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I woke up in a weird mood. I had classes today of course, and it was early, and things were still unresolved with Isaac.
We fought last night, then nothing else. He didn't text me, I didn't text him. It was still fresh, and I was pissed off.
Rachael was dead asleep on her bed, snoring loudly. I go to the closet and grab some leggings and a sweater shirt. I brush my teeth, fix my hair and change.
I leave quickly because I wanted coffee. At least that might lighten my mood in the slightest.

I walk into the elevator and then Alex jogs in quickly before it closed.
  "Morning," he says.
  "Morning," I mumble.
I was looking down at my shoes, my black vans that I always wore.
  "You good?" He asks and I look over to him.
  "Yeah, just an early morning," I shrug and he nods.
  "Just asking cause... Isaac wasn't in a good mood last night or this morning," he says and I nod.
We both walk out of the elevator.
  "Did you guys fight?" He asks and I look at him. Why did he care!? "Sorry... none of my business," he adds.
  "It's fine," I say. "But yeah..." I shrug again.
  "Right," he nods. "That sucks."
  "It's fine," I say. "Such is life," I add and he chuckles.
  "True," he nods again. "You going out on Friday?" He asks.
  "I don't know," I shake my head.
  "Just saying cause I know that Jessie girl is having a party," he says and I nod.
  "Yeah, Rachael invited me. Just haven't really decided," I say.
Tomorrow was Friday. This week was going by so fast.
  "Okay, well I'll probably be there. So see you maybe?" He asks.
  "Maybe," I nod.
"I know that Isaac said he'll probably come," he adds and I nod again.
"Okay," I mumble. "See you later," I turn and walk off.
Of course, he's going to the party. He's being a typical guy, you get into a fight with your girlfriend and you're gonna blow off steam by drinking.

I walk into the cafe and order myself a coffee. I was just so confused. This is our first fight, he's being weird.
I grab my coffee and turn to leave when I see Jude.
"Jude," I walk over to him and he turns to me.
"Oh hey!" He grins. "What's up?"
"I was just grabbing coffee," I point out and he nods. "You going to class?"
"Yeah, it starts in 20 minutes," he nods. "You good? You're frowning," he pokes my cheek and I wave him off.
"Yeah, it's just Isaac," I mutter and we start walking down the campus.
"What happened?" He asks.
"We got into a fight," I reply.
"Oh, what about?"
"Me caring too much," I sigh.
"What?" He laughs and I nod. "What does that mean?"
"You know, I have my inklings," I start and he nods. "So, I asked how he was and he got annoyed because I ask often," I tell him. "But it's because I know he's not telling me if he is actually okay when I know he isn't. So he was pissed off that I don't trust that he's "okay" and he told me to leave it alone," I scoff. "So he's pissed off that I care too much I guess. You know what he had the audacity to say to me!" I said.
"I'm scared," he says.
"He goes "I don't know if you're trying to fix me like I'm broken, but I'm not," Ugh!" I tell him. "Is that not disrespectful!?" I ask.
"That's so rude," he says and I nod.
"So that pissed me off, and we haven't spoken since last night," I said. "I'm pissed, and he has no right to be pissed at me for actually being a nice person!" I add. "Does he?" I look at him.
"No," he shakes his head. "He really doesn't. You're just being nice and he's probably just weird because he's a guy, guys get weird when it comes to their feelings, at least some of them do," he says and I nod.
"That's what I thought it was," I mutter.
"Do you think he'll maybe come talk to you later?" He asks.
"I don't know," I sigh. "I'm pissed though. So if he tries to make an excuse I'll punch him in the throat."
He laughs and I give him a look. "I'm serious."
"I know you are," he nods. "Maybe just see what he does. You shouldn't apologize for caring," he says.
"I know," I nod. "I just don't understand. And now he's going out tomorrow," I say. "And he told me he didn't know if he wanted to go," I mumble. "Are you going?"
"I don't know," he shrugs. "Maybe, I know a friend asked me to go. Are you?"
"I don't know, probably not because...." I drift. "I don't know, just don't want to go."
"Fair," he nods. "Well, I'm gonna get to class, talk later?" He asks.
"Yeah, bye."
"Bye!" He says and walks off.
I sigh and walk toward my own class.


I was walking back to the dorms after school when I saw Isaac with Dylan and some other guys. I was far away, so I walked slow and saw him laughing at something.
It was kind of a punch to the gut because we were fighting and he was laughing with his friends like he was having the greatest time. Would he even come talk to me? Like I'm too petty to make the first move, plus he's in the wrong here.

"Hey, sexy!" Rachael startles me and I jump a little.
"Holy shit," I hold my chest and she laughs. "You scared me."
"I can tell," she nods. "What're you doing just standing here? Are you don't classes?"
"Yeah, I was just going to the dorms," I nod and start walking with her.
"So you're coming tomorrow right?" She asks.
"I don't think so," I shake my head.
"What!?" She asks her eyebrows furrowing. "Why not?"
"I'm just not in the mood for another party. I've been to so many," I say. "I'm gonna pass on this one. Maybe next time."
"Liv," she groans.
"C'mon Rach, let me stay in. I go out all the time with you," I said. She sighs loudly.
"Fine," she nods. "But I'm holding it against you for saying next time," she says and I nod.
"Okay," I say.
"Are you good?" She asks. "Something wrong? I saw Isaac over there, but you like didn't go over to him," she laughs. "He looks good today."
"Yeah," I mumble. "I'm good," I said and she nods.
"So, can you help me pick out my outfit tomorrow?" She asks.
"Yeah of course," I nod.
"I wanna look super hot," she says. "Noah's gonna be driving me," she adds and I smile lightening up my mood. If Isaac can be happy, so can I.
"Ooh! Then we gotta make sure you look your hottest!" I remark and she smiles.

We get back to our dorm and I get into bed right away. I look at my phone and I didn't have any notifications. Nothing from Isaac. That wasn't surprising.
"So are you and Isaac staying in together?" Rachael asks changing into some sweatpants.
"No," I shake my head. "I think he might be going."
"Really?" She gives me a confused look and ties her hair up into a messy bun. "Why? If you're not going."
"Eh," I turn to look at the ceiling. "We're fighting right now," I admit.
"What!? Why didn't you tell me that right away!?" She exclaims. "What happened?"
"It's nothing," I say.
"Tell me! Whose fault was it?" She asks.
"His," I scoff. "Who's else?"
"Well tell me then! You're mad at him, I'm mad at him!" She says.
So I did, I told her what happened.

"Rude," she says. "And he hasn't written to you at all?"
"No," I shake my head. "I don't get why he was so annoyed," I shrug.
"He's a guy," she rolls her eyes.
  "I hate them all," I sigh and she laughs.
  "You sound like me when my crush doesn't like me back," she says and I laugh.
  "Do you think he's just not gonna write to me today? Or does he expect me to write to him?" I question. "I'm confused, I'm not about those relationship games, he should apologize like a normal person!" I groan.
  "You love him don't you?" She asks and I turn to her.
  "What?" I ask. "Because I'm worried? Isn't that normal."
  "Not because of that," she laughs. "Because I can tell that you love him," she says and I sigh not saying anything. "Are you scared?"
  "I don't know," I mumble.
Love is such a big word, and I don't want to just throw it around, and get hurt again. It sucks.
  "Well, I think he loves you too if that counts for anything," she shrugs.
  "He told me he was falling in love with me," I remark.
  "Then there!"
  "He was drunk, and... I don't know," I sigh.
  "You'll figure it out Liv," she tells me. "Now what we need to figure out..." she says and I look over to her. "What we're gonna get to eat cause I'm hungry."
  "Same," I laugh. "What are you feeling? Cause I don't know."
  "Anything, I just need to EAT!" She says and I laugh again. "Maybe then we can brainstorm ideas on how to hurt Isaac because he's an asshole!" She adds.
  "Good idea! Let's go find some food," I nod. I get off my bed, just now realizing how hungry I was too.

We ended up leaving the dorm and getting some In n Out, cause you can't go wrong with that!

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