April Fools Day prank you pull on them | Preference

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A/n: Hey guys! I'm sorry to say this but I think I'm going to end this book...


I thought I'd write this little preference. So here you go.


Shiro: You put kool-aid in the shower head. His floof/light hair was purple until you laughed and he went to look in the mirror. 

Keith: You bought like three dozen cheap whoopie-cushions and put them everywhere around the house. "Who still does this?" He asked. "Me," You said. He sat down on another one. "(Y/n)!"

Lance: You told him you slept with Keith.

Hunk: You switched the sugar and the salt. He almost puked.

Pidge: You got a cracked screen sticker to put on her laptop. You've never heard her screech so loud.

Allura: When she was sleeping you covered her Altean-marks in makeup. She was so confused.

Coran: He didn't get it. He did a whole bunch of dumb stuff and screamed, "April Fools," after everything he did.

Lotor: You put a crap ton of Elmer's glue in his conditioner. You felt bad after.

Matt: You told him you were pregnant and he fainted. When he woke up you said you weren't but then followed it up by saying April Fools. You were pregnant with your second. He fainted again.

* * *

A/n: Ey I hope you liked it.

See ya next time, my dudes.


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