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The next morning I wore some leggings and a sweater for glass. I grabbed my backpack and left the dorm to a still sleeping Rachael. I get into the elevator and Alex walks into it too. Just us.

"Morning," he says and I don't reply. "You know Liv, I apologized and getting back at me by being friends or whatever you and Isaac are. It's childish," he tells me and I look at him.
"What?" I ask.
"I see the flirty stares and how you guys are always hanging out," he nods.
"Alex, unfortunately... that's not about you," I say. "I'm over you. So I'm not trying to get back at you, that would be a waste of my time. Trust me."
"My roommate!?"
"We're friends," I mutter. I wasn't gonna say anything about us going out. It's Alex and it's not like we're a thing. "He lives across from me. I'm not trying to still be in your life. I have my own, it doesn't involve you and actually, I'm probably doing better now," I say. "Don't think so highly of yourself. Especially after what you did."
The elevator doors open at the lobby and I walk out. I felt good for handling that maturely and not just screaming at him.

When I get to the school I go into the cafe to grab a coffee quickly.
"Hey bitch," Maisie says when she sees me and I laugh.
"Hey," I reply. I grab my money and pass it to her.
"No hot friend with you today!?" She asks and I laugh again.
"Unfortunately no," I shake my head. She hands me back my change. "Do you know where I can get a job? On campus or close!?" I ask.
"I wish I could say here but we're not hiring. Maybe the library," she says. "There's also a campus diner place."
"Yeah... I need to start making money, my moms gonna stop sending me it," I laugh.
"I wish my mom sent me money," she says. "She would never."
She passes me my coffee. "Thanks. I'll see you later," I say and she nods.

I leave and I still had a bit till my first class. But I might as well scope out the shops for me to work at since I need a job. I'll apply to the library and the diner that was pretty much on campus.
"Hey!" I hear and turn to see Noah.
"Oh what's up," I said.
"How does it finally feel?" He asks.
"What?" I ask.
"To be 18. Now for more than a day," he chuckles.
"It hasn't started off well. I'm on a quest to find a job," I state.
"Oh the diner like just off campus is hiring," he points out.
"Yeah, I was thinking of applying," I nod. "Or the library."
"Not the library. It's all old people, or like nerds... not even the cool ones. I mean like horse girls from kindergarten... that are still horse girls," he tells me.
"That's rude," I laugh.
"You are usually rude," he shrugs.
"You went to private school, you should know better," I tell him and he laughs. "Actually, that's not true. Private school boys turn out to be frat boys."
"I'm not a frat boy though," he says.
"Still," I shrug.
"Whatever," he waves me off. "I swear whenever I'm around I see at least one coffee with you," he says.
"It's my thing," I shrug. "I love coffee," I add checking the time but I still had about 20 minutes.
"Yeah.... everyone knows that by now," I hear the familiar voice of Isaac. I turn and he walks over to us. "It's like Liv's trademark," he adds and I laugh.
"Exactly Noah," I nod. "I'm gonna get merch, and it's just gonna be me holding a cup of coffee," I say. "Then above my head it's gonna say... "Eat my ass" cause that's also my trademark," I grin. "That's perfect!" I state and they laugh. "I'm not kidding."
"No one thinks you are," Isaac says and grabs my coffee from me taking a sip.
"Hey, the cafe is 2 seconds away. Go get yourself one," I take it back.
"I just wanted a sip," he shrugs.
"Shit. I gotta go. I'll see you guys later," Noah nods at me and leaves.
"Wanna help me with my merch?" I ask Isaac.
"Definitely," he nods. "Sounds like it could get big."
"Right!!" I agree.
"You seem like you're in a good mood and you're never in a good mood in the morning," he says.
"I guess I am. I woke up with a lot of energy, and I think it's because I went to bed at a normal time," I say.
"It wasn't like 4:00 am?" He questions and I shake my head.
"It was actually almost 1:00 am, so like 12:40," I state. "That's good for me."
"I'm proud," he remarks.
"Thank you."
"So, what classes do you have?" He asks.
"I've got English lecture, and communications," I reply. "Why? Are you gonna try to join me in them again?" I ask.
"No, I was gonna ask if you wanted to skip them again?" He asks.
"Wow... have the roles reversed? You're being the rebel?" I ask.
"Not really... I only have one class today," he laughs. "Not until 3:00. But I'll probably not go anyway."
"Ahh... makes sense," I joke and he laughs.
"So? I mean it's only fair since you made me skip..." he persuades me.
"You won't have to do a lot convincing. I'm in. It's just lectures anyway," I nod. "Where are we going?" I ask.
"I don't know. Out," he shrugs.
"We should probably get you a coffee then?" I ask and he nods. "So, do you think I should work at that diner that's like just off campus but barely?" I ask.
"Do you need a job?" He asks.
"Yes. My moms cutting my off," I laugh.
"Why not. You can get me free food," he nods.
"Oh... so this is just about you then?" I laugh and he laughs with me.
"Yeah. Especially since we're gonna be dating..." he nods and that kind of makes me blush. "I'll need you to get me free food if you work there."
"God, you're too needy," I joke and he laughs.

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