BSM Gone

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You've just come home from work and you sit on the sofa next to your brother you're glad that he's back because you haven't seen him in over a year.

Namjoon: hey sis can senior well how's life

You: it's been all good I got promoted in my job and we had a party so sad that you couldn't go I've missed you so much have you been

Namjoon: just been hanging out with grandmother and grandfather they miss you I just thought to Dave you want some company.

You: yeah I did miss you a lot I'm so glad that you come today

Namjoon: well I'm glad that I spoke to you I don't know when's the next time I'm going to speak to you again but I love you I'll talk to you soon.

You: I love you too

Namjoon stand-up walks away and disappears into the wall.

When he disappears in that moment you realise that your brother Namjoon is dead and you just spoke to a ghost. "Why did you have to die why couldn't it just be me" you say and decide to go to bed to sleep off what just happened.

sorry this is so short but I hope you enjoyed it it was based on a book that I read a couple of months ago called girls nightmares second to Anna dressed in blood.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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