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  I wake up the next morning with a headache and the sun was in my room. I groan and turn over pulling the sheets over my head.
I reach out and grab my phone and I turn it on to see it was almost 12:00.
I grab my glasses and put them on. Still not a single message from Isaac.
I hear snoring and I turn to see Jude next to me still dead asleep.
I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom.
I get into the hot shower, I felt dead and a shower was really needed right now.
Last night was something. When me and Jude got back we ate food and watched The Office because there wasn't anything better to do.

I finish my shower and put on some comfy clothes, I just wanted to stay in bed all day and relax. I was exhausted and confused. So I needed some time to relax.
I walk back into the room and Jude was on his phone still in bed.
  "Afternoon," I tell him and he looks over.
  "Hey," he said.
I sit down on the bed.
  "You good? Hungover?" He asks.
  "Yeah," I nod. "Definitely hungover."
  "You we're drunk and emotional," he laughs.
  "Shut up," I wave him off.
  "I have to go, but I don't want to move," he sighs. "This bed is comfortable."
  "I know," I nod.
  "Anything from Isaac?"
  "No," I sit back against the headboard and he sits up.
  "Well, text me if anything. I'll see you later. I need to shower," he gets out of the bed.
  "Yeah, I'll see you later," I nod and he grabs his stuff. "Bye."
  "Bye!" He waves and leaves the room. I get under the sheets and grab my laptop to watch YouTube or something.


I was in the kitchen eating food when my phone rang and it was Ella.
"Hey," I answer my mouth full.
"Hey," she replies. "Are you eating?"
"I always am," I nod and she laughs.
"Me and Travis slept together last night," she tells me.
"I assumed as much... you hoe," I joke and she laughs.
"Shut up!" She tells me.
"Is he any good?" I ask.
"Very actually," she remarks. "I was drunk, but I mean... he did the job well," she adds.
"Nice," I laugh.
"Why did you and Jude leave last night?" She asks.
"We were bored," I shrug even though she couldn't see me. Me and him planned that we would drive together on Friday because he said he was gonna take the Greyhound because that's how he got here, so I came up with the idea of him coming with me because I drove and that would be way more fun!
"Well, any plans today?" She asks.
"I was just thinking of relaxing and eating all day," I admit. "I was hungover this morning," I add.
  "Really? You were drunk?" She laughs.
  "Yeah, you were too busy making out with Travis," I reply taking a bite out of a cookie. I was eating anything in sight, probably because I was gonna get my period soon.
  "Yeah," she laughs. "He's a great kisser."
  "Mhmm," I mumble.
  "Mhmm?" She questions. "Have you kisses him too?" She laughs.
  "No," I laugh. "Just saying."
  "Anyway... can we hang out tomorrow? You're leaving Friday and I want to spend time with you," she says.
  "Yeah obviously," I say.
  "Cool, I'm gonna go, I'll text you though," she adds.
  "Bye, see you tomorrow."
  "Love you!"
  "Love you too," I reply and we hang up.

I grab the box of cookies and a glass of milk and head back upstairs to my room. Because all day I've been chilling alone in my room... and it's been pretty relaxing, besides the fact that I still haven't gotten a reply from Isaac. I was still worried about that, but there was nothing I could do about it until I see him again.

I sit down on my bed and grab my laptop and go back to watching people singing on America's got talent, it was one of my guilty pleasures to either watch failed auditions, or really good ones! Who didn't like it tho?
My phone buzzes on the side table and I grab it expecting to see Ella's name. But instead, I see Isaac's. My eyes widen confused.
I was a little scared to open the message. What if he's done with me? I go onto the message.

ISAAC: hey Liv...
ISAAC: I'm really sorry for not replying
ISAAC: can I call you?

I stare at the messages. I was kinda pissed at how vague that was. But I do think we needed to talk because he needed to explain his dumb ass behaviour.

ME: sure.

I send that message and watch the message thread, and I re-read his message.
Then the phone buzzes and his face pops up from a call. I sit up in bed and take a deep breath before I answer it.
  "Hi," I mutter, my voice monotoned.
  "Hey," he says his voice was low. "Liv, I'm really sorry."
  "Did you do something?" I ask.
  "What? No," I said and I could hear his voice crack. "I swear, I haven't been on my phone in days.." he drifts.
  "What the hell?" I question.
  "My mom died," he says and my jaw drops and I go completely silent.
Oh my god. I felt guilt wrap around me for thinking he did something when he was just grieving for his mom. I put a hand over my mouth shocked.
  "Oh my god," I mumble.
  "I'm sorry for not texting you... I just haven't been on my phone at all," he remarks.
  "No, don't say sorry Isaac," I say and he doesn't say anything. "That's horrible, I'm sorry Isaac," I add and still nothing.
  "Thanks for letting me call, I really needed to hear your voice," he mumbles and I felt my heart break a little bit for him.
  "Don't thank me," I say. "When did it happen?"
  "3-4 days ago," he says. It happened on Wednesday night," he mumbles. "I mean, it was inevitable... she had cancer, so it was bound to happen.." he sighs.
  "Isaac, it's still sad," I tell him.
  "Yeah," he mumbles. "I miss you."
"Less than a week," I say.
"I know," he says. "Liv.."
"What am I gonna do?" He asks. "I don't have anyone left."
"You have me, Isaac," I tell him and I hear him take in a deep breath and he sniffles. I felt so bad for him.
"She's gone," he says like he was just realizing it. "What do I do with everything?" He asks. "All her stuff? The house?" He rambles.
I wish I was there for him right now.
"There's so much, she's always been kind of a hoarder, I can't throw it all away. What do I do?" He goes on. "Our house, her sofa, everything? What do I do with it? I'm going back to California in a week," his voice cracks and I could hear him shuffling around. "Liv... what do I do with it all?" He asks.
"Isaac," I say lightly.
"I can't leave, I can't leave it... I can't leave her," he remarks. "I can't leave her, I shouldn't have left her alone."
"Isaac!" I tell him. "You need to have a seat somewhere and breathe," I say.
"She's gone," he says again.
"I know," I mumble.
He stays silent and then he laughs.
"Isaac, are you okay?" I ask.
"I'll be okay," he sighs. "This is just life..." he mumbles. "I can't wait to see you Liv," his voice was quiet and he sounded really sad, and it made me sad for him.
"Friday," I tell him.
"Friday," he sighs.

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