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Nothing. Still nothing. I haven't gotten a text from Isaac in 2 days. He hasn't replied to me still! My message was just there, the next morning the exact same with no reply. What the fuck!? What is going on!? Was he okay!? Did I do something!? What!?
My fingers hover over the keyboard, I was contemplating whether or not to write to him again. Asking him if he was okay!? What was going on!?

ME: can you at least tell me you're alive so I don't worry!?

He hasn't been on Instagram or Snapchat, which didn't surprise me that much because he wasn't a big social media fan. But no reply!? Not one reply!? Not a simple I'm fine, or hey!? Nothing! We're talking about Isaac! Is this the wrong number or what!?
I was confused, and a little hurt by this behaviour. Did I do something, was he done with me!? What was the issue here? I need to know!

ME: is something wrong!?!

I shut it off so my mind would stop running in circles to the thought of him and the message.
All the things that he could be doing right now while ignoring my message. What the fuck!? Seriously what the fuck!?
I look at my phone and then look away. This was gonna eat me alive if he doesn't tell me what's wrong right now!
Is he cheating!? Is he done with me and this is his way of ghosting me!? We live across from each other int he dorms. Ugh! I can't be crazy, but what the hell!? Someone explain this to me!
I get off my bed and walk to my closet to get changed because Jude wanted to hang out. I put on some denim shorts and a tank top tucked into it. I walk out and look over to my phone to see if it would light up, nothing still. I go to my mirror and fix my hair. I don't put in makeup. I grab my shoes and sit down on the bed to put them on. I turn my phone on, but no message. I slip on my vans and grab my Dickies backpack.
What the hell! It was gonna be the death of me if I didn't know what was going on.
It was New Year's Eve, so we'd be going to a party tonight, and I really didn't want to go. I was unhappy because Isaac wouldn't reply, and it got me in a mood and that mood was not a party mood.
I text Jude asking if he wanted to come over.

JUDE: sure! I'll be there in 10

ME: cool!

Maybe he would understand, he's a guy! Hopefully, because I'm confused as shit.

When he got here, we sat outside on the dock with drinks.
  "So what's up?" He and putting his drink to the side and laying on his back with an arm over his eyes to cover the sun.
"I have a question," I lean back on my hands staring at the water in front of me.
"So as a guy," I start. "If you don't text a girl back, or something... is it usually a bad reason? Or you're busy, or what!?" I ask casually. He looks over to me.
"Isaac?" He asks.
"Just answer!" I wave him off because I never really liked talking about my problems to other people, but I wanted to know what's going on, and I was always comfortable with Jude.
"I think it depends," he tells me and I look over to him. "Not every guy is in the same situation," he adds. "So he could be busy, he could be doing something sketchy... I don't know. How long has it been?" He asks.
"2 days," I say.
"2 days?" He asks kind of surprised and I nod. "Maybe he lost his phone."
"Or he's just ignoring me," I mumble.
"No, why would he? Did you guys fight or something?" He sits up.
"No, that's the thing, it was so random," I shrug. "I don't know why he's not replying. It's like I'm worried he did something, but I'm also worried that something is wrong with him or his family," I said.
Hopefully, he's okay, and hopefully, his mom is too.
"Have you tried calling him?" He asks and I shake my head. "Maybe do that Liv."
"I don't want to be annoying. I don't want to be that crazy girlfriend," I state.
"He's not texting you back! It's not crazy if you try to call the guy, he's your boyfriend," he remarks. "You're being crazy by not doing that."
"What if I did something?" I say.
"Did you?"
"I don't think so! We were fine 2 days ago!" I throw my hands in the air.
"Either you call him, or when he does write to you, you ignore him," he shrugs. "Has he been active on social media? Or Snapchat?"
"No, but he's not a big fan of that stuff," I say. "He usually snaps me, or his friends, but he hasn't been on," I say.
"Well, maybe he got kidnapped," he shrugs.
"Don't joke about that!" I laugh judging him and he laughs.
"Look, we're going out tonight, don't worry. I'm sure he has a reason for being a fool," he said. "He could've broken his phone, that happens all the time to people."
"Does it?" I sigh. "Whatever," I mumble.
I knew I wouldn't be able to focus on the party or New Years at all.

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