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I run into Ella's warms like we were in a romance movie because we were those type of friends.
"Oh my god!" She hugs me. "I missed your stupid ass."
"I missed your ugly ass!" I reply as we pull away.
"I need to know everything!" She says immediately and I laugh.
"There's not that much to know," I tell her.
"Well, I need to know about your hot ass boyfriend that I'm jealous of!" She says. "Should we go get QT?"
"I thought it was waiting for me!" I joke.
"I didn't know when you'd come over," she shrugs. "I'll pay, Let's go!"
"Okay," I nod. "Can you drive? I'm sick of it," I say and she nods. She grabs her bag, slips on her shoes and we leave.
Ella was a great friend. A crazy one, but also a great one. She was the outgoing girl that every guy had a crush on, but she was miss independent even though she wanted a boyfriend. She's just picky.
She had long wavy brown hair, she was about as tall as me, maybe a bit taller. She had big blue eyes, and just a pretty face in general with a model esc body, tall, with a slight curve. Just not anorexic. We've been friends since elementary school, and have been inseparable since. Well, besides school now. We have other friends, they're just fake friends though. It's gossipy here in AZ.
We get into her Jeep.
"So tell me," she turns the car on. "How great is he? How far have you guys gone into sexually? I want all the facts!" She says and I laugh.
"Well, he's pretty great," I admit. "He's obsessed with me, literally," I add and she smiles. "He's really nice too. To everyone. He can be a sarcastic prick like me, but he's nice, and a feminist," I tell her.
"Yeah bitch, he knows that women are better than men," I say. "He's just different. And I hate using that term... but I mean it."
"I'm so jealous!" She groans and I laugh. "So tell me other deets," she smiles at me and I laugh.
"We haven't had sex," I say. "We've just fondled..." I admit and she looks at me.
"My baby is growing up!!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes. "Seriously!?"
"Don't make it a big deal El," I said and she gives me the signature Ella look.
"Bitch! I need to!" She says. "How big is it?"
"I would say above average," I tell her and she looks at me.
"Over 6?"
"Yeah," I nod.
"God damn! Over 7?"
"7.5 close to 8," I say.
"Bitch!" She says and I laugh. "How did you find him? Where do I look?"
"I honestly don't know."
"Is he like good... at "fondling?" She asks.
"Well since it's my first time doing anything yes," I nod. "Why are we talking about this out of everything?"
"Because you found the man of every girl's dreams! You know that right?" She asks.
"Yeah," I nod. "Now tell me about you lately! You never tell me!"
"That because there's nothing going on with me," she sighs. "I don't have a boyfriend to talk about, there's nothing," she says.
"What about school?" I ask. "How's that going? Any boys there? How are the parties."
"Well, ASU is a party school," she laughs. "Literally every day there's a frat party any time of the week," she says. "It's exhausting."
"There's gotta be some hot guys?" I ask.
"Definitely," she nods. "And I've had my fair share of them so far," she smirks and I laugh. "But... none of them are long term."
"Then look for long term if that's what you want," I said.
"I don't know what I want," she mumbles.
"Yeah, you're the most indecisive bitch I know," I nod and she laughs.
"Shut up! I know," she says.
She parks in the QT parking lot. I haven't been to this place in too long. One thing I absolutely miss from here.
"How's the weather in Cali now that it's December?" She asks as we get out of the car.
"It's nice," I say. "It's cooler than it is here," I add.
"Yeah, it only gets cold at night," she nods. "Should we go for a drive after this?" She asks.
"Of course, I've missed our car rides," I nod and she laughs.
"I know. I'm so happy you're back," she nudges me. We go to the drink section and grab large cups each. "You know who ended up going to ASU even after he said he got into Stanford," she says.
"Johnny?" I ask and she nods.
"Yeah," she nods.
"Do you think he lied?"
"He had to have! It's Stanford, you don't turn that down to go to fucking ASU," she laughs.
"I always knew he wasn't that smart. He just tried to act like he knew everything," I fill half the cup with ice and then with coke. The coke he burned so good. Better than McDonald's.
"Yeah, remember when I asked him to tutor me for Chen and he turned me down," she pours herself coke.
"Yeah, that was weird," I laugh and sip the drink. "Do you need anything else?" I look around the store.
"Snacks?" She questions.
"Yeah, I want some chips," I nod and go and grab some Sour Cream and Onion chips and Ella grabs pretzels for herself and we pay for our things.
When we walk out someone speaks to us.

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