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Monday was a busy annoying day for me. I sent in my resume at the diner, I went to all my classes, tired as shit staying up and making my resume perfect. Now, I was waiting for my last class in the cafe with my coffee and I was doodling in my book, earphones in my ears with loud music blasting through them.

I finished a whole essay in class, today may have been annoying. But I was on a roll. I didn't have homework, and I applied for a job. Tell me... that ain't something my mom should be proud of!?
I notice someone in front of me and I look up to see Noah. I pull out one of my earphones and I could hear the music through them.
  "Hey," I said.
  "Hi," he grins. "Nice music."
  "Thanks," I mutter. "What's up?"
  "Not much. I came to grab something to eat, I saw you," he points out and I nod. "What're you doing?"
  "I have class in 30 minutes," I reply. "So I'm waiting here."
  "Oh," he nods.
  "Hey bitches!" Ryan shows up. "Noah, you just left me."
  "Sorry. I saw Liv," he says.
  "Obsessed," she rolls her eyes and I laugh. "What's up?" She nods toward me.
  "Um... I'm trying to get a job," I admit.
  "At the diner just off campus," I say.
  "I love that place," Noah grins.
  "It's alright," I shrug and Ryan laughs.
  "Where's Rachael? I usually see her with you guys," I ask.
  "Oh, she bailed on us. Saying something about Scott," Ryan shrugs. "You know how Rachael likes dick."
I laugh. "Yeah," I nod.
  "Why are you here alone?" She asks.
  "I have class, and why not?" I reply.
  "Don't you have a boyfriend?" Noah asks.
  "Isaac?" I laugh. "Yeah. But he's in class right now," I shrug. "And I'm not with him all the time."
  "Yeah Noah," Ryan rolls her eyes. "She's still with him."
  "Fuck off Ryan," Noah mutters. I check my phone for the time.
  "Oh shit. I should probably go," I stand grabbing my bag and shoving my books into it. "I'm all the way across campus."
  "Okay. I might come by your dorm later," Ryan tells me and I nod. "See you."
  "Bye guys!" I wave and leave the cafe. My music was still playing and I put back in my other earphones as I head across campus to my other class.


  "I wanna be last yeah! Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss!" I sing One Direction as I fold my laundry on my bed after I was just down at the laundromat doing it. I told you, it's been a very productive day today. I don't know why. I'm not usually like this. I hum along to the music, Rachael was still out either to classes or with Scott. Whoever knows with that bitch.

  "I like your folding techniques," I hear and turn to see Isaac. I roll my eyes because I was half-assed folding all of it. He was smiling.
  "Hey ass-face," I mutter and he steps in kissing me quickly.
I turn my music down and he sits down on my bed.
"What's up?" I ask as he grabs my shorts and folds it. He grabs them one of my thongs and smirks.
"My dick now," he laughs and my jaw drops.
"ISAAC!" I exclaim and he laughs more.
"Sorry," he says. "It had to be said."
"Fuck off," I laugh. I was nowhere near mad actually. "Mine too though. Now that you said that," I joke and he laughs.
"Wait... you have a dick?" He asks.
"I didn't mean for you to find out this way," I state.
"I'm still attracted to you," he remarks.
"Wow... that's really nice," I grin and watch him help me fold my clothes.
"Yeah. I'm nice," he nods. "Why aren't you helping me fold your clothes?" He asks with a slight grin. "Stop staring at my beautiful face."
"I can't," I shrug. "That's your fault."
"Yeah, sorry" he mutters. "But still help me," he throws a pair of underwear at my face.
"Rude," I said folding them.
"So... did you hand in your resume at that place?" He asks.
"Yeah, I did this morning. Hopefully, they contact me by the end of the week at least," I say.
"Yeah... I want free food," he grins.
"Oh eat ass," I wave him off.
"Can we just fuck this clothing off?" He pushes the basket of clothing to the side.
"You just made fun of my folding techniques, now you're telling me to not do it?" I question and he nods. "You're annoying."
"I know, but come up here," he pays his lap.
"Ew," I say and he laughs.
"Shut up!" He tells me. "Who even does laundry?"
"You 100 percent do laundry," I get up onto the bed and he chuckles.
"You're right," he nods. "I do laundry a lot," he says. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap.
"Yeah... I know, you're like a clean freak," I grin and he rolls his eyes. He pushes some of my hair back and kisses me. I run my hand through his hair and he grips my hips pulling me as close as I could get. He pulls away kissing my jaw down to my neck. Then a loud ring breaks the silence. He pulls away and grabs his phone. He just shrugs putting it back down.
"You're not gonna answer?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"No. It's just Dylan," he says kissing my lips again. I pull away.
"You can answer, or call him back," I tell him.
"I don't want to," he breathes out.
"What if he wants to hang out?" I ask.
"I'm with you," he remarks. "Who cares."
I didn't want to be that clingy girlfriend, which made her boyfriend hang out with her all the time. I'm not that person. It's just that before we dared, we were friends and I always hung out with him. but I don't want to be annoying right? But he's the one that came here to hang out with me. So I'm not right?
"Are you okay?" He chuckles.
"Yeah!" I nod and kiss him to stop my annoying ass mind from overthinking EVERYTHING. I always do. Kissing Isaac made everything better if I'm honest.
He pushes me down onto my back and gets on top of me. My hands roam his chest and I move to the hem of his shirt, it lifts slightly and I put my hands under his shirt. He was holding himself up with his arms on either side of me. His hand trails down my outer thigh pulling it up to his side.
Oh, how I wanted to take this to another level. But I didn't want to rush things. Everything was so good right now.
"Guys!" We hear. "I told you scrunchy!" Rachael exclaims and we pull away. I turn and she was standing there with Scott. He was laughing while Rachael was shaking her head.
"Sorry," I laugh.
"We weren't having sex," Isaac remarks sitting up and leaning against the wall.
"It looked like things were about to get heated," she points out.
"Why's Scott here?" I ask sitting back against my pillows and lay a leg on Isaac whirl my other knee was still up.
"Am I not wanted?" He asks.
"I didn't say that," I run a hand through my hair. They ruined a good moment. I was a little stingy about it.
"I came to study with Rach," he shrugs.
"Study date," I grin and Rachael rolls her eyes but blushes. "When is this gonna turn into a real date?" I smirk and Isaac laughs a bit putting his hand on my leg.
"Shut up," Rachael says just as Scott says. "Soon."
She glances at him and I smile.
"Rachael. You have to hang out with me all weekend, so sorry Scott she won't have time for you," I say.
"Why?" Rachael laughs. "I don't have an issue. I'm just curious."
"Isaac won't be here," I said.
"Oh, why?" She looks at him. "Are you finally going... to hell?" She asks.
"No... I'm actually going to jail after I smother you," he replies and she rolls her eyes.
"Don't drop the soap," she says.
"What's this feud between you guys all of a sudden?" I ask.
"I don't know. It just happened because he's annoying," Rachael shrugs.
"I am not the annoying one. You are," he remarks and she scoffs.
"Anyway... no parties this weekend either," I tell Rachael.
"Yeah. I kind of need to chill anyway," she nods. "We need some girl time too!"
"Yeah," I nod. I pull out one of my shirts from under me and throw it at Isaac.
"You should've let me fold my clothes," I say and he laughs.
"I think I did you a favour for stopping you," he says and I roll my eyes. I get off my bed and grab my clothes. I put them all away. Me and Isaac weren't alone... nothing could be done now. Other than that...
"Who wants to get food?" I suggest.
"Ooh," Rachael says. "Procrastinate?" She looks at Scott with a grin.
"Sure," he shrugs.
"Virgo?" I look at Isaac and he smiles at the nickname.
"Obviously, it's food," he gets off the bed. I skip on my shoes and grab my bag.
"Let's go!" I clap excitedly to eat some food.

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