1.18 (Edited)

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*first edit*
Note: This chapter is edited. Old comments may not make sense. Unedited first arc chapters will also be slightly off from the edited ones.
You can find the original, unedited, uncensored version of the first arc now here: @Original1stArcOnly
But for you new readers...I really rather you not read that version, haha. I really feel iffy and self-conscious about it.

There is some mature stuff that happens near the end in this chapter as well. Warning.

When Wang Shuo entered his own homeroom classroom, Fang Jian popped out seemingly from nowhere. A normal person would have been startled, but Wang Shuo wasn't a normal person. He just stared him down.

"How did you know?" Wang Shuo demanded. "And why do you keep talking like you believe you're some immortal?"

Fang Jian knew he should be more careful of what he said around someone who was unaware, but he just didn't care what others had to say about his meddling. It wasn't like they were doing their jobs like they were supposed to, anyways. When the chaos of two powerful brothers spreaded into his own territory, he had to step in to deal with his own end. He was dispatched to seek out the sources of the chaos that was messing with several worlds. It led him to, surprisingly, a human run system full of artificial worlds compiled up of data instead of actual elements. What's more, he found out from some snooping around that a powerful AI had escaped the humans' grasp and got a mind of their own, trying to take control of humans and becoming all powerful in the system by putting everything under its reign. For the very advanced technological world that was the creator of this system, they were sure stupid for putting too much power into the robot. Didn't they know robots were bound to turn on the human race that way? Why even bother creating such a system in the first place? It was like humans decided to one up everyone once again by creating their own universe to show how superior they were. It was a fool's errand trying to act like gods when they were not. At the very least, the humans seemed to finally have destroyed it. Fang Jian did not care too much for the transmigrators stuck, at least not until the human interferences started to get on his nerves as it only added more problems to his list. It would get messy if not only gods from different universes were involved but humans too in the looming chaos that was much more than some AI robot gone wrong.

His sources led him to this world in the system, a replication of Earth in the twenty-first century. He then found out that the reason why he was led there was because the brothers had been dispatched to handle the AI as it created trouble for them and was getting too out of control for the humans to deal with. But somewhere along the way, something had happened to the brothers. What he didn't expect was one of them to be almost powerless and the other completely dead brained. How could two powerful gods be reduced to this because of a human made creation? It seemed like for now, it was up to him to handle everything— and he wasn't even that notable of a god! Too much trust and responsibility was put into his hands, and then he found out ever since this new Sun Hui started acting different, everything has been thrown out of balance! Changes in the plot, the dead brained brother swooning over the human, the human's brother breaking several laws by communicating with a god to seek out a location—it was just too much to handle! And he could not even find the human's brother. The powerless god won't help him—he's too busy being lazy and also trying to pursue a human. What's up with these gods falling in love with humans? At least he was smart enough to befriend Wang Shuo. Though stupid and amnesiac, it was better than dealing with the other fool who didn't seem keen to get along with him anyway. A god with no memories was better than a god with one, he supposed. But he didn't expect him to be so desperate over his human that he would...make him unwillingly exchange spiritual energy. That's how he was able to tell that Wang Shuo had forced Sun Hui, by becoming one they exchange spiritual energy, yet he was able to sense that Sun Hui unwillingly reciprocated plus it was obvious Sun Hui wouldn't have consented so soon anyway considering this was a different Sun Hui who seemed eager to stay away from Wang Shuo just days ago. He wondered if that Li Tai could also sense what his brother did. Just one look at the two and he would also know. Gods were sensitive to these things, after all.

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