(S2) Chapter 20 - ASAP

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"Shouldn't we start with the facts first?" He pouts and crosses his arms.

"I thought you said it was a model? Not a essay about it." You giggle

"You don't want to help anymore?" You tilt your head. "I thought you said that-" he whimpers and sits back up.

"I'm still gonna help you silly, just not with the research stuff. I call doing the model!" He raises his hand into the air.

"Alright well, we would have to go shopping for supplies." You remind him, he checks his phone.

"We still have a couple hours before the craft store closes, let's go!" He grips your hand pulling you off the bed and taking you to the kitchen, making you gasp.

"Wait, Wait really? We are going now?!"

"Yes really, you said this project was due next week." He releases your hand and looks back at you.

"I'm surprised, weren't you always a last minute boy?" You tease him and he raises a eyebrow.

"You're a different case, I can't have the love of my life fail her class right?" A faint red paints your ears at his remark. He chuckles and tucks your hair behind your ear.

"So cute~" you push at his chest and rush towards your purse.

"Hurry up, let's go!" He smiles, his eyes watching your body dance towards the door.

"Wait up!"


"Can we get it?" He coos seeing a small lion stuffie sitting on one of the arts and crafts shelves. His hands crafting its mane, then brushing it softly.

Your heart softens, you walk up to the love struck boy and look at the lion.

It had soft green eyes, soft brown hair with crescent white moons in its pupils. Your eyes wonder towards his expression, his love filled eyes towards the stuffed creature.

"Okay." He smile brightly and snatches it off the shelf, holding it tightly to his chest, his geometric smile giving my heart life.

"I'm gonna call you cubby."

You chuckle and roll your eyes seeing how attached he already was to.. cubby.

"Don't forget me alright? I need attention too." You push your head towards him and pat your cheek, raising one side of your mouth.

He happily kisses your cheek before twirling around spinning the lion with him.

I'm going to have to wonder how many days I have left before I get replaced by a lion at this point.

Your eyes trail away for the boy, turning towards the shelf to search for some plaster and glue.

"Will you hold cubby? I need to use the restroom." He pushes the lion towards you and you nod before placing him carefully in the basket.

"I'll be right back." He kisses your head before heading towards the bathroom.

Once he does so you grab what you need and begin to move to the next aisle, before you hear a voice calling your name.

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