Chapter 91 - Cara

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"Sophie, could ya tell me about the Lost Cities?" Tess asked. I wanted to learn about this place, so far from here, so much better. Less bloodshed. Less violence.

"Sure." Sophie said. "What about them?"

"What's the school system like?" she asked. I love school, but I don't want to go without Lara. My best friend.

"Well, we all go to the same school, Foxfire. Except for the ones that get banished. They go to Exillium, which is much better now, thanks to Councillor Oralie." I said, "There are eight levels, each with their own mascot." I wonder what types of mascots they have.

"What level would I be?" Pony asked.

"Well, they'd probably put you in Level Two, just to get you caught up. Then, they'd probably move you up, to Level Three." Sophie said, "Be glad you missed the Opening Ceremonies. You have to dress up like your mascot. The mastadon was embarrassing." What's a mastadon? What are the Opening Ceremonies?

"That's one thing we didn't have at Exillium." Tam said. It must be a different school.

"But we had to wear those masks and cloaks." Linh said.

"True. But it wasn't a stupid costume that you had to dance in." Tam said.

"And I tripped. And someone got a picture of it, and put it in the Healing Center. Either Elwin or Keefe." Sophie said. Who are Elwin and Keefe?

"The Healing Center?" Tess asked.

"Basically the school's nurse's office." Sophie said.

"Oh. Who's Elwin? I know Keefe's the prankster." Tess said.

"The physician. He's nice." I said.

"What's Foxfire like?" Pony asked.

"The school is glittery and made out of glass and shiny things." Tam said. "What else would you expect?" Tam is always grouchy. I don't get it. What happened, that made him so grouchy? He's similar to Dally, but Tam feels more. He just doesn't show it often.

"The sessions are one on one, except for Physical Education. That's in a group, because you can't teach it one on one, really." I smiled. "The Ultimate Splotching Match is one of my favorites. You use telekinesis to push this colored ball towards your opponent. Whoever pushes it into the other wins."

"You won, but ended up in the Healing Center." Fitz said, walking inside. "These guys can channel."

"Good." Sophie said.

"How'd ya end up in the Healing Center?" Cara asked.

"I used a brain push-"

"Which didn't mix with the core energy Fitz used." Tess finished.

"It threw us against the walls. Knocked both of us out cold." Sophie said.

"Yep, it did." Fitz said.

"I'm accident prone." Sophie said, shrugging.

"That you are." Fitz said, pulling her into a hug. "That you are."

"Lara, I'm hungry." I said, tapping her shoulder.

"Okay, Cara. I'll ask Ponyboy if there's anything we should eat for lunch." Lara said.

"What about me?" he asked, walking towards us. I think he's a good person. He really cares about everyone. Even the Socs. He won't care if they provoked us, but he doesn't want Dal to hurt them for sport. He's a kind soul, through and through.

"What's for lunch?" I asked, "I'm hungry."

"Oh, there's leftover chicken, I think. And maybe some salad?" Pony looked real confused.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now