Hunk | HP AU | I wouldn't miss it for the world

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A/n: Hey guys! I really like making these HP ones so if anyone had any ideas for a Matt, Lance and a Keith x Slytherin! reader one they would greatly be appreciated ;). Also, I THINK I GET TO FINALLY WATCH SEASON EIGHT TOMORROW THE WAIT IS KILLING ME.

Word count- 2085 words.

Warning- swearing


Your POV

It was a quiet Friday evening. The library was almost empty, only a few older Ravenclaws and a younger Hufflepuff were present. It was one of your favorite times to go, since it was so empty. You knew that most people would be out with friends, for who wanted to spend a Friday in the library?

You did.

You were considered shy among the rest of your peers. You didn't know many of them- even the ones in your own house. You had a few friends in some of your classes, and you had your roommates, but you weren't close enough that you wanted to go out of your way to hang out with them.

So, instead, you made your way through the shelves of books, hoping to find what you were looking for. You hoped to find a good fantasy, something creative and complex to escape to, because let's be honest, books were better than your own life- even if you were a witch living in a magical world.

You pulled a book off of the shelf. Through the hole to the other side was a Hufflepuff boy, Hunk, the boy you had been crushing on for ages. He was sweet, kind and shy, just like you. But your shyness and anxiety made it impossible to actually talk to him. He was a year older too and he wasn't in any of your classes, so you weren't able to talk to him in a class either. Not that you actually would if you could, though. Stupid anxiety.

Being shy and awkward, you quickly put the book back and walked a few feet down the aisle before pulling another book out.

Your anxiety started to make you overthink. Was that rude? Did he notice? If he did, did he think it was rude? You started to read the descriptions of the books to try and distract you.

A few minutes later you had chosen a few of them, leaving a gaping whole between the other books and the other aisle. You were just about to put the ones you didn't want back when once again Hunk grabbed a book, allowing the two of you to make eye contact, causing you to blush ferociously. You forgot about putting the books away at that moment, and instead you started walking away with the heavy stack in your arms.

You made it halfway through the library when suddenly you somehow managed to trip on your own feet- something that happened on an almost daily occurrence. You hit the floor with a thump and the books fell out of your arms, spreading across the floor around you.

The few Ravenclaws looked at you in annoyance and a couple of Slytherins that must have just gotten there laughed at you.

"Are you all right?" Someone said. You propped yourself up with an elbow and looked up to where the voice was coming from.

It was Hunk.

He had a small smile on his face, but had a look of genuine concern as well. You couldn't think of the right words to say, and even if you did you knew they wouldn't be able to come out right.

"Yeah," you managed to squeak out. You felt like you were burning you were blushing so bad. How bad of luck did you have to make a complete fool of yourself in front of your crush?

"Hey, it's okay, it's happened to us all," he stated, holding out a hand. If only he knew it wasn't just that. You stared at his hand before taking it. Your hand tingled at the contact. As he hoisted you up you realized this was the closest you had ever been to him. You could see his eyes up close; not just brown, but with lighter honey color flecks caused from the sunlight.

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