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I drop my boxes to the side of the dorm and grab my keys to unlock the door. I grab the hand to find out it's already unlocked. I swing open the door and take a step in to find the place bigger than expected. Immediately to the right was a closet with 2 sides, the side closest to the door was stuffed with clothes already. Then to the left was a sink and toilet... then a door. I walk down the 2 step hallway and into the room. The first thing I see is a decently large window with the view of the university. I look to my left to see a high, and oddly uncomfortable looking bed, empty. Across it was a desk against the wall overlooking the window. I look to my right to see the same bed, but made, along with the same desk with a bunch of stuff on it. There were boxes on that bed. So that's my roommates side, she's already moved in. Hopefully she's not like a psychopath... you know. I take a couple more steps in the look at the whole room. It was big, kind of empty at the moment but I can fix that when I bring my stuff in. There was room on the sides of the bed which made the place look bigger than really expected.

I head out grabbing the 2 boxes I was able to bring up. I shut the door with my foot and put my boxes on my high bed. Why was this bed so high up. I shrug. I had like 2 more boxes to bring up from my car. I look around and sigh. The colour of the room was all white. I go back to the door grabbing my keys on the way out and see people all heading into their own rooms. My eye's travel the halls when they land on a pair of emerald green eye's staring at me. I take in the guy standing across the hall in front of the door of what I'd assume was his dorm. His brown hair was pushed back and his head was slightly tilted with the slightest grin on his greatly proportioned lips. He was hot... like... gorgeous. A fucking daddy if I ever saw one. Holy, why was he looking at me? I raise an eyebrow at the unknown guy standing just a couple feet away.

  "Hi" he smiles his voice deep and just as hot as his fucking face. I look around like he wasn't talking to me, because that'd be absurd.
  "Um, hi" I replied.
  "So, you must be our neighbour" he says.
  "And you must be ours" I stated like it was the most obvious thing.
  "Yeah" his smile grows wider. "My names Isaac" he takes a step forward putting a hand out to shake mine. His arm was muscular, with tattoos scattered across it. Choke me? I hold back a laugh at my sick mind.
  "Liv" I reply shaking his hand. He steps back again.
  "Dude, I set up the TV already" a kind of familiar voice said and walks out behind Isaac. Isaac turns to look making his jawline look like it could cut grass. My eye's travel to his roommate, and my heart drops.
My lips part, fuck. I feel a whole heat travel over me and I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack right here and now. His light brown hair made perfectly like always, his blue eye's travel to look over to me and they widen and he seemed shocked to see me here? That's impossible.

  "Liv" he says taking a step forward. I was frozen. It's like every word I've ever known, has disappeared. I bite my lip feeling every single emotion crash over me again, I turn around and walk into my dorm closing the door.
Why the fuck was he here? Alex, my ex.
This is why he broke up with me. That "long distance" bullshit. I knew it was an excuse. So he didn't have to stay loyal to me and go be able to hookup and party with girls. Typical guy right? But he lied. He said he didn't get accepted. What the fuck!? I lean against the wall. The door opens and in walks my roommate I guess. She had big hazel-isn green eyes and brown hair a tad bit darker than mine.

  "Hi!" She chirps with a wide grin an putting her hand out.
  "Hey," I said shaking her hand and calming myself down about Alex.
  "I'm Rachael!" She introduces.
  "Liv," I reply. She walks into the room fully.
  "I got here pretty early and picked this bed. Hope you don't mind," she says.
  "No, that's okay," I shrug pushing myself off of the wall. She seemed nice so far.
  "So roomie. Have you seen some of the guys around here?" She asks sitting on her bed.
  "Yeah... they're hot as fuck," I nod. "You should see one of our neighbours."
  "I already like you," she smiles and I laugh.
  "Thanks. I'll be back. I need to grab my other boxes," I tell her.
  "Need any help?" She asks.
  "No thanks, I only have like 2 boxes," I shake my head she nods and I head out.

I walk into the elevator pressing the first floor.
  "Hold the door!" Someone yells and I put my hand out for it to open again. I immediately regret it once I see it was Alex. He looks at me.
  "Thanks" he grins I don't say anything. "Can we talk?" He asked.
  "I have nothing to say to you" I muttered, that was a complete lie I had so much to say to him. I was just staring at the numbers as they go down to the first floor. But we stop at another floor picking someone up. Can we just hurry this up.
  "Please Liv," He says a little quieter so the person who just came in doesn't hear. "Come on" he said like he knew I was gonna give in. I wanted to punch him in his decently looking face.
  "Leave me alone," I tell him looking back as we near the first floor.
  "I want to explain," he mutters.
  "I don't give a fuck, I'm not asking for you to explain so leave me alone me alone," the elevator dings and we all exit. I hear his footsteps follow me out.
  "Listen to me Liv," he says. I get to my car turning around he stops.
  "Fuck off."
  "I need to explain," he says.
  "Why!? So you can feel better?" I asked he sighs giving me a look. "Seriously Alex. I don't give a fuck. Leave," I tell him. Oh I gave a fuck. A big one. I just really didn't want to talk to him, but I did want to know why the fuck he's here.
  "Liv. Please just listen," he sighs. I turn opening my car door. I don't say anything. "I'll take that as in I can talk.." he sighs. "So... clearly I got accepted here," he starts and I roll my eyes. "I wanted to go to ASU. But this was a last minute option," he tells me. "And I used that as an excuse to break up with you, I didn't know how else to do it."
  "You just say I don't want to be with you anymore. Not tell me that it's all because of 'long distance' and 'maybe later' or some shit, you're a fucking asshole," I tell him.
  "I didn't want to be rude. And if I'd known you were right across for me..." he stops talking and I bite my lip sucking in a deep breath.
  "I fucking hate you," I tell him.
  "Don't say that," he says.
  "Excuse me!?" I asked he sighs.
  "Look. I'm sorry, can we get over it?" He asks.
  "No. Fuck you. Seriously," I tell him.
  "I'm trying to clear the air," he says. "You can't blame me for not wanting to date you while I'm moving on to the next chapter in my life," he says.
I will not let him know that he's effecting me like this right now. So I stay quiet for a minute.
  "You're pathetic. The only way you could break up with me is to tell me you didn't get accepted here... then to decide you're gonna come here. Act like you weren't gonna see me... then proceed to say I can't blame you for this. Grow the fuck up, and I hope your next fucking chapter is amazing Alex," I tell him grabbing my suitcase and two boxes. I stack the boxes to lean on the suitcase.
  "I can help you," he tells me and I lock my door.
  "Oh... this might be surprising to you. But I don't need you, or your help" I tell him. "So just... fuck off."
I start walking back to the elevator. I was surprised I handled that without getting too aggressive and smacking his annoying ass face.
When I get into the elevator I let out the biggest sigh. I'm so pissed. I wanted to punch a fucking wall.
  "Why!!" I groan out loud. "Why fucking me!!"
Whatever. I can thrive without him, he's a childish piece of shit.

I stumbled out of the elevator my boxes keep falling off my suitcase and it was a pain. When I step out, they both fall off and to the ground. I sigh.
  "Here let me help," a deep voice says picking up the two boxes. I look up to see... Alex's roommate. The fucking hot one. Nice. His muscle bulges as he holds the boxes. "You again," he grins. Please don't fucking talk to me. You're too hot.
Like seriously... throw these boxes at my head dad.
  "Yeah. Thanks, you can just put them on top of my suitcase," I tell him probably as red as a tomato because all my boxes just dropped in front of him. I probably look like a wreck.
  "I can take them to your room for you," he shrugs and starts walking without me saying anything. He opens the door and goes in. "Where do you want them?"
  "Just on that bed," I point out and he puts them in for me.
Rachael was staring at us with wide eyes.
  "Thanks," I said. "I'm a klutz so..." I mutter rolling my eyes at myself.

I was never weird, I'm actually a very social person. His looks are intimidating me. He chuckles and Rachael was just staring.
  "Anyway... thanks," I say again.
  "Yeah... no problem," he nods. "I'm Isaac by the way," he tells Rachael shaking her hand she smiles.
  "Rachael," she says he nods. He looks at me.
  "See you later," he said.
  "Yup. You live right across from us so..." I reply and he smiles.
  "Right. Bye," he says.
  "Bye," I mumble and he leaves. Rachael stares at me.
  "Damn Liv. You already know how to get the boys to do things for you," she grins and I laugh. "He's gorgeous."
  "Right? Like a full daddy," I mumble and she laughs.
  "We are so gonna be best friends!!" She says and I laugh a bit. "What does his roommate look like?"
  "My ex boyfriend," I tell her and she looks at me confused.
  "That must be annoying if he looks like him," she mutters and I hop up onto my bed opening a box.
  "No, it is him" I tell her and her eyes widen.
  "Dude!! Tell me everything" she demands moving to the edge of her bed eagerly.

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