My opinions on the characters. Don't kill me please

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A/n: Hey guys! I had a lot of extra time in math today so I wrote this. These are just my opinions so don't shame me (I literally love all of them so it's okay). There is swearing involved too, though. You have been warned.

Also, how would you guys feel if I made an Instagram account for fandom stuff. I don't know exactly what I'd post, maybe just new story or prompt ideas, maybe a face reveal, I don't know what else...

One more thing! I'm kind of a hypochondriac, and as I'm publishing this I have this pain in my lower side and that anxiety prone part of me is convinced I have appendicitis. So I'll tell you how that plays out later.


Shiro: Okay Shiro is amazing. He's everything I'd like in a man besides you know, him being gay. I love him both with Adam and Kurtis. All he cares about is other people and saving the universe. He's also the toughest guy ever like... HE LOST AN ARM, HIS BOYFRIEND, A YEAR OF HIS LIFE FROM BEING STUCK IN AN ALIEN SHIP WHILE BEING FORCED TO FIGHT FOR HIS LIFE, SUFFERS FROM PTSD, HAS A DISEASE, AND HAS THE STRESS OF BEING A LEADER. Love him, love his gayness. Cried when he disappeared and came back.

Keith: Okay where do I even begin. He is the most beautiful man to ever be created. He's sweet, thoughtful, but also emo and badass. Honestly though, who gave him the right to be so beautiful. Umm legendary space gay, just like Shiro. Honestly, I think being gay in the Voltron universe gives you immortality or something. He's super amazing in general and he deserves to be happy.

Lance: Lance deserves the world but the world doesn't deserve Lance. He is a meme, a legend, the best. He deserves happiness too. I cry over the fact that he missed his family so much like boi no don't cry can I hug you please. The only thing that I didn't like is how he became Altean but that's not his fault. Characters that act all cool and confident but are really secretly hurting are the death of me, but I can't seem to stop wanting more. My bi little boi.

Hunk: HUNK IS THE MOST UNDERRATED CINNAMON ROLL TO EVER EXIST AND YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE. He is the sweetest person ever and I wish I could hug him so much. I wanna eat the food he makes. We all don't deserve Hunk either. Everyone deserves a Hunk in their life.

Pidge: While I don't think Pidge and I would be the best of friends if we were to meet in real life, but I love her. I love that just because she's a girl doesn't mean she needs to look and act extremely feminine. Her intelligence amazes me and I love what a smol and precious bean she is. Her screeching is great.

Allura: Either I love her or I hate her. Sometimes she can act like a bitch but what happened to her with Lotor still pains me because she didn't deserve that. She's fucking gorgeous though like can I please be that beautiful. Pretty sure she's the reason I figured out I was bi. Also I love that she's such a badass like honey girls can be amazing leaders and heroes too.

Coran: Space uncle is great. He never fails to make me laugh and I wish they would have given him more funny moments. Kinda grossed out by the slipperies tho. Wish I had an uncle like him.

Lotor: He is beautiful. People Lucius Malfoy. I never truly hated him, just got mad when he betrayed them like COME ON YOU COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THAT. His backstory was amazing and I really thought he could have used that anger against Zarkon to be good... I was disappointed.

Matt: There's nothing to dislike about him in my opinion. The only thing was that he cut off his beautiful ponytail. But he is a living, breathing, walking meme and I live for that. He deserved a lot more screen time like where the frick did he go those few seasons?!? I want a glow up like his.


A/n: I'd do a part two of the rest of the characters if you'd be interested. I might do one about my brothers (hasn't watched) and my mom (is currently watching) thoughts on them too if you'd like.

See ya next time, my dudes


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