Chapter Seventy-Nine: Rest is For the Wicked

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Everything was dark, like the sun had disappeared from the sky for eternity. Everything was the same, yet everything was wrong. Very wrong.

The sky then lit up like it was on fire. As if Satan or something of that sort had set fire to the atmosphere. The light however lead me towards home.

My home.

When I entered the house, the world seemed to go back to normal as I witnessed my parents searching frantically through drawers.

What... what are they doing?

I tried to follow them but it was like my mind wouldn't let me. They came out of a darkened hallway, with it holding documents in their hands.

"We have to leave!" My mother said, shoving a duffel bag full of cash.

"We can't afford to take anything with us." My father nodded, both walking straight through me as if I wasn't there.

Because I'm not really there.

As I watched them enter the vehicle and drive away, I was left with one question in my mind.

What the hell is going on?


When I woke the next morning, I couldn't recall if what happened was real, or just simply a figment of my dreams. As soon as I could I told Connor what I saw, hoping he'd be able to decipher it's meaning.

"And you say that the sky was on fire?"

I nodded vigorously, "Yeah! Everything was dark and then the sky was on fire like the atmosphere had caught a flame!"

Connor nodded, his brows furrowing as he thought on the meaning. "You saw your parents. Can you pinpoint what time frame you were seeing them in?"

I thought on this a moment. "I think when I was a teenager. Couldn't have been more than a year before they died."

Connor held his hand out to me, "Can you show me?"

I nodded, interlocking my fingers with his as I allowed him to enter my mind and see the vision.

Sadly, Connor analyzed the dream countless times but could not find a reason for it to have happened.

"Perhaps it was just a nightmare." Connor tried to soothe me the next night.

He's probably right.

The nights after I didn't have the dream, so I assumed that the one was just a fluke.

Boy, was I wrong.

I found myself stuck thinking about the encounter with my parents.

Why were they trying to leave?

Where were they going to go?

These were the thoughts that loomed in my mind as I sat at the kitchen table.

My eyes snapped to Connor when I heard him call for me, his eyes watching me intently. "Sorry, What did you say?"

"You've been zoning out quite frequently as of late." Connor replied, setting the bowl of fruit in front of me. "Perhaps It has to do with getting your emotions back."

I nodded in agreement. "Maybe. I keep thinking about that dream I had."

"The one about your parents?"

I nodded, frowning slightly. "I just... it felt so real. But it couldn't have been, right?"

Connor was silent for a moment as he took his seat next to me. "I am not sure. It could be possible it was a repressed memory."

I sighed, "Maybe you're right... I just wonder what the significance of it all is."

Connor wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. He was silent for a moment. "Maybe..." He paused, clearly trying to choose his words carefully. "Maybe you should stay home a few more days before going back to work."

I pulled away from him, shaking my head. "No! I've been resting for weeks, Connor. I need work."

"But with this vision you've had, I don't know if you're mind is ready to deal with stress."

I shrugged, "It's more stressful for me if I do nothing all day, you know that."

Connor sighed in defeat, "Fine... just tell me if you have any other strange dreams."

"I can't imagine a reason for me not to tell you." I leaned up, pressing my lips to his cheek. "C'mon, cheer up, Connor. You enjoy work as much as I do."

"I prefer knowing you're safe." He replied, kissing my forehead affectionately.

"I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me."

It took Connor a moment before he understood the reference. "That is a vine, correct?"

I grinned, kissing his lips gently. "You are correct!"

Connor shook his head, "I do not understand the point of vines."

"They're just for fun!"

I was silent for a moment as Connor took my plate to the dishwasher, setting it down. I couldn't help but smirk as I noticed the box of juice was empty.

"This bitch empty, yeet!"

Connor sighed deeply, but when I wrapped my arms around his waist, he chuckled.

"See? You love my sense of humour."

A/N: ahhhh so serious then vines lol What is this fandom? Love you all so much thank you for reading! We are a fucking meme. GOING LIVE ON TWITCH IN HALF AN HOUR (11am PST) come join me: @tashaplays1998 ! Posting again for those who didn't wanna read the last smut one and for those who just wanted more story today lol

 GOING LIVE ON TWITCH IN HALF AN HOUR (11am PST) come join me: @tashaplays1998 ! Posting again for those who didn't wanna read the last smut one and for those who just wanted more story today lol

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