Matt | The curse | HP AU

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A/n: Hey guys! Thank you so, so much for 190K reads. It means the world to me. 10K away from a face reveal so if you want to see my ugly self, please leave a vote : )

Word count- 1129 words

Warning- Mentions of lots of death and blood. Broken bones if that bothers you.


Your POV

Curses and hexes flew in every direction, hitting the floor, the wall, and sometimes, even people. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, giving you the strength to continue.

It was the Battle of Hogwarts—the battle of the century. Wizards and witches from both sides were caught in the chaos.

It was a bloodbath.

People laid on the cold, dirty floor, injured, laying in their own blood, and in some cases, even were dead. You knew you wouldn't have had the strength to continue if you weren't consumed by fear—fear that you weren't going to make it out alive. It wasn't just your own life you were fighting for, though; you were fighting for the lives' of your friends, peers, and even for Wizarding-kind as a whole.

A curse went sailing over your head. You crouched down, happy for the small break; you were absolutely exhausted. "Expelliarmus!" You shouted, successfully knocking the wand out of your attackers hand. Some other seventh year came over and snapped the wand. You gave them a curt nod.

You shrunk behind a piece of debris to take a breather. Now that you weren't terrified for your life, thoughts were starting to creep into your mind.

You had gotten separated from Matt nearly ten minutes ago, and under these circumstances that was far too long. You just wanted to find him—to know he was safe, and you know he was probably feeling the same way.

Getting back up, reluctantly, you darted down a hallway, trying your best to defeat as many Galra in your path as you could. The corridor brought you to the Great Hall and Court Room area. There were so many people in there you had to fight to not get overwhelmed. Finally you spotted Haggar whipping curses left and right.

You watched her line of sight lead to someone. Your heart almost flew out of your chest when you realized it was Matt.

A Galra about thirty yards away blasted a table someone was hiding behind with a spell. The table exploded into a wave of splinters. A few managed to dig their way into your skin. But what you really noticed was a table leg hitting your wrist so hard it broke on contact. Your want soared through the air, landing so, so far away.

You glanced back at Matt. He was fighting a few Galra. Behind him was Haggar, who was taking out many of your peers that tried to take her down. She would soon go for Matt, you knew it. The thought made your pain start to fade. You turned to go and get your wand but you saw her start to make her way over to him. There was no way you were going to make it.

Unless you ran.

Harder than you had ever before, you broke into a sprint. You barely felt your tired aching legs, your feet pounding on the cold blood-splattered floor. All you could think of was Matt.

Everything seemed to slow down the moment Haggar held up her wand. You could see the words forming on her lips, but you couldn't quite hear what she was saying, nor anything else. But you didn't have to hear anything to know that you had screamed Matt's name in fear, trying to get him to notice. You saw him start to turn, but you knew it wasn't going to be fast enough.

You pushed off of the ground with the last strength you possessed. You felt the balls of your feet leave the ground, then your toes. You were flying through the air, and then crashing into Matt.

You never truly felt when you hit the ground, because indescribable pain suddenly filled your body.

It felt like every part of your being was being ripped to shreds. Your mind, your body, your soul. You couldn't even think straight. The ringing in your ears was so loud you swore your head was going to burst. But as the seconds passed you realized it wasn't ringing, but the sound of your agonizing screams.

It felt like hours before the pain finally stopped, but even when it did it didn't truly go away. You were left gasping for breath, unable to breathe. You shook like you had been submerged in an icy lake, and felt just that cold. Your body couldn't move, even if you wanted to, but you just wanted to lay there forever.

But then somebody was lifting you. You whimpered in pain. Everything ached. It hurt to even open your eyes.

But when you did you saw something that caused a different kind of hurt.

Tears poured out of Matt's eyes uncontrollably. "Oh my god," He said. "Thank god you're—I thought—I thought you—"

A curse suddenly flew over the top of your heads. "I'm sorry," He said before lifting you up quickly. You whimpered in pain once more. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear before running off with you in his arms.

Eventually he got both of you behind some debris. It was away from the main part of the battle. There wasn't really anyone around—well, at least that were alive.

"Matt," You said quietly.

"I turned around and you were gone and them you suddenly screamed my name and I heard someone scream the curse and I thought you—I thought you..."

You placed a hand on his chest. "I'm here."

"And—and then I heard you screaming and I've never been so angry and suddenly—"

He was cut off when someone screamed somewhere nearby.

"I need to go help."

"No," You said. "I'm not losing you again."

"They need—"

"If you go I'm going with you."

You were nowhere in fighting shape, but he knew you meant your word.


You held each other close as the battle continued. Finally everything started to quiet down, that is, until a victorious scream filled the air. It was both happy and sad. Happy to be alive, that the fight was over, that they had won. Sad to have lost loved ones so, so many.

But you had done it.

"Want to go celebrate and fix that hand of yours?"

"I think it could wait. I'm content celebrating here for a few more minutes." And you pulled him in for a kiss.

A/n: I hope you liked it. Next is Athea! Pidge x Poseidon! Reader! If you have an idea for it that would be amazing ; )

See ya next time, my dudes!


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