Matt | Haircut

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A/n: Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great spring break (for those of you that had it last week) and for those of you that haven't yet, I hope you have a great break. Only one quarter left of school, thank the gods too! This summer I need to get a job though, so that sucks...

Who else is getting their license this summer? All of my friends are older than me and have their licenses, and they are purposely rubbing it in my face.

It's a shortish chapter, but I hope you like it.

Word count- 495 words.


It was as normal as a day as you could get at the Garrison, given the circumstances. It was tough—knowing that a whole bunch of evil aliens were coming to destroy Earth and the rest of the galaxy.

Because of this everyone was tense, and you felt like you had to be the one to help everyone feel better. You cracked jokes at every given opportunity. Some people thought you were immature, you could tell. But there were many you could see effected positively by the humor, even by seeing their eyes light up for a brief moment.

Even your boyfriend Matt couldn't escape from your attempt to lighten the mood. And you knew that you just had to say something when he walked in the room with his hair cut short.

You turned around, trying to stifle your laughter and pretend that you didn't see him. But he eventually walked up to you.

"Hey, (y/n), dad said that we need to carry the supplies in from one of the hangers, and I was wondering if—"

"I don't think we've met before," You said, managing to keep it cool.

He rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny. So—"

"How do you know my name?" You asked.

He smiled and rolled his eyes once more, and before he could even say anything you said—

"You know, it's rude to roll your eyes."

You could tell he knew he was going to have to play along. "I see how this is," He said. "It's me, Matt, your boyfriend."

You snorted. "I think I would remember having a boyfriend as handsome as you."

He blushed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. But could you please come and—"

"Wait a second," You said. You pulled out your phone, comparing him to your favorite picture of the two of you on your lock screen. You gasped dramatically. "It is you! You cut your hair! I didn't even recognize you!"

Matt let out a laugh at that one. "Yes. Yes, I did."

You ruffled his now short hair. "I meant what I said—that you're handsome. And yes, I'll help you with the supplies."

"God, you're annoying." He smiled.

"Yeah, whatever. But you love me, sooo..."

"Yeah, I do."

* * *

A/n: I don't know about you guys, but I'm still denying the fact that Voltron is over... :(

See ya next time, my dudes!


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