Imagines/Dating him would include | Coran

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~Telling him about Earth
~Making a list of all of the things you would be doing if you were there
~Promising him he will see it someday
~Him telling you about Altea
~Helping him get through the sadness that sometimes comes, as he misses his home
~Helping him do chores around the castle
~He enjoys your company while doing it, it makes it more fun
~When he kisses you his mustache tickles you
~Lots of hugs
~Lots of innocent kisses on the cheek and hands
~Teaching you how to dance like Alteans did during the balls they had at the castle
~Being like a sister to Allura
~She really likes you, as you make Coran happy
~Picking on the Paladins with him
~Calling Pidge 'Number Five'
~Sometimes brushing his hair, and sometimes he brushes yours
~Once you got mad and threatened to cut his mustache off
~He cried
~You never did it again
~Cherishing the nights he decided to stay with you in bed, as many he does stuff around the castle
~He tries to make it up
~You promise him it's fine
~It still doesn't stop him from going out of his way to do little things for you
~Him reading old Altean books to you
~Especially the fairy tales, those are one of your favorites
~Imagine him freaking out when you went on a dangerous mission with the Paladins. Allura had to bring you up on screen—like FaceTime— and make you calm him down
~He just never wants to loose you. He lost too much the day Altea was destroyed, and if you left he wouldn't be able to live with it
~He gets insecure about his age
~You tell him you don't care. That age is just a number, and love is love
~Making jokes
~He doesn't understand a lot of the Earth jokes
~He doesn't understand inside jokes
~You have no idea what he is talking about when he talks about the alien animals
~"Yes, Coran?"
~"I love you, just letting you know."
~"I love you too you idiot."

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