When/how you realized you loved eachother | Preference

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A/n: Hey my dudes! This one was requested a while back. I know 'You take a hit for them' was requested too, but I had one character left on this one so I decided to post it first. I'm working on the other one though, and let me tell you oH mY gOd tHE fEeLS. I cried.


Him: He realized he loved you when you were in the cell in he Galra ship. It wasn't romantic, at all, but it happened. Some things bring people together, and being forced to fight alien champions for the sake of entertainment is one of them. When he really realized it was when you weren't afraid of him when he came back from a fight, his new arm glowing. He still had all of the adrenaline from the fight, and he knew his eyes were full of rage. But you walked over to him with no hesitation and began to tend to his wounds.

     You: You also fell in love with Shiro in the cell. You came to realize that it wasn't a platonic love anymore, but instead a romantic love when he carefully tended to your wounds after a particularly intense battle. He ripped a small piece off of his shirt to make a bandage. You were still so shaken up that he pulled you into his lap and hugged you. It was the first time you had felt safe in months. You fell asleep.


     Him: He realized he loved you when he thought you had died. The Galran cruiser you were in suddenly blew up, and he thought that he was never going to tell you how he felt. But when you emerged from the explosion he knew that he had to tell you. He ran over to you, ripped your helmet off, kissed you and told you he loved you.

     You: You knew you loved Keith long before he told you he did. You don't really remember when or why it happened, it just kind of did. But you knew you did because every time you looked at him, heard him, thought of him, or even heard someone say his name there would be that little voice inside of your head saying 'I love him'.


     Him: He always had a little crush on you, ever since he started flirting with you in class, but he realized he loved you when you were about to go into battle. He watched you stare into the danger, determination in your eyes. You held your bayard, your weapon appeared and you stoically said, "Let's get this bread."

     You: You realized you loved him one night when you were feeling particularly homesick. You missed your family so, so much, and you found yourself sitting in one of the Castles windows, crying, wondering if Earth was in the midst of the stars you were watching. Lance appeared by your side. You tried to wipe your tears away but he reassured you that it was all right, and that he too missed his family. You ended up talking about your families, together, and he shed a few tears of his own.


     Him: He realized he loved you the first time you went into a big battle. He knew how scared you were, but despite it you fought for the people you loved. You came out of battle beaten and bruised, his heart ached for you and the pain you were going thought, but he still thought you were beautiful.

     You: Pretty much the same thing happened with you and Hunk. He wasn't the bravest, but he made up for it in courage. He'd be willing to sacrifice himself for the people he loved. You knew that included you when he covered you in battle when you got injured. You never wanted a man to protect you like you were some damsel in distress. But when it happened with Hunk it was different. You appreciated it greatly. You knew you loved him and that he loved you.


     Her: She realized she loved you when you had taken up the role of peacemaker amongst the people you called your allies. You could be pretty impulsive and chaotic, but when it came to leading and tending to your friends you became a great leader. It was after a big battle, people were trying to pick up their lives after their planet had almost been destroyed. Pidge found you handing out blankets and other supplies to the ones in need. That's when she realized it.

     You: You realized you loved Pidge when she pulled an all nighter—I mean she did all of the time—but one night in particular she worked on making upgrades to everyones' lions and tech to keep them safer and allow them to fight better. She worked so hard in all of the work she did, but the extent she went to to provide the very best for her teammates was inspiring.


     Her: It was one night in the library. The two of you were cuddled up in a large chair, a blanket thrown over the top of you. She was reading you some stories in Altean since you wanted to learn more about her culture and how to read in Altean. She loved how you wanted to learn so much, and learn this in particular because it was a part of her. She then handed you a book a young child would read, and you started to read it to her. At that moment you had no doubts.

     You: You already knew you loved Allura, just not in a romantic way; not until you were forced to train together. You tried your best, but she took you down pretty quickly. She pinned you on the ground, laying on top of you. You blushed, hoping she would think you were embarrassed because you lost, but in reality it was because you realized your love for her went beyond friendship.


     Him: He realized he loved you when he walked in on you having a discussion with the mice. He didn't really pay attention to what you were saying exactly. He heard the word 'Altea' being thrown around, but he was mainly focused on you. You were so kind and sweet to them. He fell for you then.

     You: You realized you loved him when he charged into battle, screaming some stupid phrase as he shot at your enemies with the Castle's beam.


     Him: The two of you had been together for awhile when he realized this went beyond a crush—as you had called it. You were about to go in battle together when he looked at you and realized that you were what mattered most to him. He would protect you no matter the cost. He told you right after battle.

     You: You realized you loved him right around the time you (finally) got together. You were helping him with the ship when you stopped to watch him. He looked so adorable focusing like he was. He looked over at you, and with a smirk, said, "Are you going to help or continue to keep staring?" You blushed and knew that you wanted to be with him and his charming nature forever.


     Him: He pretty much fell for you the moment he saw you, if he's being honest. You were so beautiful, and he just had a feeling about you. But he managed to fall in love with you all over again when you started to joke around with him. He loved your humor, and you his. He knew you were the love if his life when one day while he was building something with Pidge he saw a little sketch of a meme on his blueprint, signed with your name.

     You: Honestly, it didn't take long for you to fall in love with the bastard. The two of you were laughing so hard at some joke he made. Finally you managed to calm down enough to look him in the eye. Both of your eyes were filled with tears. You never thought anyone could make you laugh that hard.


A/n: I hope you liked it! Get ready for the next preference... it'll be up by Tuesday...

See ya next time, my dudes!


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