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  Monday came around quickly, and I was excited to see Isaac, and I started my job today.
I had work at 2 and my class finished perfectly at 1:30. So I had time to get to the diner. Isaac would probably get back by the time I'm working, he texted me around 9:00 and told me he left. So I'll have to see him after work. But I'm still excited. I know, might be a little cheesy that it's been just a couple of days and I missed him. But, it was the beginning of our relationship, I liked seeing his dumbass face.

"Hey, fuck face," Miles waves his hand over my face and I blink losing my train of thought.
"What?" I turn to him.
"You were literally in the deepest daze. I said your name almost 10 times," he laughs. "What are you thinking about?"
"Stuff," I shrug. "Do you have any food?"
"Chips," he tells me pointing the bag in my direction. I take some. "So, you start your job?"
"Yeah, At 2 so pretty much after this class," I nod. "Wish me luck."
"No, I think it'll be awesome if you did end up having a bad first day at work," he grins. "Spill like a coffee on someone. Maybe drop a burger or something," he adds and I roll my eyes.
"You're a dick."
"I know," he chuckles. "So are you."
"I know," I mock. "When is this class over?" I ask.
"We still have 20 minutes. Ew, do you want to do work?" He asks and I nod.
"I'll be just training all day. I wanna get it over with," I said.
"Ahhh," he nods. "Sucks."
"I know," I sigh. "But I need money."
"Don't we all need money?" He remarks. "I should actually get a job myself."
"You should work at a Zumiez store," I laugh at my own statement. He gives me a look but laughs.
"You just see me as a skater... Nothing more," he states and I laugh more. "But I mean, yeah. It does suit my vibe I guess," he shrugs.
"The point is, don't stereotype me!" He says.
"But you are a stereotype. Look at you, you're a walking skateboard ad," I tell him and he laughs.
"Fuck off."


I walk into the diner the door jingles. I walk over to the counter.
"Hi," I said to a person working there. "I'm the new employee?"
"Oh! Olivia right?" She asks.
"You can call me Liv," I grin.
"Cool. Just head to the back, Penelope should be back there," she tells me and I nod. "I'm Maggie," she adds.
"Okay, Thanks a lot," I wave and head to the back.
I push back the door and walk-in. I hear people talking. I walk into the kitchen and people were cooking.
I was confused. A guy looks up at me and notices my confusion.
"Are you new?" He asks.
"Very," I nod. "I'm looking for Penelope."
"PENI!" The guy yells. "I'm Xander," he grins wiping his hand on his apron and putting a handout.
"Liv," I reply.
He had black generic hair, with very deep brown eyes, he had really sharp features. A pointed nose, and a sharp cut jawline.
A girl walks in tying her blonde hair up into a ponytail.
"What's up?" She asks. She looks at me. "Oh, new girl!?" She grins. She had bright blue eyes? They looked almost unreal.
"Yeah, Liv," I nod. "Maggie told me to come get you," I add. She nods.
"Okay, you need somewhere to put your stuff. Come with me," she waves and I follow her to the back. She points to a locker. "That will be yours," she grins. "Just put your stuff there and here," she grabs me an apron. I put my stuff away and shut the locker. I grab the apron.
"Am I gonna have a tough time?" I ask putting the apron on and I tie my hair up into a ponytail. She laughs.
"No, you'll be fine," she tells me. She looked like she was my age. "I was fine, now I'm training a new person."
"Okay," I nod.
"You have really cool hair," she tells me.
"Thank you," I smile. I follow her out of the break room.
"So, we were just in the kitchen obviously," she states and laughs. We walk back in. "That's Xander, Gabe and Travis," she introduces.
"What's up!" They all say.
"Hi," I reply.
"They work obviously in here. Making the food. Me, Maggie and you now. And there's also Kim and James they aren't here today," she tells me. "But anyway, let's go before these doofuses get too caught up with you," she says and I follow her out. "So honestly Liv. All you're gonna do today is train, so just stay by my side," she says and I nod.
"I didn't think I'd be doing any more than that," I nod.
"And thankfully, I'm not gonna make it hard for you. When Maggie was training me... dude she like embarrassed me and made me do some work on my first day and it was bad," she tells me.
"Rude," I laugh. Maggie was older, with dark brown hair, she was short and wore big glasses.
"Yeah," she nods. "But trust me. You'll get the hang of it."
"Yeah," I nod. "I catch on pretty easily," I add. "Do you go to the school?" I ask.
"I do," she nods. "I'm an art major," she grins.
"Cool!" I exclaim.
"English major," I reply. "Not really that cool," I add.
"It is kinda cool, I hate English so good for you!" She says. "Okay... So, we split it into sections. If there's 2 of us, we usually just split half have. I get those tables, Maggie gets those," she points out. "You're with me so, let's go see those costumers," she points to me and I nod. "Have you had a server job before?" She asks.
"No," I reply. "But I do kind of know the basics of what to do."
"Yeah. It's literally as simple as its name," she nods. "You serve them," She laughs.
"Cool," I said. "I'm here for the money."
"Same!" She says. We stop at a table with an old couple. "Hello! I'm Penelope your server today. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" She asks.
"Hi yes, I'm gonna have a coffee," the old woman says.
"Me as well, cream and sugar too!" The man nods. Penelope nods politely.
"I'll be back with those in a minute," she adds and turns. "See," She says.
"Seems easy enough," I nod. "Does it ever get really busy?"
"Oh it can," she nods vigorously. "Friday nights, since we're open till 12:00 that's a big thing for the drunk teens," she says.
"Oof," I laugh. "That should be fun."
"Very," She says sarcastically. She goes over to the coffee machine that had coffee in it. She pours two cups. "So you just grab the drinks they ask, get there orders after you serve these and give them to the cooks," she says. "Drinks are all up here," she points it out. "Put the order there, they'll yell out the order when they're done and put it here," she points that's out as well.
"Okay," I nod. She grabs the coffee and the sides of sugar and cream and heads back there. I follow her.
"Here you guys go," She smiles. "Are you ready to order?" She asks.
"I believe so," the man said. "I'll get the bagel, BLT with a side of hash browns," he tells her and she writes it on her notepad.
"And I'll get the late brunch classic sandwich," the woman says. "Fries with that."
Penelope nods and looks up.
"Will that be all?" She asks.
"Yes," they nod.
"We'll get that to you soon," she says and walks off. "Ya see?" She turns to me.
"Yeah," I nod. She puts the order in.
"Gabe orders here," she pats the order and pushes it into the gap. He grabs it and goes away. "Want coffee?" She asks. "I always have coffee while I'm working."
"Yes please," I nod. She pours me some and I add cream and sugar.
"So on a normal day, we'll never have the place full at a time, but people come in and out. But it's steady just calm all day. The weekends are when it sometimes gets bad," she tells me as we sip our coffees. "You'll get the hang of it quickly," she adds. "I've only been here for 3 months now."
"Are you from California?" I ask.
"No, I'm from Michigan," she replies. "You?"
"Arizona," I said.
"The deep desert of Arizona," she laughs. "Tough."
"When you grow up there, you're used to it," I admit.
"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't be used to cold weather then. Like really cold?" She asks.
"Yeah, haven't seen snow!" I say.
"Oh really?" She asks. "You should."
"I want to."
"Go to Utah or Colorado. They're the best places in the winter," she tells me. "It's crazy that you've never seen snow!" She laughs. "This is gonna be my first winter without snow," she adds.
  "Are you not going back home for Christmas?" I ask.
  "No, my family is going on vacation to Hawaii. Well my mom and dad, I'm stuck here working," she shrugs.
  "Oh," I nod.
  "But, guess I'll have to see what a California Christmas will be like," she grins. "My sister is gonna come down anyway."
  "Here's your order," Xander pushes the two plates out. She grabs them.
  "And now, you serve," she tells me.

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