Chapter Four | First World

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When the door to ChuntaoLing's office shut, leaving only himself and ShuNing in the room, the elder man's shoulders sank. He pinched the bridge of his nose, processing the words from his distraught granddaughter.

ShuNing sat patiently, his hands cupped together on his lap and dried blood coating his pale face. After the wise man instructed for ChuntaoMei to be taken from the office and back to her room, it only left the two of them and their conversation, which from the young man's perspective, was far from over.

After a little wait, ChuntaoLing directed his attention back to the one sitting on the opposite side of his desk. He looked at ShuNing carefully, gaging his reaction, but the phoenix-eyed boy was both silent and expressionless.

"I will make sure ChuntaoMei confesses the truth to Xe Leader, even if he does not wish to hear it." The elder man promised, taking a lot of the weight off ShuNing's slender shoulders. For such a weightless person, he carried many hardships.

"I appreciate that."

Again, the room lapsed into silence.

"You have achieved what you came here for, but do you want to take revenge yourself, on XiaoMei?" Even though the leader of this small estate was deeply disappointed in his family member, he still wouldn't throw her to the dogs. Any punishment would be bestowed on her by the elder himself.

"No, I doubt I would benefit anything from that." ShuNing raised his now-steady hand to his mouth, more specifically to the cut on the side. It still stung, even though scabbing. After a brief pause, he fixed his gaze onto the silver-haired man and gave a small smile. "Besides, I want to have a good relationship with you."

One of ChuntaoLing's long brows raised in response, "Ah, I see. That's surprisingly upfront."

"En. I'll never beat around the bush, Master Chuntao, especially when it comes to something I'm sure we'll have in common." The innocent smile ShuNing presented the elder man with was far from what he was insinuating.

"Beat..around the bush?" The brow that was once raised, was swiftly brought down and scrunched as he echoed the youth's unfamiliar saying.

"Straightforward, honest." ShuNing patiently stated.

"And what is it we have in common?" ChuntaoLing leant forwards, placing both his forearms on the desk, clasping his hands together as he fixed the interesting young man with his pointed stare. Having only made his opinion on ShuNing based on the information that was gathered for him, there was nothing remotely impressive- but he seemed different now. ChuntaoLing had met various dogs that had been repeatedly kicked, only to form a sharp bite in retaliation. Perhaps, ElderLing thought, since ShuNing was still so young, he could be moulded.

"I can't say that I'm much of a gambling man, but I would bet that you have a stronger hate for Xe Wife and her husband now, after this ordeal, than you did before." ShuNing slightly cocked his head, watching the man's face remain neutral.

"A smart bet, albeit a little predictable." As expected from the take-no-shit Elder Ling.

Releasing a sigh, ShuNing glanced to the open window behind the other man and noticed the distant brightening of the sky. He had to wrap this up, but not before he got what he came here for.

"I have no intention of dying anytime soon, which is highly unpredictable given my shining reputation. Especially now that the fog is clearing and the horizon is clear. Although my plans aren't set in stone, one things absolute, and that is their downfall. I would be a fool, though, to think I could accomplish this on my own. I believe a strong yet discrete backing will help my chances."

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