Johnny must've killed the Soc last night.

"What?" Darry sounded shocked, worried, and a little angry.

"What should we do?" I whispered to Sophie.

"We can't do anything yet. Pick an outfit." We both pick out outfits. I choose to keep my tunic, because it's not too fancy. Tam and I had crests made that represent us. Not our parents. It's a wave with a shadowy figure standing at the base of it.

"I have to keep my gloves on." Sophie said. Sophie's an Enhancer, and we can't have the gang noticing the surges of power when they touch her hand.

"I'm keeping my crest." I said, "But, I'm totally ditching the cape." It's a relief to not have to speak in English.

"I'm keeping my crest as well. I miss Grady and Edaline, but I don't miss brushing Verdi's teeth." Sophie said. Verdi is pretty much the permanent resident at Havenfield, due to her inability to adapt to a vegetarian diet. She's a T-rex.

"Her breath stinks." I said.

"So, you'll need to go with Dally when he goes to the church. I should go as well, because I can enhance you. Tam'll want to go because he's very protective of you, and Fitz'll use the excuse, 'We're Cognates.'" Sophie made air quotes as she imitated Fitz. "He's very dear to me, but it gets rather annoying after a while, to not be able to do something without overprotective friends."

"I feel the same way about Tam." I said, "I feel bad about getting him banished."

"That was his choice. He chose to go with you. You had no control." Sophie said, as we finished changing. We were both wearing our tunics and crests, but we changed our pants. Sophie had her Sucker Punch on, as well as Cognate rings, her Panic Switch, and gloves. I could see all of her medicines around her neck. I kept my Panic Switch, as well as the Sucker Punch Dex made for me.

"I know, but if I had better control, than I wouldn't have been banished in the first place."

"It was your parents fault for bringing a new Hydrokinetic, with no training, to Atlantis." Sophie said.

"Let's go face the English speaking horrors." I said.

"You don't like English, do you."

"No, I don't." We walk down the stairs. Fitz and Tam had also changed, but they kept their crests and Sucker Punches as well. They both had their Panic Switches. Fitz was wearing Cognate rings as well.

"What's with the jewelry?" Soda said, "You know, that makes you a great target for Socs." I saw Sophie and Fitz exchange a glance.

"They're probably pretty easy to beat, considering the other battles we've fought." Sophie said.

"Including the one on Mt. Everest." Fitz added, "I thought Biana was a goner."

"Sandor broke pretty much all of his bones." Sophie said, "I wouldn't call it a success, as much as a stalemate."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant