Chapter Twenty-Three | First World

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"Do you think an alliance with the Wang Sect isn't wise?" ShuNing found himself tentatively asking as both men sat in the carriage, making the long journey back to Xe.

Initially, he found the silence between them easy to bare, since there wasn't much to talk about and ShuNing believed, that on this occasion, he was right. But the doubts continued to niggle, and he soon couldn't stand it any longer.

ZhangFeng remained close-lipped, having fallen into this strange stroppy mood ever since they left the private auction a few hours prior. ShuNing truly didn't know how to act around the man, who appeared quite happy to ignore him. This was the first time that the raven-haired man had purposefully chosen to act as if he didn't exist.

Seeing how the man didn't appear like he was going to respond, ShuNing sighed to himself, mulling over a few things before trying again. He shifted to the edge of his seat and courageously reached for one of Zhang Feng's hands.

As the man was pinning all of his attention on his book, he didn't see this action and was slightly taken aback by the sudden touch.

ShuNing cupped his hands around the man's larger one, his fingertips lightly pressing on the back of ZhangFeng's hand; on the bare skin that ShuNing even found daring to touch.

"I'm sorry for keeping you out of the loop," he confessed, reaching for the words that seemed too far away. ", but even you know it would be impossible for me to accomplish my goals for our clan if I do this on my own."

"Who says you were alone?" ZhangFeng instantly snapped back, taking ShuNing by genuine surprise as his hands jolted. The man's face, now ridden of the mask, appeared far from amused.

The comment completely threw ShuNing, who had still been in debate on whether or not ZhangFeng was actually someone he could consider an ally. As he had often deliberated, the man truly did dislike XeClan, and seemingly had no qualms with ShuNing taking action to change it, but, ShuNing felt anxious. He still knew very little about his companion, much less why he has this clear vendetta. Because what if ZhangFeng hated XeClan in its entirety, including the bloodline? Which, whether he wished to admit it or not- meant ShuNing too.

Lost in thought, ShuNing began to recoil, his hands trailing after him.

"I want an answer." The man added, his finger being used as a bookmark whilst he locked ShuNing in an inescapable stare.

ShuNing nibbled his bottom lip, clenching his robe between his fingers. "You told me not to trust anyone, how can that not extend to you? I am grateful for everything you have done, but I know nothing more about you than I did before we left Xe. We met so suddenly and then have been thrust together, travelling somewhere where I have no other choice but to rely on you, to go. For all I know you could.." No..ShuNing stopped himself. He was emotional, he didn't wish to blame anything on ZhangFeng, nor implicate him.

"I could what? Be the one who poisoned those children?"

ShuNing shook his head, his eyes feeling heavy as his nose also tingled. "No, I didn't mean-"

ZhangFeng raised a hand, silencing him. "As that was so quick to come to mind, then clearly the thought's been there for a while." That's not it, ShuNing wanted to say. Though he had questioned many things about ZhangFeng, he had never thought about him having something to do with he poisoned children. But there were too many words, too many thoughts, and his brain scrambled.

"Has it ever crossed your mind, Shu Ning, that I may be thinking something similar?"

"What?" ShuNing blurted

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