Chapter 70 - Fitz

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"I tracked your thoughts to the exact location. And taught Tess how to do it as well." Sophie smiled.

"That's my Moonlark." I said, hugging her. "I love you, Sophie."

Love you too. she transmitted, smiling.

"What's a moonlark?" Soda asked.

"A bird that sets it's young off, to let the strongest survive." Sophie said, "I'm Project Moonlark. I was set into a sea of humans, but the Black Swan watched me from afar. Just like moonlarks. They watch their young from afar."

"Why me?" Steve said, "What did you hear?"

"Nothing too incriminating." Tess said, smirking. "Just who you have a crush on."

"What?" he shrieked, "I don't have a crush on anyone."

"Your emotions say otherwise." Pony said, brushing his hand against Steve's arm.

"You little tag-a-long, I'll get ya. I will." he growled.

"No one's going to get anyone." Sophie said, "I'll inflict if I have to."

"Fine." Steve said. I knew Sophie was a very powerful Inflictor, nearly as powerful as Councillor Bronte.

"I could inflict." Tess said, glancing at her nails nonchalantly. "I'm an Inflictor."

"What?" Steve asked, his jaw dropping.

"Sophie said I was, 'cause I could inflict those positive emotions, when we healed Johnny's mind."

"Fitz. Truth or Dare?" Steve asked, trying to get back on the topic of the game.

"Truth." I said, holding his gaze steadily.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"To help you. And eventually bring you to the Lost Cities." I said, "You won't blend in here, in fifteen to twenty years." Ten to fifteen for Darry.

"You stop aging after your thirties. Except for your ears. They get pointy." Tam added, a smug grin on his face.

"What?" Pony shrieked, covering his ears.

"Not for a couple thousand ears." Sophie said, "I remember when I found Grady's bramble jerseys. He's older than I thought. By a couple hundred years." I love bramble. It's so fun. I wish they had the championships more often. Every three years is too long to wait.

"Fitz. It's your turn." Steve said.

I searched the room, and found Cara. "Cara, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." she said, "Dares take guts, but Truths require revealing your soul. They're not for wimps." Very true. Keefe would argue that, though. I miss him. And Biana. Even her obsession with makeup, fancy clothes, and hair.

"Do you want to manifest an ability?" I asked. I wanted to know what she thought of us. And maybe which one she wanted.

"Huh?" She looked confused.

"Do you want an ability, like your sisters?" I clarified.

"Sure. I wanna be like Pony and Soda. I could tell when people lie, and call them on it." She paused thoughtfully. "Steve wouldn't be able to hide anything."

"Humph." He grunted, and pointedly looked at the ceiling.

"Cool." I nodded.

"Zara. Truth or Dare?" Cara asked.

"Truth." Zara said.

"Who's your least favorite, outta the people in this room?" Cara asked innocently.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now