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I walk into my English class and go to my usual spot next to Miles.

"Hey," I say as I sit down.
"Hey," he replies. He was eating pretzels today. He always had food with him. "Pretzel?" He offers me and I take some. "Any new drama today?"
"No," I shake my head. "My life is normal today."
"Nice," he says.
"How bout you?"
"I never have drama in my life," he shakes his head.
"Yeah, you need to spice up your life more Miles," I nudge him with my shoulder and he shakes his head again.
"Hell no," he mumbles. "I'm very satisfied with living my drama-free life."
"You have nothing going on, yet you're the most brooding person I know," I retort confuse. "You confuse me."
"That's the whole point," he nods and grabs my coffee taking a sip from it. "You never know what I'm gonna do."
"Pfft," I grab my coffee back from him. "You're not that mysterious."
"Oh really?" He asks. "What's so predictable about me?" He questions.
"You're look matches your name, you can not be that mysterious," I point out.
"My name matches my look," he laughs and I nod. "You're dumb."
"Hey!" I give him a look. "I'm your best friend, you cannot call me dumb."
"Isn't that what best friends do?" He asks. "Call each other names?"
"Well you're stupid," I retort and he laughs.
"Fine, you're an asshole."
"Ass-cricket," I say just coming up with that one. He holds back his laugh.
"Dick cheese," he says and I look at him and we both laugh.
"What the fuck?" I ask.
"What's going on here?" Mia shows up looking at us weirdly.
"Nothing," Miles mumbles and we both stop laughing.
"I'm using that one," I tell him and he shrugs.
"Fine, you can't use it on me though, cause I called you it," he tells me.
"Whatever," I say. "Weirdo."
"You called me ass-cricket," he says.
"You are one."
"Fuck off," he waves me off and I laugh again.
"Mia," I turn to her. "We haven't talked in so long!"
"Yeah, I've been busy," she shrugs. "What's up?"
"Not much," I reply. "Just chilling."
"Nice," she laughs.
"How about you?"
"Nothing really, focusing on school like crazy," she tells me.
"Dating anyone?" I ask.
"Seeing someone," she grins.
"Ooh," I nod. "Who?"
"I don't know if you know him," she mutters. "Names Ty."
"Ty," I say and glance at Miles who was just eating his pretzels. "Short for Tyler?"
"Yeah, he just prefers Ty," she nods. Of course he does. I remember Miles telling me about a guy named Mark, but I guess that's nothing.
"Cool, cool," I say. "Oh Miles!" I turn to him. He glances at me.
"Hmm?" He asks.
"Isaac told me he loved me," I tell him.
"Wow," he says. "Big words."
"Yeah," I laugh.
"Did you say it back?" He asks.
"Yeah," I nod.
"Well, good for you guys," he nods. "You're in love!"
"Don't be an ass-face," I push him.
"I'm being serious," he waves me off. "Good for you."
I sit back in my seat. "So can I find you a girlfriend or!?" I ask.
"Nope," he shakes his head.
"Miles! Come on man," I groan.
"You should let her!" Mia adds.
"I like being single, leave me alone," he leans back putting his hood on and closing his eyes.
"Fine Mr. Brood," I shake my head.


I walk out of my last class, I was free for the day. I had nothing else to do, so I was gonna go grab some coffee and food.
I pull out my phone to see a text from Isaac.

ISAAC🥵: out with Dylan rn, can I come over later thoooo?

ME: yeah!

I head to the cafe and get myself a coffee before I start walking back to the dorms.
"Liv!" I hear and turn to see Dylan slowly jog over. I don't see Isaac with him.
"Hey," I reply. "Where's Isaac?" I ask.
"I was just about to ask the same question," he chuckles and my grin drops.
"Really?" I ask. "He told me you guys were hanging out," I point out and Dylan looked confused.
"Well no," he shakes his head. "I was gonna ask him too, but he didn't reply to my text," he shrugs.
I felt my heart drop and almost come out of my ass. He lied to me. What the hell? I felt my mind start to wander.
Cheating? He wouldn't lie for no reason. He... cheat? Huh!? Could Isaac be cheating on me right now?
"Oh well..." I gulp. "Don't know," I shrug lamely and he nods.
"Yeah sorry, I didn't know we were supposed to," he adds. "I'll text you if I find him anywhere?" He suggests.
"Sure," I nod. "Thanks. Bye," I wave.

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