Chapter 74 - Sophie

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"Sophie. Sophie, wake up." Tess was shaking me. I had a feeling that she wouldn't stop until I woke up.

"Huh?" I asked, still tired.

"Could I track thoughts, even if I've never met the person before?" Tess asked.

"Yeah, you could. It would be harder, though. You'd need to really listen closely." I said, my curiosity piqued. I stood up from the nest of blankets I had slept in, and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Who are you looking for?"

"My sister." Two-Bit said, "She ran out of the house, when she saw my mom's boyfriend."

"How old is she?" I asked.

"Eleven." he said, "She's the sweetest girl I've ever met." I could see the love in his eyes, and the fierce protectiveness over her. I realized he'd die for her. That dedication is hard to find.

"Two, I'll try." Tess said, closing her eyes.

"I'm kinda hungry." Two-Bit whispered.

"The kitchen's over there." Darry pointed to the kitchen. "Could ya wake up Soda and Pony?"

"Sure." he said, "But food first."

Darry chuckled, and shook his head. "Of course it is, with you."

Steve walked out of the bathroom, and headed into the kitchen. "Hey!" he yelled, "That was mine!"

"I gotta wake up Soda and Pony!" Two yelled, running up the stairs, and into their room.

"Tess, you okay?" Darry asked.

"I'm fine." she whispered, "How do I narrow it down?"

"You can block the thoughts, if you're sure it isn't Jenny." I said, "Like, all the men. And if the thoughts sound older."

"Where are you, Keith Mathews?" Steve shouted, running into the room. "I know you're in here."

"There's one set of thoughts, near the Dingo, that sound like an eleven year old girl." Tess whispered, "She's thinking of a better place, one without greasers, and Socs. Without this rivalry."

"She calls that better?" Dallas asked, "It's better with them Socs. More reason to get into fights."

"Not everyone's like you, Dallas." I snapped. How could he not grasp the importance of this? Of finding Jenny, and bringing her back, safely.

"I am not!" Pony shouted.

"Boys! What's going on?" Darry shouted, "Did Two-Bit wake you up?"

"Yeah, I did!" Two-Bit yelled. "Ha!" he shouted. "Say Uncle."

"No way!" Steve shouted. "Never!"

"Boys!" Darry shouted. "Two, Tess said Jenny's near the Dingo."

"Jenny?" Steve asked.

"My sister." Two-Bit said, "Let's go. Come on." He dragged Pony and Soda downstairs.

"Um, what are we doing?" Pony asked.

"Finding my sister." Two-Bit explained, "She ran out, after seeing my mom's boyfriend. Tess says she's near the Dingo, but that could change. Hurry up."

"Can I get some better clothes?" Soda asked.

"Me too." Pony chimed in.

"Fine. Five minutes." I said.

"Would Jenny think of a better place a lot?" Tess asked.

"Yeah, she would." Two-Bit said, "She's too good for this."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now