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Friday came by really fast, it was Friday morning and I was putting my bags in the back of my car and I was about to say goodbye to my parents and go and get Jude so we can leave. It was about 9:00 am.
I walk inside and head into the kitchen.
  "Okay, I'm all packed up," I clap my hands and mom immediately pulls me into a hug.
  "Oh sweetie, I'm gonna miss you," she hugs me tight.
  "I know, I'll miss you guys too," I said.
  "Please be safe, and text me every hour and a half," she tells me. "Make sure Jude does too!"
  "I know mom," I laugh and she pulls away cupping my cheeks.
  "I love you."
  "I love you too," I nod.
  "Come here kiddo," dad pulls me into a hug. "Make sure not to crash the car," he says.
  "Don't say that!" Mom nudges his arm and I laugh.
  "I won't," I say pulling away. "I'll text you guys and we'll be safe okay."
  "Please! Do you have enough snacks? Enough drinks?" Mom asks.
  "Yes mom, you bought us the whole gas station last night," I laugh and Hugo walks in. I bend down. "Hey buddy," I pull him close and pet him. "I'm gonna miss you."
  "Probably more than ya," dad shakes his head and I laugh.
  "Can't I just take you?" I ask no one in general. I hug him and he whines a bit making me smile and also want to cry because he was the best dog ever.
  "Okay," I stand. "I love you guys."
Mom shakes her head. "Don't cry mom," I tell her.
  "I won't!" Her voice was shaky. "I love you," she follows me to the door. "Make sure to get gas, and make sure you have everything."
  "Mama, I drove here alone, I can make it back with Jude fine," I say.
  "She knows that," dad puts an arm around her. "We love you, and text or call us anytime," he says and I nod.
  "See you guys!" I blow air kisses and mom nods and I head out the front door and hear her say something to dad.
I get into my car and turn it on. I quickly text Jude that I'll be there in 10.

I pull up to his house in about 10 minutes and he was at the door saying bye to his parents. His mom hugs him and she looked like she was crying. Parents, always so emotional. He waves and comes to the car with one small duffel bag. Kind of like I did. He puts it in the back seat and gets up front.
  "Hey," he smiles.
  "Hey," I reply. "Is your mom crying?"
  "Yes, she's always crying," he nods and I laugh. They were standing there watching and waving.
We leave the driveway and I glance at Jude.
  "Your first road trip with me. Good luck," I tell him and he laughs.
  "May the Lord be with me!" He shakes his head and I laugh.
  "Shut up and put some music on," I pass him the aux cord.

So, I would be seeing Isaac when we got there. He got there Thursday because he didn't like being at home. We've been talking, but barely, and I completely understand why. I just wanted to be there for him.

"So... you're gonna be seeing Isaac right?" He asks and I nod. "You gonna rip him a new one as I suggested."
"Oh, I forgot that I didn't tell you.." I mumble. "He texted me."
"Really? You guys good?" He asks and I nod. "He had a great excuse? Or?" He questions.
"It wasn't an excuse," I said. "His mom died."
"Oh shit..." he looks over to me and I nod. "That sucks!"
"Yeah," I nod again.
"She had cancer," I say.
"Fuck, that's sad.." he said.
"Yeah, so he wasn't on his phone, and he still apologized," I mumble, because Isaac was that guy, he was always nice.
"So that's fine now," I try to change the topic because it wasn't my thing to talk about. "Now, put on music dude! I'm not gonna talk to you this whole trip."
"That's rude," he tells me and I laugh. "Eat my ass."
"Um, you wish!" I scoff.


Halfway through the trip, I let Jude drive. The sun was out more than it was when we left. It was only around 1:00 pm, we would get there by around 3:00 or 3:30 depending on traffic. We were making good time though.
I was singing loudly to 5sos music because when I got the aux cord, I put on my boybands playlist. Old 5sos was always great.

"DON'T STOP!! DOIN WHAT YOU'RE DOIN!" I sing and Jude was just watching the road not fazed by my outburst of singing. Anyone who knew me would not be surprised. I grab a bag of chips and my phone buzzes and I have a text from Isaac.

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