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After several attempts, Sun Hui was finally on to something. It was difficult to describe absolutely, but he felt a burning sensation through his entire body that made him feel extraordinarily light on his feet. He wasn't sure if he finally mastered the weird mediation he was being put under or if he was going to pass out from going too far. But the last thing he expected was a power to surge through him and emanate from his body, shaking the entire room with force.

Hou Feng immediately turned around, "Xiao Bo! What's going on?"

Hou Feng's shout interrupted his connection and put still the trembling. Hou Feng rushed towards him to hug him to his chest.

What...did I meditate too hard and accidentally unleashed some of my spiritual energy? Sun Hui thought, lost in his confusion as Hou Feng enveloped him.

"It must have been an earthquake," Xu Shen covered, shrugging. "It's not uncommon. Bo'er has been meditating this entire time."

Sun Hui didn't buy Xu Shen's explanation. It was so smooth a lie and told with an obvious silver tongue. Xu Shen had to have known what really happened. But why was he covering for him?

Sparing a glance at him, Xu Shen looked up at him from hooded eyes and a rather knowing smile on his lips, followed by a subtle wink and a hushing finger upon his lips. When Hou Feng went to address Xu Shen on what he said, he immediately recovered and stood straight as if he didn't share a spoiled secret. As if it was a dream rather than reality.

Curious... Sun Hui thought, squinting. He's up to something.

Sun Hui couldn't help but feel that Zhao Delun acted like Sun Ru and Xu Shen like Li Tai.

He could still remember after all these lifetimes Sun Ru berating him for not taking his cultivation seriously. His brother would tell him how important it was, especially for having an S energy level, to cultivate energy used for the greater good of the government. Being a soldier, Sun Hui supposed his brother would be pro government, but Sun Hui couldn't care less about such things.

Plus, he knew Xu Shen saw what happened. He would even go as far as to say that this was his goal all along. If he wasn't Li Tai, he had to be another transmigrator.

As Hou Feng grabbed Sun Hui, mumbling about Xu Shen not being safe enough when training him, Sun Hui caught sight of Wu Gang snooping around. Or at least, he thought. The shadow moved too quickly to tell between imagination or reality. But Sun Hui made a mental note to still tell Hou Feng his concerns after his husband calmed down from events and his new friends.


Wu Gang managed to slip out unseen by stealing the cell keys from one of the guards in passing during lunch. After unlocking his cell quietly, he moved to the cell that housed the so-called Crusher.

What a stupid name, Wu Gang inwardly sneered as he felt forced to make acquaintances with this guy he wanted nothing to do with.

When he approached the cell, Crusher was luckily still awake late in the night. When he saw the newbie inmate approach his cell, Crusher snarled. "What are you doing here?"

"You know the orders," Wu Gang whispered.

"I didn't want to talk to you earlier in the day, and I still don't," Crusher snapped.

"Why? Don't you want to get revenge on Yang Bo?" Wu Gang suggested.

"Revenge? Why would you want revenge on your 'boyfriend,'" Crusher put his fingers up in air quotes, belting out a low laugh.

"Look. We don't have much time to talk before someone comes and hears us. Yang Bo always messed up the drugs you ordered him to do. Of course he would, as an amateur. I'm the one that does the drugs, not him. Hiring him in exchange for his life was your first mistake considering he messed up almost all his deals," Wu Gang started.

"How do you know this?" Crusher narrowed his eyes.

"I have a source. Plus, boss man may have said a thing or two about you," Wu Gang shrugged. "Look. You tried to kill Yang Bo once you realized later, obviously failed, and now your only piece of weak meat is in the hands of the worst enemy as long as we are in this prison—the warden. Plus, you have extra security for the safety of Yang Bo. Don't you want to—"

"That man is crazy. I may report to him, but I don't like him and don't wish to do business nor worsen my sentence by getting in trouble with the warden that follows Yang Bo now like a guard hound dog," Crusher exclaimed.

"Don't you want to make Yang Bo pay though? The plan is simple, we catch Yang Bo when he is alone, pay off the more corrupted guards to ensure privacy, then take him," Wu Gang said darkly, a sinister and lustful smile on his face. "You know, he was mine first, but if it will make you help, I'll let you have him first."

Crusher just stared at Wu Gang for a long time before lightly shaking his head and chuckling. His eyes glittered evilly and with rage. "You drive a hard bargain. Fine. But this better not be some trap or game the man is playing us. It can't fail. There can be no mistakes. Or the boss won't be the only one you have to worry about on your hide..."

Wu Gang rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, big guy."

With that, Wu Gang quickly slipped back into his cell unseen by any guards and was not caught, or maybe the guards just didn't care enough to halt him.


A man steepled his fingers and place a leg over the other as he leaned forward, plotting and scheming inside his devious and vengeful mind.

I don't expect those two idiots to succeed. Not if my suspicions are correct. Oh well, that's just two useless pawns gotten rid of. Either way, I get what I want and can finally have...

...my revenge.

Second update! This chapter is really short but we are finally having plot now! I know lately I've just been kind of introducing characters and not really getting into an overall plot, but now here we are!
Also, I posted this on my wall, but I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on a pen name I am thinking of? I can't decide. I've been pondering over them for months now, lol. Here are my choices as of now (first names only):
Katherine (one of the names my mom picked out for me) 
•Zachary (if I was a boy, this would have been my name—not sure if I want to have a boy pen name though)
•Anna (my great great grandma's name that I'm slightly named after and a short variation of mine)
•Bella (variation of mine and sounds like a good name for a romance author)
•Hedwig (my Christian confirmation name, a unique name I think would be cool to use)

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