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I woke up to the loud obnoxious sound of my alarm on Monday kind of dreading the day.
Sunday went by fast, with me doing nothing all day with a bit of a hangover, and a shit ton of coffee. I didn't leave the room much.
But... now it was Monday and I had to get up 9:00 to get ready for my classes that I am now starting. And wishing I never have. I keep my eyes closed for a couple more minutes and then decide to slide out of bed like a literal snake.
What other way to when it's the first day of school.

I grab my glasses and I slip on my slippers and go to the washroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face and then go back out grab my makeup bag and sit in front of my mirror yawning for a while waiting to liven myself up. Then I just fix my eyebrows and some concealer to conceal my bags from going to bed at almost 4 am last night. After that I put that to the side brush through my ratty hair and go to the closet grabbing some jeans and a simple grey champion sweatshirt. I wasn't one to get fancy for school. I was definitely not one of those girls who got up at 6:00 am to curl or straighten or do something to my hair, do a full face of makeup, get the best outfit ready eat breakfast and have a whole day before school started. I was always last minute. Woke up the latest I could, because I stay up a late and just put on whatever.
I keep my glasses on, no contacts today. I usually wore my contacts... I don't when I tend to be lazy and not really care to use them. My glasses were cute and round so either way didn't look too bad. I grab my bag that I had all my textbooks and stuff in and Rachael was still asleep. Her classes probably later than mine. I grab my phone and head out. I close my door and the door across opens and Alex and Isaac walk out. Alex looks at me and I just turn and walk to the elevator. They come in as well and it's all awkward silence.

I watch the numbers go down with a sigh. Was this now a regular thing? Having to see Alex in the elevator all the time. Cause no thanks. Isaac on the other hand looked amazing today.
He was wearing black joggers and a white t-shirt and he had a backpack on his shoulder. Seriously though, he was a snack and a half. He could wear a garbage bag and pull that off. His arms looked very nicely muscular... and it really made his tattoos look better. I need to shut off my mind and look away. I wonder what he was majoring in. I was majoring in American Literature and Culture.
I turn on my phone going onto Instagram or whatever to make this not awkward for me.

The elevator dings and we were on the first floor. The doors open slowly and Alex steps out and Isaac points his hands for me to go.
"Thanks," I mumble and walk out and Alex was walking away.
"Nice glasses," he walks next to me.
"Don't judge," I reply he laughs.
"I meant it," he says.
"Whatever thanks," I shrugged.
"They're real?" He asks.
"Yes! I am not that obnoxious girl who wears fake ones to look "smart" they don't make you look smart, they make you look blind," I roll my eyes and he laughs.
"I agree. Those people are annoying," he nods. "I wear glasses, only for school work, or night."
"Oh, I'm pretty blind so I wear contacts or this," I roll my eyes.
  "Sucks," he says I nod. "Do you walk or drive to campus?"
  "Walk it's 5 minutes and I get no exercise so.." I tell him. I see Alex half in his car and half out grabbing something.
  "Right, would love to walk with you... but Alex and I have the same math class," he tells me.
  "Cool... actually not at all I hate math but whatever," I shake my head he laughs.
  "No one likes math," he shrugs.
  "Why are you taking it?" I asked.
  "Well, I'm majoring in neuroscience, and if I want something involved with the medical or whatever field, math is needed," he rolls his eyes.
  "Oh you're smart!" I said and he laughs.
  "What are you taking?" He asks.
  "Majoring in American literature and culture," I reply. "Taking English, and some other courses."
  "You're into writing?" He asks.
  "I am," I nod and I check the time. "I should go. I have class at 10 and want to get a coffee," I admit.
  "Right, sorry. See you around," he smiles.
  "Ya, see you" I nod and turn leaving towards the campus.

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