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I walk into work after I finished my classes. The familiar smell of oil, fries and burgers hit me as I walk to the bag to put my bag away and put on my apron for work.

I walk into the break room and I see Penelope sitting on her phone.
"Hey!" I say and she looks up.
"Hey!" She smiles.
"You on break?" I ask.
"No, I start work in like 10 minutes," she says and I nod. I put my bag into the cubby and grab my apron and put it on. "So who was that guy you came in with yesterday?" She asks and I pull my hair up into a ponytail.
"Oh that was Jude," I say. "I've known him from back home," I add. "We're good friends."
"He's cute," she grins.
"Haha, yeah," I laugh.
"Me and my boyfriend broke up," she tells me.
"Really?" I ask. "What happened? That sucks."
"I broke up with him," she sighs. "He's got a wandering eye... you know," she mumbles.
"That's annoying," I say. "All guys are gross."
"Yeah," she nods. "I just thought it'd be better before he ended up fucking me over," she adds and I nod.
"Makes sense. You deserve someone that's only got eyes for you," I say.
"Exactly!" She nods standing. "Now let's get to miserable ass work..."
"Yeah," I laugh. "Let's go!"

We walk out just as the bells jingle from someone walking in.
Peni goes up to them right away and I walk behind the front counter. My mind drifting to Isaac. So yes... we had sex. It was my first time, so no it wasn't amazing like in the movies. It was a little painful! But I still liked it. The memories of the night before flash through my mind and I felt my cheeks heat with a blush.

His kisses trailing down my stomach, it was silent in the room, but in a good way. We just knew what we wanted without having to say anything.
He moves back to my lips, running his hand down my waist to the waistband of my sweatpants.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and Penelope comes back and grabs cups to fill with drinks for the table she was just at.
  "You good?" She asks. "You look red," she laughs.
  "Oh yeah," I say. "I have rosacea," I laugh and she nods.
I needed to tell Ella ASAP, she'll kill me if I wait any longer to tell her.


I walk into the dorm, tired and I smelt like the diner, which wasn't fun.
  "Hey!" I hear Rachael and I walk in more. She's on her bed painting her toenails.
  "Hey," I say putting my bag down.
  "How was work?" She asks.
  "Good," I laugh. "You sound like my wife."
  "I am your wife," she laughs loudly.
  "Okay," I say. "I'm going to take a shower," I said.
  "Want me to join?" She jokes.
  "You wish!" I say and she laughs harder.
I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on, then undress and get into the hot water.

After the long hot shower, I walk out smelling like a baby instead of oil and grease.
I jump onto my bed and put on some socks.
  "Time to relax," I grab my blanket and pull it over me. The sheets smelt like Isaac and I loved it. "Hey Rach..." I say.
  "Hmm?" She asks looking at her phone.
  "Wanna get me food?" I ask and she looks over to me.
  "Why can't you get it yourself?" She asks.
  "I'm tired, and exhausted from work..." I say. "So pleaseeeee!"
  "Why can't you like... skip the dishes it?" She asks.
  "Because I'll have to get up to go grab the food from him," I say and she laughs.
  "You're that lazy?" She asks and I nod. "What do you even want?"
  "I don't know..." I shrug. "Anything you want," I yawn.
  "You down for pizza? Cause I could go for pizza," she says.
  "Hell yeah," I nod.
  "Cool," she says. "Pizza Hut is close, I'll just go.." she gets off her bed.
  "You're amazing," I smile.
  "I know," she nods. "What do you want?"
  "Hawaiian," I reply. "My wallets in my bag, you can take it," I point it out.
  "Nah, it's on me," she waves me off.
  "Thanks, Love ya!" I call out as she makes her way to the door.
  "Love ya!" She replies and leaves. I grab my phone and it was 7:40 already. It's been a long-ass day. Time to text Ella.

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