First thoughts when they saw you | Preference

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A/n: Hey my dudes! I don't have much to say besides I hope you like the preference



Normal- 'They're putting someone in my cell with me?—wait, they're human? I hope they're all right.'

Soulmate AU- 'Woah, why is that girl/guy staring at me? He/she looks scared, are they all right?' 'Wait?! They're my soulmate?'


Normal- 'Ugh, They're Lance's cousin, they must be horrible.'

Gets to know you after the Castle of Lions. 'They aren't too bad, actually. Good fighter, kind, funny, and cute—wait, what?'

Soulmate AU- 'The sky is so ugly, it looks so depressing. Oops! I bumped into... I-I can see color. I can see... the eyes of my soulmate. Wow, they are so beautiful.'


Normal- 'I hate school. I can't wait to go home—oh who is that? She/he looks so cute. I'm going to sit by her/him.'

Soulmate AU- 'Wowzers, she's/he's hot.'


Normal- 'Oh who is that by Lance? Woah, they're beautiful... Wait, he/she's coming over here?! Keep it together, Hunk, you got this'

Soulmate AU- 'She's/he's so pretty. She/he looks so nice and kind. Maybe they'll smile if I compliment them.'


Normal- 'Ugh, I hate school projects, I always end up doing all of the work. Oh, wait, who's this?—my partner? Oh, he/she doesn't seem so bad, maybe I'll enjoy this.'

Soulmate AU- 'Omg I didn't just meet my soulmate in McDonalds. Do they have any idea how much trouble they caused me with this stupid tattoo? I'm going to give them a piece of my mind.'


Normal- 'There's something special about the (e/c), (h/c) Paladin, but I cant put my finger on it.'


Normal- 'That Paladin has a fire burning inside of her/him. They will do great things.'


Normal- 'Finally, a worthy opponent. I wish to see the face of this Paladin. Wow, interesting. I wasn't expecting that. They are gorgeous.'

Soulmate AU- 'Why do I feel odd? What is stopping me from killing this Paladin? Wait, she looks as if he/she feels the same way. Is it possible that my enemy is my soulmate? No wonder I feel so drawn to them. After 10,000 years I finally found them.'


Normal- 'Woah this Castle is pretty cool—oh my god who is that? They are stunning! I need to talk to them.'

Soulmate AU- 'Why do I feel so tingly inside, and so suddenly after looking at (y/n). Wait, why do I feel like I'm being pulled towards her/him? My feet are moving. Is she/he—is she/he... my necklace—our necklaces. Score one for me, they are way out of my league.'

* * *

A/n: I hope you liked it! Sorry for the spam at the beginning.

See ya next time, my dudes!


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