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Isaac's hands were on my hips while mine were running through his hair as we made out. We were in my room and it was Thursday after our classes. The pass couple of says have been just... nonstop flirting, and making out. It's still the dating stage. We haven't been like this is my boyfriend or girlfriend, it was still early. This was great anyway.
He trails his hand up my back and pulls me closer.
It was getting to the point even though it's still very early, where I want to rip his clothes off. I never had that urge right away with Alex... barely. I never even thought another losing my virginity to him. Which just clicked. I'm over here ready to let Isaac just... go for it. But I wasn't going to. Obviously.

"Guys!!" I hear Rachael's voice and we both pull away. "Come on. This is a two person room!"
I get off of Isaac and laugh.
"We didn't know you were gonna be back," I run my hand through my hair fixing it.
"Well I am. So get a room," she drops her bag on her bed.
"We're in one," Isaac states.
"Fuck off," she says. "You guys are cute and all... but ugh," She says.
Yeah now she knows, I had to let her know and she's just as happy as I am.
"Or next time, put a sock or a scrunchy on the door for me to know," she says.
"We were just kissing. It's not like you caught us naked," I say.
"Close enough. I've seen you guys stare at each other. It's pretty much the same thing as you being naked," she tells us and Isaac laughs.
  "Shut up," I said. "It's almost Halloween," I state. "What are you going as Rach?"
  "I still don't know. I'll probably just go as a whore," she says and I laugh.
  "You don't need to dress up," I say and she laughs but flips me off.
"But for real, I was thinking maybe a hot gypsy, or pirate," she says.
"Okay," I laugh.
"What?" She asks. "Is there something wrong?"
"No," I say.
"I know, not original at all. But I wanna look good, but also cool," she says. "What are you doing?"
"I think I'm gonna do Lava Girl or Spider-Man," I say.
"Your bod would look amazing in a Spider-Man costume," Rachael smirks.
"I don't care about my body," I state. "I'm just gonna get both costumes off of amazon and pick one," I add.
"Good idea," she nods. I look at Isaac.
"What are you gonna be?" I ask.
"Me?" He asks and I nod. "I don't know," he shrugs and then grins. "Never mind I do. But I'm not telling you what it is," he says.
"What!? Why?" I ask.
"That's not an answer," I mutter. "Is it funny?"
"Yeah. Anyone who's smart should think it's funny," he nods.
"I wanna know!" I said.
"No," is all he says.
"You're annoying," I state.
"I agree," Rachael adds.
"You'll see it on Saturday," he says. His phone buzzes and he grabs it.
"Liv. We have to hurry and figure out my costume and get yours!" Rachael says. "Help me!!"
"Okay," I laugh.
"I gotta go," Isaac says. "Dylan wants to hang out. I'll see you later?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah," I add. He pecks my lips.
"Bye Rachael," he says.
"Byeee," She says and he leaves. "Love you guys together, but I don't wanna watch you two about to smash," She says and I laugh.
"Yeah I get it," I nod.
"Besides that. Help me pick a costume!" She says. "Cause I do not know what to do! I wanna be sexy."
"Okay, well there's a lot of options for you," I state. "Just being s pirate is very basic and not that cool," I add.
"Yeah Whatever!" She waves me off. She gets off her bed and gets onto mine. "Let's brainstorm because it's almost Saturday," she says and I laugh.
"Why is this such a big deal to you!?" I ask.
"Because, Halloween is so fun," she says. "So help!"
"Oh my god. I am!"


I was eating ramen on my bed with my earphones in my ears and watching re-runs of Jersey Shore on my phone. I loved this show, it was crazy but I loved it. Who didn't though? I twirl some noodles onto my spoon and I hear a noise. I look up and see Isaac and jump.
"Holy shit!" I yell and I see a smile erupt on his face and he laughs. I pull my earphones out. "You asshat!"
"I didn't know you weren't gonna hear me," he laughs. "I said your name."
"Well I'm watching Jersey Shore," I point out.
"Ronnnn STAWWP!" He says in a jersey accent and I laugh. He sits next to me. "And eating ramen. Living your best life huh?"
"Yes," I said and take a bite of my noodles. "Wanna watch?" I ask and he nods. I take my earphones out and press play holding the phone between us.
"I can hold it while you eat?" He grabs it holding it between us.
"Want some?" I point the fork full of noodles toward him and he takes the bite of it. "So... you ever gonna tell me what your costume is?" I ask.
"No," he shakes his head.
"Shut up and watch the show," he tells me.
"You're annoying," I remark.
"I'm trying to watch Olivia," he says with a smile and I roll my eyes. I swear he's so annoying. "Who's your favourite!?" He asks.
  "Pauly D and Mike even though he's a psycho. He's still the most honest one," I reply and he nods.
  "Yeah, I'd have to agree," he says.
  "Overall... everyone's just a hoe," I add and he laughs.
"LIV!!" Rachael barges into the room with. Bunch of bags. "I found my perfect outfit bitchhhh!" She smiles and Ryan walks in after her.
"And she's too excited," Ryan mutters.
Isaac pauses the show and Rachael puts her bags on her bed.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Yes," I mutter.
"No you're not. I'm gonna look AMAZING!" She says pulling out clothes that I can't see Ryan sits down on Rachael's bed. I put my bowl on my side table and sit back against the wall. Isaac lays down on my lap and hands me my phone back. "Okay... So should I like try it on instead of showing it?" She asks.
"Dude, who cares," I laugh.
"I'm gonna try it on," She says and goes to the bathroom.
"It took her so long to figure this... not elaborate costume out," Ryan says and pulls out her phone going on it.
"That's not surprising, what is it?" I ask and play with Isaac's hair.
  "Okay... ready!?" Rachael yells from the bathroom.
  "We've been ready," I said.
She walks out and she was wearing a short, 70's looking dress with white platform heels. Kind of like she was in Austin Powers.
  "70's?" I ask and she nods with a wide smile.
  "How hot!? And I'm gonna make my hair all back combed and a band in it. With some Sharon Tate makeup," she explains.
  "You look good," I nod.
  "Good!? I'm looking for hot, sexy or something big like that," she tells me and I sigh.
  "You look so sexy," I said.
  "Thank you."
  "Took 4 hours to find," Ryan states.
  "Shut up," Rachael waves her off. "And... it's not like Harley Quinn basic but it's still you know," she shrugs and I laugh. She goes back into the bathroom to change again.

I look down at Isaac and his eyes were closed like he was sleeping. Was he!?
  "Hey, are you asleep?" I poke his forehead and his eyes open.
  "No," he says.
  "Your eyes were closed," I state.
  "Yeah, doesn't mean I was sleeping," he says.
  "I think that usually means people are sleeping," I mutter. "Are you tired!?" I ask grabbing three strands of hair and start to braid them. It was short but still kind of do-able.
  "Ehh," he says. "I could nap."
  "Get out of here then. We're gonna party, cause I look hot in my costume," Rachael says and I roll my eyes.
  "Rachael, probably half the girls at the Halloween party is gonna have that same costume, it's no longer Harley Quinn it's girls trying to be different, and different isn't different," Isaac tells her turning onto his side still laying on my lap.
  "Isaac. Fuck off," she says. "Sometimes I really don't like you," she adds.
  "Because he's honest?" Ryan asks.
  "Ryan!" Rachael looks at her and I laugh.
I take some more of Isaac's hair and braid it.
  "I hate you all," Rachael huffs.
  "I haven't said anything," I say and she waves me off.
  "Not you."
  "Thanks," I grin.
  "Although you're with a dumbass," she points to Isaac.
  "Yeah Liv, you're roommates with Rachael," Isaac says.
"Oh my god. Can you guys shut up," I laugh.
  "No, he's annoying!" Rachael says just as Isaac says.
  "No, she's annoying!"
  "You guys are both annoying," I said.
  "Rude," Rachael mutters. "I'm cute when I'm annoying, Isaac isn't."
"You've called me the real like McDreamy," Isaac remarks.
"Well, I didn't mean that," she scoffs.
"I mean...." Ryan says.
"Ryan! I swear!" Rachael looks at her.
"What! I'm the devils advocate. I'm on no side here," she says.
"Such a Libra," Rachael mutters and I laugh. "Whatever. I'm going to get food. Ry, are you coming even though you're annoying?" She gets off the bed.
"Dude, we were just out," Ryan says.
"We didn't end up eating," Rachael replies. "I'm going... do what you will," she adds.
"I'm coming, and you're paying," Ryan gets off the bed grabbing her bag.
"Bitch... no," Rachael says and they leave.
"I'm braiding your hair right now, and I'm starting to think you should grow out your hair so I can braid it better," I tell Isaac.
"Ew, I wouldn't grow my hair out," he says and turns to look at me. "I'd look horrible."
"Really? Like Jacob off of Twilight?" I laugh and he chuckles.
"Should I dye it black also?" He asks and I nod. "Yuck."
"You'd look horrible," I admit.
"I know I would!" He says.
"You shouldn't cut your hair shorter than this though," I add.
It grew out since we've been here and it was the perfect length.
  "Really?" He asks.
  "Yeah. It's not too short, not too long. And it's super fluffy," I tell him. "So yeah. Keep it like this if you want to look good."
  "My hair was shorter than this the beginning of the school year," he states. "Did I look bad?"
  "No," I laugh. "You just look better now."
  "Okay," he nods. "I'll take that."
  "Yeah, you're welcome," I say and he laughs.
  "Shut up."
  "Hey. You don't tell a woman to shut up," I say.
  "You tell me to shut up all the time," he says.
  "I'm cute when I say it," I said and he laughs.
  "You're also annoying too," he says.
  "Get out of my room," I tell him and he laughs again.
  "I'm sorry!" He says. "Can we just nap? Then go get food after!?"
  "Yes," I nod.
  "For real?"
  "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.
  "People don't like napping," he says.
  "They're dumb," I laugh. "Get up so I can get under the blanket," I push his head. He sits up and I lay down. "Coming under?" I lift the blanket and he lays next to me. I look at him and he was staring at me with a grin.
  "What?" I ask.
  "Nothing," he says.
  "I hate when you stare," I tell him.
  "You know you stare, I don't even think you notice it," he tells me.
  "I know. I just don't like it when other people stare at me," I laugh pulling the blanket up to my shoulder.
Isaac was close, so I could smell his cologne. It smelt so nice, I think he wore Armani Code. It was a good smell, it reminded me of him now.
  "Well... I'm gonna keep staring at you then," he tells me and I roll my eyes.
  "Fine," I shrug.
  "I'm just gonna have to deal with you asking me what every second," he laughs and punch his chest.
  "Fuck off."
  "Go to bed now," I tell him and he closes his eyes. I kept staring at him and he opened his eyes.
  "What!?" He smiles. "You're suppose to go to bed too."
  "Sorry. You have nice eyelashes," I tell him.
  "Thanks," he grins. "You have nice eyes."
  "They're nothing special," I say and he sighs.
  "Go to bed," he tells me closing his eyes again. I keep staring at him. He looked peaceful and... really hot. "Liv, go to bed," he says his eyes still closed and then he opens them. "I know I look good, but we gotta nap now before it gets late," he tells me.
  "You don't look good," I scoff.
  "Don't lie to yourself," he tells me.
  "Goodnight," I close my eyes and I hear him let out an airy laugh.
  "Night," he says and I feel his lips on mine for a small kiss. It lasted a second. It ended too quick, but I kept my eyes closed trying not to think about making out with him, which I really badly want to do right now.

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