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I sit in class taking notes and Miles was falling asleep beside me because he had a long night. His hood was on and he was laying on his arm.
I was supposed to help Isaac after class with his essay that's due tomorrow, and I find it cute that he thought to come to me for help. I wasn't paying much attention to the teacher but I was writing and doodling on my notepad. I click my pen in even amounts because of my OCD and I was bored.
"Can you stop clicking your pen," Miles grumbles into his arm. I look at him and he hasn't moved.
"Sorry," I said in a low voice. I look at the teacher leaning against my hand.
"Are you bored?" He asks and I look at him again.
"Huh? Kinda, my minds just going off," I shrug.
"I'm not tired," I reply. I tap on the desk and Miles puts his hand over mine to stop it.
"Why are you so fidgety?" He asks.
"I'm sorry!" I groan. "I'm just not into school right now," I mumble.
"Leave," he suggests.
"No, then I have nothing to do out of school," I remark. He lifts his head and looks at me with dark bags under his eyes.
"You are annoying," he tells me.
"Hey, don't be mad at me because you didn't get your beauty sleep," I retort. "I'm just here, like every day," I say. "Why didn't you sleep anyway?" I ask.
"Because I'm a bat," he replies.
"Like a vampire bat?" I ask and he looks at me and I laugh at myself.
"Why are you such a freak?" He asks and I shrug.
"You decided to befriend me. So take that into consideration next time," I sigh.
"I'm supposed to be asleep right now!" He groans.
"Why did you come to class?" I ask.
"I don't know."

I don't reply and I notice the girl beside me looking over at us. I turn to her and she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at Miles. Oh, she thinks he's cute. I look at him and his eyes were closed again leaning on his hand now.
"He's cute right," I lean towards the girl and say in a low voice and she looks at me and blushes. She had black short hair and she had hazel eyes and she kind of looked like the basketcase off of The Breakfast Club movie Allison. She was wearing a white crop top and some black jeans.
"Yeah," she nods.
"Do you... like him?" I ask.
"What makes you think that?" She asks.
"You were looking at him. But maybe you just think he's cute," I shrug. "Just assumed."
"I do," she nods. "Obvious?"
"No, I just caught you staring," I laugh. "I'm Liv by the way," I add.
"I'm Mia," she replies. "So, are you and Miles friends?" She asks.
"Yeah," I nod. "He's cool. A total mystery."
She laughs and nods.
"I can tell he's a mystery," she nods.
"Do you guys know each other?" I ask.
"No, I've just seen him around and you know. It's like a mental crush," she shakes her head and I nod.
"I can introduce you guys," I said and she looked terrified for a second.
"I just met you, I'm not gonna be the weird random girl you introduce him to," she says.
"Dude, you are so my new friend. It wouldn't be weird, you're in our class," I state and she laughs.
"Do you guys hang out, out of class?" She asks.
"I mean, we haven't made plans but if I see him I'll talk to him," I shrug. "We've only like gotten coffee together and that was when I forced myself into his space," I add. "I'm kind of annoying," I admit. "But I could totally help you get to know him."
"Really? Does he even like that many people?" She asks.
"He seems hard, but he's nice. He was super cool when I first met him. He looks like your typical skater-douche. Surprisingly he's not," I reply with a laugh and she grins.
"Well... maybe then," she shrugs. "He'll probably not even like me."
"He doesn't even know you. I'm surprised he likes me," I say. "I'm a weirdo," I shrug. "We should have coffee sometime though!"
"Yeah," she nods. "You seem cool."
"That might change sometime," I admit and she laughs.


I walk out of my last class and Isaac was standing outside of it.
"Oh hey," I said and he grins.
"Hey," he says. "I finished class early and decided to just wait," he points out.
"Where do you wanna do it? Dorm or the cafe? Library?" I list off places.
"I could do for a coffee right now, but we could maybe do dorm?" He says.
"Sure, I could use a coffee too," I nod.
"Hey, Liv!" I hear Rachael and she comes up with Noah with her and he smiles when he sees me.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I was gonna invite Noah and some friends to the dorm so if you guys are studying or whatever I'm just telling you," she points out I look at Isaac.
"My dorm," he says.
"We'll just go to his dorm," I shrug.
"Cool," she nods.
"Hey Liv," Noah says to me.
"Hey," I grin. Rachael looks at him and laughs shaking her head. "Anyway, you guys have fun. Just don't like ruin my side of the room," I tell her and Noah laughs.
"We won't touch it at all," she says. "You guys have fun too," she smirks.
"We will, writing an essay" I nod and Noah laughs again.
"Yeah, maybe" Rachael shrugs.
"We will, bye," Isaac says to her.
"We're going. Don't mean to bother you," she grins. "See ya!"
"Bye," I reply.
"Bye," Noah looks at me and they walk away. I look at Isaac and he looks at me.
"Ready to go?" I ask.
"Yes," he nods and we start walking towards the cafe. "You told Rachael?" He asks and I glance at him confused. "About the kiss?"
"Oh," I mumble. "No, what makes you think that?" I ask and he looks at me and I laugh. "She's just annoying."
"Liv!" He laughs.
"Fine, obviously I did. She's my best friend here," I admit and he just smiles. "Shut up," I tell him.
"I didn't say anything," he says.
"I would've told her if it were a random guy also, don't make it weird," I tell him.
"I don't think I'm the one making it weird. You are," He points out and I push him. "Also, I think you may have turned me into a coffee fanatic with you," he adds and I laugh.
"Mission accomplished!" I state and he chuckles.

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