Imagines/Dating her would include| Pidge

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~Never getting any sleep
~The nights that you do sleep are often spent in your lab, next to Pidges Lion
~Drinking lots and lots of coffee
~Making sassy remarks
~Hearing Pidge make them
~Having contests on who can make the best jokes
~Building things together
~Grieving over Rovers death
~Making her a new Rover
~Helping her find Matt
~Being the only one that knew she was a girl
~Sitting next to each other as you program stuff on her computer
~Helping her upgrade Green
~Green loving you as a second Paladin
~You were with her when she found "Matt's" gravestone in the graveyard
~You got to witness the family reunion
~Being the only one besides Matt and Shiro that knew Pidge as Katie
~Making cool new upgrades for the Paladin suits
~Making the castle alarm blare "SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS MACARONI." (Because why not.)
~Making a meme team and incorporating Matt and Lance
~Eventually getting Coran to join after teaching him all the memes
~Trying to teach Lotor memes
~Saying that Lotor reminds you of Lucius Malfoy, because of the hair
~Easy wrapping your arms around Pidge because she's so small
~At the Garrison imagine you spending countless nights pulling all nighters to study, or spending nights on the roof listening to the alien chatter that eventually lead to Voltron
~Blocking people out with your headphones together
~Being the awkward communications manger during training
~The first time you met Pidge went something like this
~It was a lonely summer day of daycare. You were all alone yet again, but today you saw someone else that was alone. You knew how horrible the feeling was, so, you walked up to the young girl
~"Hey." You said
~She looked up. "Hey."
~It didn't take long for you to be the best of buds
~You're good friends with Matt as well
~Making Pidge brush her hair when it gets too wild
~Basically taking care of her when she doesn't do it herself
~Nose, forehead and hand kisses
~"Hey, I love you, Okay?"
~"Oh my god, you're so annoying."
~"Hey! I love you too!"

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