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Quick change! Sorry haha but I just realized I made Miles friends Ella and Liv's best friend have the same name. I changed Miles's friend to Mia! Sorry, but I fixed that, sorry if you notice any errors.


I wake up pressed up against Isaac's side. I blink to adjust and look up to see Isaac on his phone, already awake.

  "You're awake," I state my voice raspy. He looks down at me putting his phone down and I rub my eyes.
  "Yeah, and so are you... now," he laughs. "I've been awake for like an hour."
  "What time is it?" I ask.
  "Almost 10:00,"  he replies.
  "I had a dream about an alligator," I tell him and he laughs. "It ate my leg! It's not funny," I sit up.
  "That's kind of funny," he says.
  "Can you pass me my glasses?" I ask and he does. I put them on my bison clearing. "It felt real," I add.
  "You're lucky that California doesn't have alligators then," he says.
  "Yeah, now I can never go to Louisiana," I add.
  "That's true," he nods. "I'm sure there are just alligators crawling the streets of Louisiana," he adds and I roll my eyes.
  "Shut up," I said and he chuckles. "I don't want to move, and I have class in an hour," I sigh.
  "You still have an hour," he shrugs. "Sucks for you, mines in 2 hours," he adds and I sigh.
  "Damn you," I mutter falling back down.
  "I'll come to class with you," he says.
  "It's an English class, you'll off yourself in it," I state and he laughs. I turn to my side to face him. "Plus, I'll live."
  "You won't off yourself like me?" He asks with a grin.
  "No," I say. "Maybe, today doesn't seem like it'll be my day," I admit.
I got my period on Sunday, and to me, the third day usually hit hard. Mood swings, cramps and school. Not a good mix for me.
  "Why not?" He asks and I shrug.
  "It's just one of those days," I state.
  "Where you don't wanna wake up, everything is fucked, everybody sucks?" He repeats the Break Stuff lyrics and I laugh. "You don't really know why, but you wanna justify ripping someone's head off," he adds and I just keep laughing.
  "That's exactly it," I nod.
  "Good luck to everyone out there then!" He exclaims.
  "Fuck off," I laugh and he grins. I sigh and he just stares at me. Such an Isaac move. "Stop looking at me."
  "No," he replies.
  "Isaac!" I said and his smile widens. "Stop."
  "No, I'm good thanks," he says and I roll my eyes. I stare back at him but I just felt weird and somewhat insecure, but I think that was my period talking. PMS sucks am I right?
  "Look away," I tell him.
  "Why does it bother you so much?" He asks.
  "It's weird," I shrug.
It's like you can see all of me, flaws and all and it's weird. And I know I was thinking this because of my period, so can't just look away? I didn't like how intense his stare was.
  "It's not though," he says. "You're my girlfriend. I'm allowed to look at you."
  "Look, don't stare at me for like 10 minutes," I said.
  "You stare at me," he says.
  "You're hot," I state and he laughs.
  "So are you."
  "Whatever," I mumble.
  "Stop being so weird," he tells me.
  "You're the weird one here," I remark. "Don't you think the longer you look at someone the weirder their face gets?" I ask.
  "No," he says. "Is my face weird?"
  "No," I reply. "But that's because you're like... you know."
  "No, I don't know," he says. "Just shut up," he says.
  "As long as you stare at me, I'm not gonna shut up," I state and he rolls his eyes. "The longer you stare at me, the more I think, the more I think, the more I t-" he kisses me. A little annoyed he interrupted me, but also kinda loved it. His hand cupped under my chin and fingers pressed against my cheeks.
Were his lips ever chapped? They were always so soft like pillowy clouds. Did the author in me just come out? That's what kissing Isaac was like. How did someone have such enchanting lips?
He moves his hand, running it down to my thigh and he pulls me on top of him. He pushes my hair out of my face and pulls away slightly, moving his lips down my neck.
Then a phone rings out and I pull back.
"It's just my alarm, can you grab my phone?" He asks and I reach over grabbing it. I turn the alarm off and I see the background of his phone. It was a picture of him and his mom. His arm was around her and she was leaning into him and they were both smiling widely. Oh my god. I think that was the cutest thing ever. It was also kind of sad. They both looked so happy.
"Did something happen?" He asks and I look at him.
"Huh? No, I like your background," I grin turning it over like he didn't know what it was.
"Oh," he laughs then bites his lip. Oh, how hot it was when he bit his lip. "I'm a mommas boy, shut up," he tells me.
"I'm not joking. It's really cute," I said. "Just makes you look hotter... honestly," I add.
"Really?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah... I really love my mom actually," he grins and I roll my eyes.
"Shut up," I laugh and put his phone down. He pulls me back down kissing me. "I should probably go get ready for school," I pull away. "Then go get coffee," I add.
"You have an hour."
"But I need to change, walk all the way over to the cafe, then I need to get coffee and walk to class," I state. "You can come with me too."
  "Okay," he says.
  "Thanks," I peck his lips again and then get off. I grab my phone. "I'll see you in 10 minutes," I say and leave.
I get into my room and I heard Rachael snoring loudly. I go into the closet grabbing some jeans and a knit sweater. I brush my teeth and hair then I change. I slip on my vans and grab my bag. I pop my head toward the bed and see Rachael still dead asleep. I think she had class in like 20 minutes.
  "Rachael, you have class soon!" I said and then left the room. I open Isaac's door again. "Come on Isaac I'm ready," I say. "Unless you're not yet?"
  "I'm done," he gets to the door. "Let's go," he says and shuts the door behind him. "I can't believe I let you pull me out of bed 2 hours before my class to go with you," he sighs.
  "Why can't you believe it? You're obviously obsessed with me," I press the elevator button for us to go down and he laughs.
  "I guess that's true," he nods.
  "Don't sound so sure of yourself Liv, fuck off," he laughs walking into the elevator and I follow.
  "You fuck off," I laugh. He puts his arm around me leaning his head on mine.
  "You're paying for my coffee," he tells me and I laugh.
  "Gladly you idiot," I say.

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