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I walk out of my class terrified of how that turned out. Even though I was done this semester, I didn't feel happy, I was horrified because I know factually that exam didn't go the way I wanted it to.I pull out my phone to text Isaac to see if he was free.Today would be my last day here for break. I was gonna leave tomorrow because it was already the 16th and I wanted to hang out with Isaac to get my fill of him before I don't see him for 2 weeks.

ME: what's up

ME: you busy?

ISAAC: How did your exam go!?

ME: horribleME: but I guess that's life. Did you want coffee?

ISAAC: Yes, pleaseISAAC: my dorms empty and waiting for you

I laugh at his dumbness. He was a serious fool, but one I was really falling for.

ME: okay, I'll be there in 10!

I put my phone away and head to the cafe to get us coffee. Last time I see this coffee, and I couldn't wait to get home and go to the local cafe I used to go to with Ella all the time.When I got to the dorms I went to Isaac's and just walked in.

"Heyo!" I said walking in and Isaac was on his bed with his laptop on his lap. "Hey!" He smiles when he sees me. "Here you go," I pass him his coffee. "Thanks," he says. "So tell me..." he adds while I get up onto his bed. "It's was oddly difficult," I mutter. "As long as I get over 50 I'll be fine," I state and he laughs. "We should've studied!" He tells me and I laugh. "Too late." "And I completely don't regret it. I don't mind being the reason you fail either," he adds. "Who said I was gonna fail!?" I laugh and he laughs too. "If you do," he shrugs. "You're my boyfriend... you should believe in me!" I say. "I do..." he nods. "But... I also believe that it's possible you could've done bad." "I hate you," I shake my head and he laughs. "I'm kidding you're amazing," he states and I wave him off. He shuts his laptop pushing it off of him. "I think I did fail though," I tell him and he shrugs. "I think I failed my chemistry exam," he sighs. "Hopefully I got passing." "Probably did," I state and turn putting my legs over his lap. "So... I'm heading horn tomorrow," I tell him and he looks at me. "Tomorrow!?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah, I'm done my exams and since I'm gonna spend half a day driving, I might as well do it right away," I shrug he nods. "When are you going?" I ask. "My last exams tomorrow," he replies. "So... the day after that probably," he says. "You excited to go home!?" He puts his hand down on my leg and plays with my sweatpants. "Yes," I nod. "I can't wish to see my dog," I grin. "You better send me pictures," he smiles. "I'll be spamming you," I nod. "So... you're not happy to be seeing your family!?" He laughs. "Just your dog?" "Yeah... just my dog," I joke. "No, I can't wait to see my mom," I nod. "My dad too, but mostly my mom." "Moms are the best," he agrees. "Woman are the superior species," I grin and he does too. "I agree," he says making me like him even more. "You better call me all the time," he says. "I'm sure I won't even have to, you always end up calling me," I say and he laughs and I put my coffee down on his side table. "Yeah... I'm obsessed with you," he nods. "I'm gonna be cheesy for a second babe," he says and pulls me up onto his lap. "Oh god," I grin. "I'm gonna miss you," he says. "It's 2 weeks," I say. "2 weeks too long," he remarks and it just made me feel good. I actually liked it when he was cheesy with me. "You're gonna be calling me all the time it'll be like I'm with you," I said and peck his lips. "Yeah," he sighs and I see him look past me and his smile drops slightly like he was thinking of something. I watch him for a minute before saying anything. "You okay!?" I ask and he looks at me. "Yeah," he nods. "I was just thinking," he shrugs. "About what?" I ask and he looks down in between us. He grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. "Just my mom," he says. "How much fun you guys are gonna have!?" I grin trying to cheer him and he lets out an airy laugh, but it was short."Yeah," he mumbles."Look, babe," I say. "When you get there you just gotta spend time with her," I tell him. "She's gonna be fine," I said."I know, I'm just worried, she never tells me how she is because she's doesn't want me to be worried, but it freaks me out more," he admits."She's gonna be fine," I tell him. "Am I ever wrong!?" I grin and he looks at me with a slight grin."Sometimes," he nods."Oh, that's not true!" I exclaim and he laughs."Thank you," he says."For what!?" I question."Making me feel better," he sighs leaning his head back on the wall. "For just being yourself honestly."I smile and lean in to kiss him. It was a short kiss, but it was still nice. He wraps his arm around me pulling me close to him and I lay my head in his chest.

"I was thinking of dying my hair back to dark," I change the subject. "Since it's pretty much very light pink, blonde," I state."Not another crazy colour?" He asks."Not right now," I say. "I was thinking black this time.""Do it. I'm sure you'll look great with it," he says. "You couldn't dye your hair any colour and you'll still look good," he adds and I laugh."Nope, I'm not liking this blonde that's coming out," I sit up to look at him."Why not!?" He asks. "I think you look good.""You're saying that cause you're my boyfriend," I say."No, I'm saying that because I genuinely think you can look good in anything," he says. "But you should do black, I think that'll look hot." "I've never gone black, darkish brown was my natural hair... what if I look like a witch?" I laugh and he shakes his head laughing. "I don't think so," he says. "Just do it." "I gotta do it before I go home so my mom doesn't complain about this," I point to my head. "We can do it today," he says and I nod. "Let's just cuddle a little more though," he pulls me down on his chest again and I laugh. "I hate the word cuddle," I admit. "It sounds so weird." "Do you prefer snuggle!?" He laughs. "Ew no," I said. "I prefer you to not say anything," I replied putting my arms around his waist. He falls to the side and I laugh. "Can I just take you home with me?" He sighs. "Next time," I said.


I get out of the shower the mirror all fogged up. I wipe it with my hand to see my now dark hair. Me and Isaac went to Sally's and got a black hair dye and I did it since it was so light it was super easy. So far, it looked nice. I wrap my towel around me and head out of the bathroom.

"Rach? Isaac? Are you both in here!?" I ask. "Yes," they both reply and I walk into the middle of the room. "What do you think of my hair!?" I grin looking at both of them. "It's dark!" Rachael grins. "And you look sexy." "I agree," Isaac nods. "It's darker than your usual hair," Rachael remarks and I nod. "I got black," I say. "Damn, how do you look good with everything!?" She groans. "I'm jealous!" "You shouldn't be," I state and grab clothes from the closet and head back into the bathroom.I change into some shorts and a tank top. I put my glasses on and head back out. "It's hotter than the red," Isaac says when I sit down in the bed with him. "Really?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah, Isaac looks like he's gonna get a boner," Rachael laughs. "Yeah, that's true. Can you leave Rachael?" He replies and I laugh. "Fuck off," she says. "When are you leaving?" She asks him. "In 2 days," he says. "I won't bother you, don't worry," he tells her. "Good!" "You guys are both annoying," I laugh. "No, we're not," they both reply. "Who wants to get In n Out?" Rachael asks. "Is that all you eat?" I laugh. "Yes, I don't have a healthy diet," she says. "Come on, it's our last day before you leave me for weeks!" She says dramatically. "I'm gonna be seeing you again," I tell her. "In a long time." "In a little more than 2 weeks," I laugh. "You've become my new best friend, so it's gonna be hard," she sighs. "You'll live." "Now let's go," she gets off her bed. "Up!" She motions. "Isaac, feel free... I'm not obsessed with the idea though." "I'm fine," he says. "I was going to say bye to Dylan," he says. "So fuck off Rachael." "Great, we're going!" She says. "Liv put a hat on so you don't get a cold," Isaac tells me and I laugh. "Okay mom," I say as he gets off my bed. I grab my sweat putting it on and then put on my beanie. "Just saying," he shrugs. "I'll text you after," I tell him and he kisses me. "Yeah," he nods. "Have fun."
He leaves the room and I slip on my shoes. "Let's go," I grab my bag. "Okay," she says and we leave our dorm.

We walk to the elevator silently until Rachael speaks. "Do you notice the way Isaac looks at you?" She asks as we walk into the elevator. I look at her. "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean. That guy is falling for you hard," she grins. "So, we're dating," I laugh. "No, he like loves you," she says. "It's only been 2 months... less. Can you love someone that fast?" I ask. "Yes," she nods. "Some people are different." "I don't know, he probably just really likes," I shrug. "No," she shakes her head. "You don't notice it... but me as an outsider, he looks at you like you're everything." "So what." "You're so clueless!" She groans. "No, I'm not, I'm realistic. We're dating, it's normal for him to look at me like he likes me, cause he does," I say. "I'm telling you Liv, it's more than like," she says. "Way more!" "Whatever," I laugh. "He may be annoying... but you guys are good together," she sighs. "Why do you guys hate each other?" I laugh and we walk out of the elevator. "It's not hate," she laughs. "It's just a bicker. He can be kind of annoying."

We get into In n Out and... as usual it was busy as fuck. So we stood in line... the long ass line. "So... how's the Noah such been going?" "Oh god," she mumbles. "I almost convinced myself to forget," she says. "You're not gonna do anything about it?" "Not right now," she mumbles. "I don't think he likes me." "Have you cut off Scott?" I ask. "I mean... yes, and no," she laughs. "Oh god, Rach!" I laugh. "It'll be rude when you and Noah get together and he's just left in the dust!" "It's not as often. I'll tell him," she sighs. "Plus he's gone for the winter." "Well, quit that, and then go after Noah. Cause I'm here for that," I grin. "Give me time." "You're pulling a me. Look what happened after I actually went for Isaac!" I said. "But you knew that he liked you." "And I can figure out if Noah likes you!" I reply. "Don't try anything," she points her finger at me. "I swear if you do I'll cut your beautiful black hair!" "No!" I laugh and she laughs too. "That would be even hard for me to do, and it's not my hair," she says. "Exactly."


I jump onto Isaac, who was laying on his bed. He made the literal sound of oof. "Hey," he laughs. "I didn't even hear you come in."He puts his phone down and I grin pecking his lips. "Yeah, I'm a secret ninja," I say and he chuckles. "It's not a secret anymore," he says. "You're not allowed to tell anyone else," I said. "I'm honoured that I'm the person you told," he puts his arms around my back and I lean my chin on his chest. "You should be. It's supposed to be top secret," I say and he laughs. "I won't tell," he says. "Although, a lot makes sense now."I laugh at how dumb we are. "We're idiots," I state. "I was thinking the same thing," He grins. "Are you staying in here with me tonight?" He asks. "Alex isn't coming back?" I ask. "He left," he says. "Oh, then yeah," I nod. "Good," He kisses me.I move closer to him and cup his face. He runs his hand up my back, slightly under my shirt. After what Rachael said to me today, it got me thinking. I hope he knows I feel the same. I don't think I love him yet. It's just not that easy for me to fall for someone. "Should we have a slumber party?" I pull away and he laughs. "Sure," he nods. "But... we need snacks," he says. "And pyjama's," I add. "Yeah," he nods. "Let's go get that, then we can come back and have a pillow fight," he laughs. I sit up. "Shut up," I say. "Make me," he grins and pulls me down kissing me again.Kissing him was like I was in a dream. He had the softest, compelling lips. I swear I could kiss him all day. One thing I was really gonna miss when I'm home.

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