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I walk into class and sit down.
  "Wow," I hear and turn and Miles was looking at me. "Your hair!" He says.
  "Oh yeah. It's red," I grin. "You like it?"
  "Yeah. It looks good on you," he nods sitting down. "When did this happen?"
  "Last night," I said.
  "Of course it did," he says. "You are that type."
  "What type?" I ask.
  "To do things... at the most random times ever," he says and I laugh.
  "Yeah," I nod.
  "What's next? Purple?" He asks.
  "Probably blue," I admit. "I've always wanted blue hair."
  "That'd be dope," he nods. "Or... orange. But not ginger, like a literal bright orange."
  "Hey, that would be cool. It's my favourite colour," I said. "Should I do like every colour? But yellow," I say.
  "Green? Wouldn't that look bad?" He asks.
  "Unless it's lime... maybe, I don't know. I might just look trashy," I say and he laughs.
  "Fuck it, I guess. Do it," he nods.
  "You know if you give me this hope... I will take it, Miles!" I state.
  "So what," he shrugs.
  "Next thing I know, I won't have any hair from killing it," I said and he laughs.
  "You'd be an ugly bald," he says.
  "Hey... You're right," I laugh too. "Ew."
  "Couldn't be friends with you," he says.
  "Very fucking rude," I tell him. "And also... I understand," I add and he laughs again. "I mean, I doubt I'd still be friends with you if you wore anything other than ripped black jeans," I joke.
  "Hey, don't judge my jeans," he says.
  "So, if you want to... Rachael my roommate is making a small thing for my birthday. I invite you, and don't try to invite anyone else... accept Mia!" I said and he sighs.
"Cool," he mutters.
"How's that going?" I ask. "She should be here soon right?" I look around.
"I guess. I don't know," he shrugs.
"Why are you such a guy!!" I ask him. "Like... she likes you dumbass!" I state.
"Well, she hasn't said anything," he says.
"Do you like her?" I question.

Right now, Miles and Mia were just friends. They were both so annoying to say anything.
"Ya, she's cute," he mumbles.
That was a yes in Miles talk.
"Ask her out!"
"Why does it always have to be the guy to ask out the girl?" He asks. "Because she hasn't even acted as she likes me," he adds.
"She's shy!" I state. "She does Miles," I said.
"What?" Mia comes and sits on my other side.
"Nothing," Miles mumbles.
"Your hair!" She points to me. "I love that!"
"Thanks," I smile.
"It suits you."
"Yeah. Fire-y," Miles mutters. I push his head and she laughs.
"I take that as a compliment and I know you didn't mean for it to be one," I said and he laughs.


I walk out of my last class tired from last night. I almost fell asleep in all my classes but... I didn't.
"Liv!!" I hear and turn to see Noah and Rachael next to him. "You're Red!"
"My hair is yeah," I laugh when they get to me.
"You look good," he tells me.
"Thanks," I said for the like 4th time today. "Let's get coffee. I didn't sleep till almost 5:00," I say.
"Why?" Rachael asks.
"I went to get coffee last night," I laugh.
"Why?" Rachael asks again.
"Cause I wanted it," I shrug.
"Alone?" Noah laughs.
"No with Isaac," I say.

Should I tell Rachael about him saying he LIKES me?
"Ooh," Rachael smirks. "That's interesting."
"It wasn't," I mumble. "A little. I have to tell you something later," I tell her.
"Why can't I know?" Noah asks.
"Shut up Noah," Rachael tells him and I laugh. "Did you guys make out?"
"Did who make out?" Speak of the devil. Isaac shows up.
"No one," I say.
"Hey fire crotch," he laughs at himself and I roll my eyes.
He had bags under his eyes and looked as tired as me.
"You look miserable," I tell him.
"I had class at 8 and went to bed at 5:30," he states.
"Why did you offer to get coffee with me if you're gonna complain?" I ask.
"Cause I like you," he says. I sigh. "Are we getting coffee?" He asks.
"I need one," he mumbles. "Look what you made me Blue. I'm a coffee fiend," he sighs.
"Well," I shrug with a grin.
"What's up with Blue?" Rachael and Noah ask.
"Nickname," we both reply.
"Favourite colour?" Noah asks.
"No. That's orange," I said. "It's my middle name."
"Your middle name is Blue. That's cool," Noah laughs.
"It's weird," I mumble.
"Perfect for you," Rachael tells me.
"Eat my ass," I tell her and she laughs.
  "You've got a nice one," she shrugs and Noah laughs.
  "You guys are obsessed with me," I mumble.
"Obviously," Noah says and Rachael nudges me and I look at her. She wiggles her eyebrows and I roll my eyes.
We get to the cafe and I sit.
"Isaac, can you get me a coffee?" I ask.
"Thought that was the plan," he laughs going in line.
"Damn he really does everything you ask," Noah laughs sitting across from me.
"Move, I'm sitting here. You go get me a coffee," Rachael tells him and he moves.
"You can get your own coffee," he tells her.
"Noah. I introduced you to her," she points to me. "So... you can get me one coffee."
"Fuck off," Noah says turning and going into the line.
"It's weird, Noah and Isaac are both so into you," she says.
"No," I said.
"Shut up Liv! I know things," she says. "Also! What were you gonna tell me about Isaac?" She asks.
Right. That he likes me.
"Oh," I Lana I'm closer so they don't hear even though they aren't close to us. "He told me he likes me," I whisper and her eyes widen and I knew she was about to yell.
"WHAT!?" She does yell and people look at her.
"Shut up," I say.
"I knew it!!" She smiles. "So you told him? Are you guys seeing each other low-key?"
"No," I said. "I didn't say anything back," I add and her smile drops.
"What?" She asks. "Why?"
"Because. I don't know if I'm ready to get into another thing," I admit.
"It's still weird with Alex and all that. So, I just decided to not say anything," I say.
  "You're such an idiot!!" She tells me.
  "I'm not gonna get in a relationship when I'm not ready," I said.
  "Fine," she mumbles. "But still... kind of dumb... because you like him."
  "Here," Isaac comes up and puts my coffee in front of me.
  "Thanks," I say grabbing it and sipping it.
Rachael looks up at him and he looks back at her.
"What?" He asks her and she sighs.
"Nothing. I'm just looking at you," she mutters.
"Don't. It's weird," he says.
"Here Rachael," Noah rolls his eyes as he passes her, her drink.
"Thank you," She replies. "So what are we doing the rest of today?" Rachael asks sipping her coffee.
"I'm sleeping!" I yawn.
"Same!" Isaac yawns also.
"Boring!" Rachael says.
"I agree," Noah nods.
"We barely slept. Leave us alone," Isaac mumbles.
"That's why you guys have coffee!" Rachael points out.
"I'm prone to caffeine actually giving me energy," I stand. "It's just for the taste."
"God you drink too much coffee," Noah shakes his head.
"No one can drink too much coffee," I state. "Like, Isaac would have said that a month ago, now he's drinking it with me," I point out.
  "Because clearly, you are able to start a cult," Noah replies and I laugh.
  "Thanks! I think that's awesome that you think that of me," I grin.
  "Charles Manson was a Scorpio," I say.
  "So was Bob Ross. You're nothing like him," Noah stated.
  "Hey! Rude. When I'm nice I can be," I say. "Bob Ross is my hero."
  "He's everyone's hero," Isaac says.
  "When's your birthday Isaac?" Rachael asks.
  "My birthday was the end of August, the 29," he says.
  "Virgo!" Rachael and I both say.
  "So what?" He asks.
  "Makes sense. You're smart," Rachael nods and I laugh.
  "Oh, I'm smart cause imma Virgo?" He asks.
  "Yeah, they're super smart," I agree. "When's your Noah?" I ask.
  "June 2nd," Noah says.
"Gemini," I state. "That shows you, crazy bitch."
Rachael laughs.
"What? What's wrong with Gemini?" He asks.
"Everything," Rachael says.
"Wow... just that they're crazy. Nothing more," I correct her.
"Do you guys take zodiacs that serious?" Isaac asks.
"No, it's just fun knowing people's signs," I said. "Because sometimes, it makes a lot of sense."
"Yeah, Like Virgo's are smart!" Rachael points out and I laugh again.
"What are you, Rachael?" Noah asks.
"Sagittarius!" She grins. "December 4th!"
  "Makes sense," I nod. "You're crazy."
"Oh thanks," she smiles.
"Annoying," I add.
"Ok, shut up," she tells me and Isaac laughs.
I stand up.
  "Alright. Time for me to go nap for the realest one," I push my chair in. "Rachael don't wake me or I might hurt you."
  "Will not," she nods.
  "I'll walk with you," Isaac says and I nod.
  "Have fun napping," Noah says.
  "It'll be the best time of my life," I reply and he laughs. I grab my coffee and we leave the cafe.

We walk in silence for a bit.
  "Do you have plans tomorrow?" Isaac asks.
  "I never have plans," I state. "Why?"
  "I'm just asking," he shrugs.
  "Weird question. It sounded like you wanted to hang out," I tell him and he laughs.
  "I'm, I'm always down to hang out," he shrugs.
  "Too late. You just asked if I had plans. And I don't have any. With you either," I said.
  "Shut up," he laughs. "I'm thinking of being moaning Myrtle for Halloween?" He grins. I look at him and nod.
  "The best idea you've had all month," I say and he chuckles. "Oh my god, you should be Ders from workaholics!" I state.
  "Or Adam. Cause I'm more of an Adam!" He says.
  "I already told you that I'm Adam," I said.
  "We agreed that we're both Adam," he says.
  "Fine," I mumble. "Ders is hotter. Just saying," I said.
  "Are you trying to tell me that I'm the hotter one?" He asks.
  "No! You wish," I say. "I was just stating a fact."
  "Hmm," he nods and we get into the elevator going up.
  "I can't wait to sleep," I yawn.
  "Same," he nods. I was just about done my coffee so that was perfect timing.

We get into our floor and walk to our rooms.
  "See you later?" I said once we got to our doors.
  "Obviously. I'll probably text you," he replies and I nod.
  "Night!" I grin and he laughs opening his door.
  "Night," he turns and just as quick he turns back shutting the door vigorously with a shocked look.
  "Are you okay?" I ask my hand on my door. He looks at me.
  "I'm fine," he nods. "I just... am not going to bed anytime soon," he leans against his door and sighs. "I just saw live-action porn."
  "Oh," I mutter. "Ohhhh," I say again grossed out.
Alex, in there with some other girl. I'm not surprised and really... not even hurt.
  "You can go into your room. I'll be fine," he says.
  "Did you want to sleep in my room?" I ask. "Rachael's not here!"
  "Yes thank you," he nods. I open my door and walk in and he follows. He shuts the door and I throw my empty coffee away.
I kick off my shoes and head over to my bed.
  "Night," I say again hopping into my bed.
"Night," he gets onto Rachael's bed.
I put my glasses aside and feel my body sink into the bed ready to sleep.


"Isaac, get off my bed!" Rachael's voice wakes me up. "Go sleep with Liv," she points out.
"Rachael. Why are you annoying?" Isaac asks. I open my eyes.
"Guys, shut up!" I said.
"Why is he sleeping on my bed?" Rachael asks. "Sorry, I'm not nice enough to let him stay there."
"He couldn't sleep in his room," I yawn. "Isaac you can come over here," I flail my hand.
"There you go," Rachael says and I move over as Isaac gets off her bed and over to mine.
I turn over closing my eyes and he lays next to me. He was close cause the bed was small.
"Night guys!" Rachael sings out and we both don't reply.
And I fell back asleep to the very wonderful smell of Isaac.

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