Chapter 47 - Pony

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"Pony, you can have the bathroom." Soda whispered, shaking me. I tried to blink away the sleep in my eyes.

"'kay." I replied. I got out of bed, and grabbed a fresh set of clothes. I walked into the bathroom and decided to take a bath. While I was in the bath I heard,


"Keith Mathews! I've told you not to slam-" Darry was cut off.


"Steve Randle!" Darry shouted. "I give up!"

"Give up about what?" Steve asked.

"Getting you guys to not slam the door!"

"Oh, that. We're never gonna stop." Steve said.

"Why won't anyone get me water!" Dally shouted.

"Here!" Linh said. All the water in the tub disappeared, and I was left completely dry.

"Where'd the water go?" I shouted.

"Oops." Linh said, "Sorry, Pony. Dallas was being a jerk."

"He always is. No biggie." I said at the same time as Maria.

"Pony!" Dallas shouted, "I'll get ya, ya little punk!" I heard his heavy footsteps up the stairs. I quickly threw on the set of clothes, just before Dally barged in.

I was faster, and slipped under his arm, and ran down the stairs like my life depended on it. It might as well, considering Dally's ruthlessness.

I ran down the stairs screaming at the top of my lungs. "Aah! Somebody! Help!" Dal was hot on my heels.

"Call Uncle!" he ordered, tackling me.

"No! Never!" I thrashed around, fighting to get out of his grip.

Suddenly, my muscles felt stronger, invigorated. I had no idea how, but I was going to use it to my advantage.

"Get off!" I shouted, shoving at Dally's arms. I flipped over, so he was underneath me. "You, call Uncle."

"How'd ya get so strong?" he gasped.

"Call Uncle." My grip wasn't going to relent. And I knew Dally could feel it.

"Uncle!" he gasped, "Uncle!"

"Alright!" I hopped off of him, and grabbed my book.

"Kid, what'd ya do to get that strong?" Dally drawled, in his thick New York accent.

"That was me." Sophie said, grinning. "It's not fair for you to always win against him."

"What did you do?" Dal enunciated each word, stalking towards her.

"I channeled my mental energy, and pushed it into his muscles." She glared at him. She's fearless, but sometimes that isn't a good thing, when you're dealing with Dallas Winston.

"Get away from her!" Fitz shouted. Dal turned towards him, and Sophie took advantage of his distraction and punched him in the nose. It started to gush blood.

"What the hell!" he screamed, "This is the third time in two days!"

"You were threatening me." she growled.

"You helped Pony cheat!" Dally snarled.

"I don't want to have to attend another planting. I've been to too many already. This is in fourteen years. What happens in a hundred? How many will I have been to then? I've already been to Kenric's, Mr. Forkle's, and Alden's. Well, Alden's back, but that's still two lives destroyed. Three, if you count Jolie's." Sophie whispered, "No more deaths. Not after this. Dex and I had plantings,and we aren't dead. That's three Wanderlings that shouldn't be there."

Fitz hugged her. " It's over now. They'll never truly be gone." He placed his hand over her heart. "They're still here. In your heart. Forever."

"I know. It's just, Kenric's always been there, ever since the beginning. He even calmed Bronte down, after I dropped him." She shuddered "Talk about mortifying."

"Leave it to Foster to drop the grumpiest Councillor." Fitz shrugged when she looked at him funny. "I thought it was something Keefe would say. I miss him, but not as much as Biana."

"Drop who?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

"Councillor Bronte. He an ancient, which means he's really old. And when we first met, he hated me." Sophie replied, "But now? He's one of my only supporters on the Council."

"So, there's a rumble tonight?" Zara asked.

"Yeah, but you're staying here. You're in no shape to fight, with that cut." Darry said, glancing at the long gash on her side.

"You can help us make sure we have all the healing supplies we need." Sophie said.

"Darry! The hospital called! They said Tess can come home!" Soda shouted, unable to contain his excitement. "Let's go!"

Darry grabbed the keys to his truck. "Come on, boys." Sophie, Linh, Evelyn, and Alyssa glared at him. He added, "And girls." We piled half into his truck and half into Buck's car, which Dal 'borrowed.' By borrowed, I mean stole. The silence in the car was thick, and you could really feel the tension in the air. Once e got there, we tumbled out of the car, in a jumbled pile of limbs.

"Ow! Get your elbow outta my stomach!" Steve yelled.

"Sorry!" Tam apologized, "That your stomach is in pain it totally deserves." He smirked.

"Ya little punk!" Steve tackled him, but then he started to float upwards.

"You're way easier to lift than Alvar." Tam muttered.,"Surprising, considering the amount of chocolate cake you eat."

"Tam! What part of not drawing attention to us do you not understand!"Sophie scolded, "At least we all survived the car ride. I'm surprised, considering the speed Dallas drives at."

"Darry, next time I'm riding with you." Fitz groaned, as he stepped out of Dally's car. "The way he drove, I'm surprised I'm not dead. I thought I was going to start screaming like a banshee, with the speed and turns he was doing." He looked pale, with a slight greenish tinge.

"Whatever, man. Let's just go." Dal shrugged off Fitz's glare,and walked towards the entrance. "What are y'all waiting for?"

"C'mon." Darry herded us into the hospital. "We're here for Tess Curtis." he told the receptionist.

"Are you her legal guardian?" Darry nodded. "Sign here." Darry signed. "Alright, she's free to go."

They're keeping Johnny until tomorrow. They want to figure out what caused his burns to heal so quickly. Sophie's voice echoed in my head. A quick glance showed that the rest of the gang heard it too. Transmitting. It's not that hard, to know what you're thinking, when your jaws are tensed like that. No, I'm not reading your minds.

By the time we'd gotten over our shock, we were at Tess' room.

"Tess! Ya can come home now." Soda said, running over towards her bed.

"Get the hell away from me!" she screamed, "I hate you!" She whipped out her switch and had it against his throat in a second.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now