Shiro | Get out of my head!

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A had this dream last night, so I decided to change it a tiny bit and turn it into a chapter. I hope you like it.

(Pic above is perfect for this^ I don't own the picture, whoever does did an excellent job in the making of it)

Warning- Blood and pain.

Word count/warning- Its a long one, 2444 words.

Your point of view

I don't exactly remember how it started. Everyone started to realize that Shiro seemed... off. But I realized it first, being as close to him as I was.

It really started to pick up when Shiro would always lose his temper. He'd just scream and yell at anyone when he got mad. We didn't even know what he got mad at, but he did.

But today he took it even further. He started to fight us. But at the time it was just him and myself. His eyes seemed glazed over, and his face morphed into an evil grin.

"Shiro, are you alright?" I asked.

He laughed evilly. "I'm more than alright, sweetheart."

I visible shivered at the tone of his voice. What was wrong with him?

But I didn't have time to think as he charged at me, his arm glowing purple with energy.

My bayard took its normal shape of a sword. The (f/c) blade shone brightly as the light reflected off of it. I took a battle stance. But then I realized I would be fighting Shiro.

It's not that I couldn't take him on, I've taken on opponents much harder than him. But my problem was fighting him, the realization that he wanted to hurt me. I could see it in his eyes and his menacing grin.

That was not my Shiro running towards me.

I held up my sword to deflect his arm just in time. "Shiro stop." I said, gritting my teeth.

"Why should I?" He swung his arm towards me.

I dodged the attack and slashed at his arm as he tried to hit me once more.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Because I want to kill you." He smiled wickedly.

That's when I really knew I was in danger. He charged at me once more, kicking me so hard I flew across the room. I barley rolled out of the way of his arm. His glowing hand burned a hole into the ground where I laid seconds earlier. I managed to spin around and nail him in the head with the butt of my sword, a dirty move, but it did the trick.

As he fell to the floor I couldn't help but feel bad. Because when he looked up at me his eyes weren't filled with a murderous glare. They were filled with pain and confusion.

"(Y/n?)." He asked weakly.

And just like that all of the fear, all of the thought of stopping him, it was gone. I walked towards him, making my bayard take it's normal form.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I-I.." he stopped as his body started to shake.

"Shiro!" I shouted as his head hit the floor. But as I called out him name he seemed to come out of his convulsions. His eyes locked with mine before he lunged at me. I didn't have time to dodge the attack. Feeling his hand hit my side, I cried out in pain at the sensation of my flesh burning.

"Help! Someone help!" I screamed.

This was not Shiro, Shiro wouldn't hurt me like this. The monster in front of me tried to pin me down, lunging their hand at my face. I rolled out of the way, feeling the blood start to soak up in my shirt.

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