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I wake up the next morning not to a headache, but to drymouth. Even worse. I turn over and grab my glasses putting them on to see Rachael sprawled across her bed snoring. I grab my phone and it was almost 12. I yawn stretching and then I stop when a thoguht comes to my mind.
I close my eyes and almost scream. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Me and Isaac made out last night. I cover my face and sigh. Fucking hell. No way I was about to face him. We were intoxicated and I doubt he did that just because. I sit up and stare forward. Then there was a knock at the door. I slide off my bed slipping on some slippers. Why did we do that? It's gotta be awkard for us now. Right? We're friends, who just randomly made out for no reason. I don't even wanna look at him right now. A million thoughts were running through my head right now.

What if he's like rude and tells me I suck at kissing? What if it's completely awkward and our friendship is ruined? What if!! So many of those. I sigh and open the door. Speak of the devil. Isaac was standing right in front of me. I almost shut the door on him and I felt my cheeks heat with a deep blush. I was not about to face him and talk about what happened last night. He hates me now doesn't he? I sucked at kissing didn't I? I was speechless right now and probably just looked like a tomato.
  "Hey," he grins.
Kissing him was damn good. I glance at his lips and back to his eyes. I got to make out with him. Holy shit. It almost made me smile. I shake the feeling and finally talk.
  "Hi," I mumble. "What... what are you doing here?" I ask.
  "Coffee?" He asks. "Thought you'd wanna come. But it kinda looks like you just woke up," he laughs. I look down and nod.
  "I did, but let me just change and brush my teeth and hair, come in" I walk back into the room and he follows in. "I'll just be in the bathroom," I tell him going into the washroom.
I cringe when I look in the mirror. Isaac just saw me like this? My hair was all knotted and ratty. i grab my hairbrush with one hand and my toothbrush in the other. I brush both... some how. I finish that then go out and I see Isaac looking at my stuff on my desk as I open the closet grabbing some leggings and a light sweater shirt.
I smile as he picks up a photo I had on the desk and smiles at it. I go back and change in the washroom also. I look at myself one last time. Shake my head and hope for no awkwardness and get out.
  "Ok, I'm ready" I say putting socks on and slipping on my vans and grbabing my backpack. He turns putting the photo down.
  "Cool," he says. "Your dogs so cute by the way," he smiles pointing at the desk.
  "I know," I reply.
So, were we gonna just ignore it? Because... that's fine. But it was kind of weird if we didn't. And kind of made me feel like... last night really wasn't that good. At least for him. I sigh as we leave the room and go to the elevator.
  "I barely slept. So I've been up since 6 and I've been looking forward to this coffee," he says.
  "Oh that sucks," I say. "I slept like a baby and woke up hangover free. Just with a severe case of drymouth," I add.
  "The worst."
  "I know!" I nod. "It was bad. I need this coffee."
  "You always need coffee," he laughs.
  "Whatever," I laugh with him. It dings and we get to the lobby floor and head out. "So... why didn't you sleep?"
  "I don't know," he shrugs. "My mind wouldn't turn off," he adds. "Thoughts and shit."
  "That should be a book name," I state and he laughs. "Thoughts and shit by Isaac Newton," I point out and he laughs harder.
  "That would not be my alias," he states. "I hate that!"
  "It's a good name. People would be like WHAT? But they see the picture and it's you and be like... maybe I do like Isaac Newton," I tell him and he laughs.
  "You're something else Liv," he replies.
  "I know!" I grin and he stares at me. "What now?"
  "Nothing," he mumbles. "Sorry."
  "That's the first time you've said that after you stared at me," I remark.
We stay silent for a bit. So... we were just gonna ignore it like nothing happened at all. I'm glad it wasn't awkward. But we spent a big part of last night making out. It was stuck in my head. I don't want to be the person who brings it up, then makes it awkward. But I kinda wanted to clear the air. I know he doesn't like me. He doesn't need to make it clear by ignoring what happened. Maybe I just sucked at kissing and he doesn't want to be rude and bring it up. OH MY GOD! What if that is the case. Ugh.
  "You good?" He asks I turn to him he was watching me. "You look like you were having a conversation with yourself in your head."
  "I was," I nod. "I always do. It's part of having ADHD. Self diagnosed," I state and he laughs. We get to the cafe.
  "I can order. You get a seat?" He asks.
  "Sure," I nod and we go separate ways. I find a seat for us and he goes and orders. I look around tapping on the table. I watch Isaac and he was wearing grey joggers with a dark blue shirt. He looked really good. I got to make out with that. But now... it's weird. As much as I don't want to talk about it, I think we should to clear the air. He comes back with the drinks and I thank him. He sits across from me.
  "So," I say.
  "What's up?" He asks.
  "Are we... like ever gonna talk about... last night?" I ask. "I don't want to make it awkward or anything. But..."
  "Yeah," he nods. I sip my coffee and watch him awkwardly, I feel my cheeks heat up again at the thought of last night and how I might have just made everything awkward and weird with us. "I'm sorry for that," he says and I stay silent. "Like sorry for kissing you. I don't want it to make things awkward for us," he adds. "I don't know why I did it... I mean... I do. But sorry."
  "Stop saying sorry," I tell him. "It's fine. I just thought that... maybe we should clear the air instead of knowing that we did that and not say anything because I'm sure it'd be more awkward than actually talking about it," I remark.
  "Yeah," he nods. "So we're good? No awkwardness since being awkward is a state of mind?" He asks.
  "Yeah," I nod back. I still wanted to make out with him again.
  "Cool. I didn't want you hating me for ruining something," he grins. I would never hate you for last night Isaac. It was great.
  "It wouldn't only be your fault," I state. "But... we were both not sober... so."
  "Exactly," he nods looking away for a second. "Wanna come over and watch Workaholics with me tonight?" He asks. "Alex won't be there."
  "Sure," I nod. "I'm one hundred percent all characters."
  "I'm pretty sure I'm Adam. You're Blake and Ders," he tells me.
  "No. I'm more Adam than any of them!" I state.
  "I'm Adam!"
  "Dude... no," I say.
  "Are we seriously fighting about this?" He laughs.
  "Yes... because I'm Adam. "We're both Adam. We're similar in our sense of humour so there," he compromises.
  "Fine. I guess," I shrug and he laughs again. "Let's go watch now. I've got nothing better to do than hang out with you."
  "Hey, don't try to act like you don't want to hang out with me. I'm awesome," he says as we stand and I grab my coffee.
  "Not when you say awesome like a 10 year old playing Roblox," I reply and laugh at myself. We start walking out.
  "I was a 10 year old playing... not roblox but minecraft once. So... don't judge me," he states.
  "Dude same! I love minecraft!" I smile. "Not even gonna lie. The last time I have played was probably less than a year ago."
He laughs and I push him. "Don't laugh!"
  "No! That's cute. It's fine," he says. "I would play with you."
Cute. Shut up, because I wanna make out with you again. He's sorry he did it.

As we walk to his dorm, all I could think about was the kiss, and how he probably is passed it like it doesn't matter. I look at him and he was sipping his coffee. I should probably just get over it, because dwelling on it, won't make anything better and it'll probably just make me go insane. Because when I keep thinking about shit... it doesn't leave and it bothers me more and more. I don't need that. All I need to remember that it was good and fresh and now it's nothing. And we are just friends.



Hey guys! It's been a bit! But here's an update and I'm sorry for the delays! Been busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter guys. Xoxo.


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