Where they propose | Preference

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A/n: Hey guys! Funny story. I thought I published this five days ago but I guess I didn't. Gosh that pisses me off. Here's a much needed update.

I'll make the proposal scenario next. And I promise, I'll make sure I click publish next time. 


Shiro: On a cliff/ledge overlooking the lake during the sunset.

Keith: In the park late at night on the way home from a walk.

Lance: On the beach while the sun was setting.

Hunk: At a park next to the fountain.

Pidge: At home.

Allura: A quiet corner of the castle with a giant window overlooking at the stars.

Coran: A picnic on a grassy field.

Lotor: At a fancy restaurant.

Matt: On a hill while stargazing.
A/n: Sorry it's so short, I didn't really want to go into detail. I'm going to save that for the next chapter ;)

May we meet again.


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