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Sun Hui slammed down his papers, leaning back in his seat. It's been five years since he went to school...or at least it felt like it. Time paradoxes are too complicated to explain.

He was completely exhausted. Sun Hui was only a businessman a few times, but in those worlds he was forced to do work. He never really fully took the time to understand how to do it, he had just moved around like a puppet.

Now, all that Sun Hui wanted to do was fall asleep.

As he was about to close his heavy eyelids, his study room door slammed open, causing him to jerk fully awake. He silently mourned his lost opportunity to sleep.

"Pardon any interruptions, master, but Her Majesty just sent us a new mission," Clyde said, bowing deeply.

Good, I want to meet this female villain, Sun Hui mentally smirked.

Sun Hui stood up and made his way around the desk. He adjusted his tie and walked past Clyde: "What's the mission and what are the leads you found?"

According to his memories, the queen would send a mission with the last time and place of the suspect's whereabouts. Clyde's job was to go to the scene right away and search for more clues to report to Richard about, when they will then work together to sniff out the problem from those said clues.

"Yes, there's been a massacre in the slums not too far from here. The majority of the children and adults there were killed, a big "x" mark over their hearts carefully carved with some kind of sharp object. I'm assuming that it's the killer's signature. I think we're dealing with a serial mass murderer—this won't be the last time the killer does this. It's too strategically planned to do it once. He's after something, but  I don't what it could be with only a few clues."

"Is she there, now?" Sun Hui asked.

"Yes. She arrived just as I left. I believe she never saw me," Clyde mused.

"Good. Take me there," Sun Hui demanded. "I wish to see everything for myself."

"And by that, do you mean bully her again?" Clyde asked, looking slightly amused.

Sun Hui shrugged, putting on a top hat and coat. According to Richard's routine, he dressed himself unlike other nobles. Sun Hui assumed it had to do with the fact that he treated Clyde like shit in general, and thus treated him unworthy of even dressing him.

He grabbed a golden cane leaning against the wall and made his way down to the entrance on the ground floor. Clyde followed him like an obedient dog.

"I wouldn't call it 'bullying,' per se," Sun Hui drawled. "More like...bringing her into reality of who she really is."

Clyde snorted, but didn't say anything more.

Sun Hui opened the carriage door and swung himself inside while Clyde took the reins. Clyde was like his personal swiss army knife: handy for every possible situation there was.

As they rode, Sun Hui couldn't help but wonder where Wang Shuo could be. In the past two worlds, he had been apart of the main plot. Should he go ahead and assume that he was apart of the main plot again? Should he even assume that he was here at all?

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