45. Character Preference (Dead Poets Society)

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Suggested by timidlila

Cute things they do

-makes faces in the mirror when he does his hair
-will talk for hours about stuff he's passionate about
-dramatically pulls off his glasses when he's stressed

-just about lights up any time someone wants him around
-does the little head shake thing to move his hair off his forehead
-probably a sweater paws kinda dude

-is a great listener
-will do just about anything to make someone happy
-presses two fingers in the middle of his forehead when he's stressed

Charlie (I'm sorry. Nuwanda):
-wiggles his eyebrows
-chews on his lip when he thinks
-or taps his pencil
-or both at once
-cuddles an extra pillow when he sleeps

-habitually pushes up/adjusts his glasses
-mindlessly messes up his hair when he's thinking
-scrunches up his nose when he's displeased

-scratches the back of his neck when he's embarrassed
-gives out high-fives when he's rlly happy
-holds the door open for other ppl
-just a tall cute bean m'kay

-is ginger
-rats out his friends
-lets down everyone
-probably the reason ppl think gingers have no souls

Wow I love my boys (I kept feeling like I left someone out?? So catch me if I did). And if anyone remembers, Cam's is referencing to when I used to roast Charlie Hogan in my SBM book 😂 I figured I'd add a roast since I haven't in forever. M'kay.


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