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I stand in the kitchen at work munching on some fries that Andrew had made. It was dead out there. It was Monday afternoon and I didn't expect there to be many people in, but I didn't expect there to be none.

"What the hell? Why aren't you out there working?" Xander walks in.
"No ones here," I shrug.
"And you won't know if you're just standing there eating," he laughs.
"Yes, I'll head the door and I can see through here," I wave my hand through the hole in the wall where we put in orders.
"Okay," he shrugs.
"Plus Mary's our there."
"Enjoying the food?" He asks.
"Very much. Thanks to Andrew," I grin. "He made this specially for me."
I had fries, hash-browns and some toast. I didn't want eggs because clearly, I'm not healthy.
"Yeah," Xander laughs. "Do you know if Peni is working tonight?" He asks.
"Don't know, I leave at 4:00," I shrug and he nods. I started at 11:30. I had one early class, and that was it for me. I'm getting shit done, and I'm proud of myself for it. I've got a job and I'm schooling full time. Who knew I, Olivia Marsh could get her shit together? My parents should be proud, and they haven't expressed that enough to me. But I'm also dramatic as fuck.
I hear the jingle of the door and I grab a fry.
"Thanks for the food Andrew," I wave and head to the front. A couple walks in laughing.
"Hi! Take a seat anywhere," I said and they go into a booth. Mary was wiping down some tables. I grab some menus and head over to them.
"Hello, I'm Liv and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with any drinks?" I ask placing down the menus.
"Yeah, could I get a water?" The girl asks holding onto her boyfriend's arm for dear life. I nod and turn to him.
"I'll have water as well," he grins.
"I'll be right back with those," I said and walked away.
I grab 2 cups and the pitcher filling them with water as the door jingles again. I look up and I see Dylan walk in, Isaac after him.
"Hey guys," I say.
"What's up Liv," Dylan nods.
"Hey babe," Isaac grins.
"You guys can sit anywhere," I grab the two cups with water. "I'll be right there if Mary doesn't serve you."
I walk back to their table passing out the water.
"Did you need another minute to look through the menu?" I ask because instead of looking through that, they were staring at each other smiling, and whispering. They look over and the girl looks annoyed that I interrupted them.
"Yes please," she mutters and I nod turning away, I roll my eyes when I walk off.
I go over to the booth Isaac and Dylan were in. Mary went somewhere.
"Hey, guys, what do you want to drink?" I ask.
"I bet Isaac's gonna order a tall glass of you," Dylan laughs at himself and I roll my eyes laughing.
"Exactly actually," Isaac nods.
"Come on, tell me what you want," I say.
"What's the best milkshake here?" Dylan asks me.
"I've only gotten vanilla," I state. "There chocolate one isn't bad, I've had a sip of it."
"I'll get a vanilla milkshake then," he pays the table.
"Isaac?" I ask.
"Just a Water please," he replies and I nod.
"You're not ready to order are you?" I ask.
"Not at all Liv," Dylan shakes his head. "So next time read my mind."
"Fuck off," I laugh and Isaac laughs.
"That's costumer brutality," he states and I walk off. I go to the back for the milkshake machine. I quickly make one for Dylan and grab water for Isaac.
When I walk back there a minute later they were laughing.
"Here," I say. "I'll be right back," I tell them and they nod. I walk back over to the couple. "Are you guys ready?" I ask pulling out my notepad and they order. I put that in and go back to Dylan and Isaac.
"Ready?" I asked running a hand through my hair.
"You look stressed," Isaac laughs.
"No, the couple I was just serving are kind of annoying," I whisper.
"Tell them to fuck off," Dylan laughs at himself.
"Oh, so they can complain about costumer brutality?" I mock him.
"Yes, now that you brought it up. You suck at customer service," he mutters and Isaac laughs.
"Are you guys ready to order?" I ask.
"Yes," Dylan says.
"Okay, What?" I ask and they give me their orders. Dylan somehow making it complicated by saying no cheese and no tomatoes and make sure he gets hash browns and not bacon. Assface.
I put that order in, then Xander gives me the couple's order and I hear the jingle of the door as I hand those out to them.
"Is that all you need?" I ask and they nod. "Hi just take a seat anywhere," I tell the group of girls who walked in. Where was Mary?
I check for Isaac and Dylan's order, and when there's still nothing I head over to the girls.
"Hi," I grin. "I'm Liv your server. Can I get you guys any drinks?" I ask.
"Yeah! Can I get a sprite?" A girl around my age asks, they were all probably my age, if not younger. I nod looking to the next.
"Water," one orders.
"Ice tea," the last girl orders.
"I'll be back with those," I said walking back to the front.
I grab some cups and Xander puts out the order of food.
I put my head through space.
"Does anyone know where Mary is?" I ask.
"She's not out there?" Andrew asks and I shake my head. "Mary!" He yells. "Liv needs you!"
I grab the food and give it to Isaac and Dylan.
"Enjoy," I grin turning back and doing those girls' drinks.
I walk back with those minutes after.
"Ready to order? Or do you need more time?" I ask.
"More time please," a girl asks and I nod.
The bell jingles and I'm about to talk when Mary does instead. The couple sits down.
"Where were you?" I ask her.
"I was in the back, it wasn't busy," she shrugs. "I don't feel good," she mutters.
"What's wrong?"
"I just feel sick," she states. She did look pale.
"Can you work?" I ask and she nods but she didn't look sure. "Are you sure?"
"I'll try," she mumbles and I sigh. "I might have to puke though."
"Dammit," I mutter. "Is there anyone you can call in?" I ask and she puts her hand over her mouth turning and running to the bathroom. DAMMIT!
I walk over to the couple.
"Hi, what can I get you guys to drink?" I ask.
"Water please," the woman asks.
"Water for me," the man nods.
I turn back.
"Guys, Mary's sick," I say walking half into the kitchen.
"Really?" Xander asks and I nod. "Is it busy?"
"It's getting there," I nod. "There's 4 that I can handle at the moment, but I think more might come."
"Tell her to call Peni or Maggie or Aaron," Andrew says and I nod.
I quickly grab the waters and pass those out then go back to the group of girls getting their orders.
Mary walks out.
  "Mary, it's fine go home. I'm gonna call Peni or Aaron," I tell her.
  "I feel bad. It's getting busy," she says as another group walks in.
  "I'm okay," I say. "Go get better," I tell her.
  "Thanks, Liv," She says and I nod.
  "Hi! Take a seat anywhere. I'll be right with you," I state and they sit down. Help me.
I grab the phone and dial Penelope's number.
  "Hello?" She answers.
  "Hey Peni, it's me Liv. Do you work tonight?" I ask.
  "No, I didn't have a shift tonight," she replies. "Do you need me?"
  "Well Mary just got super sick she's puking, and it's starting to get busy here. If you can't, I'll call Aaron," I say.
  "No, I can come in," she says. "I'll be there in 15?"
  "Ok, thanks you're the best," I laugh.
  "See you!" She says and hangs up.
I go over to the new group asking them what they wanted to drink.

After 15 minutes she did show up and got right down to business.
I walk over checking on everyone's table. I stop at Isaac's.
  "You guys good?" I ask.
  "Yeah, are you? You're running around the place," Isaac says.
  "Just some employees getting sick," I shrug. "I gotta go, call me if you need anything?"
  "Wait," Isaac stops me. "Can I come over tonight?" He asks.
  "Yeah, I finish work at 4:00," I reply and he nods.
I walk back getting some more orders. It was Monday afternoon, Why was it busy all of a sudden?


  "Hey," Isaac walks into my room.
  "What's up," I say. I was just finishing some school work after coming back from work and my nice hot shower.
  "What're you doing?" He asks hopping up onto my bed.
  "I just needed to finish off an assignment," I close the book. "But I'm pretty much done," I state turning over to him and pecking his lips. He moves his hand down to my leg pulling me on top of him. "How was your day?" I ask.
  "Fine," he replies. "Didn't do much. How about you?"
  "Busy," I state. "And exhausting," I add and he nods.
  "I could tell, the diner was getting busy," he says.
  "Yeah, thank god I don't have to work tomorrow," I said.
  "Yea, but we do have our Ikea date," he grins leaning his head back against the wall.
  "Oh yeah, I'm excited for that,"
I nod. "I need to find my mom a Christmas present and that will be the perfect place to get it."
  "You gonna get her a cooking pan?" He asks.
  "Yeah, I'll get her 5 of them," I nod and he chuckles.
  "Kind of a good idea," he agrees.
  "I'm an expert on moms," I remark. "They're obsessed with me."
  "I think most people are obsessed with you," he states and I grin.
  "Obviously," I nod. "Everyone who knows me is."
  "OBVIOUSLY," he nods with me and I laugh.
  "You're too obsessed with me," I tell him and he chuckles.
  "Yeah, I am," he says. "I thought that was the most obvious," he adds leaning over kissing my collarbone. He trails up my neck slowly. "The only problem is..." he mumbles against my skin. "You're not obsessed with me," he laughs and I roll my eyes.
  "I might be, you'll just never hear me say it," I cup his cheeks and kiss his lips. He grins against the kiss.
I pull away slightly.
  "Should we order pizza?" I ask and he chuckles.
  "Yes," he nods pecking my lips quickly. "Totally down."

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