500k Update

8.5K 297 76

Hey everyone! It's your boi RKDADDY here (I am a girl but yknow boi sounds cool lmao) and I just wanted to thank all of you for 500k reads! You guys keep this story going by reading and commenting (I mean, you guys are hilarious! I love reading all your comments.) I've been writing fanfiction since I was 10 years old (I was a fucked up child tbhhhhh) and this is the furthest I've ever gotten towards completing it. Now, I am nowhere near finished — I'm not even sure of how I will want to end this, buuuuuut don't fret! My goal is to continue writing until I know where I want this story to come to a close. I'm enjoying writing and because all of you help keep the story going it's even more fun.

Thank you so much.

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