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I wake up and I felt the weight on my eyes from last night. I was up late, and I got high. So it was a double whammy. I felt so exhausted and kind of dead. Isaac was sleeping next to me, close and he looked dead asleep. His arm was on my stomach. I rub my eyes waking myself up but I still felt very dead. I wasn't even hungover, I was just groggy from smoking last night.
I was sleeping in Isaac's shirt with my shorts and I literally didn't feel like moving a finger.
I look over to Rachael's bed and she wasn't there. Either with Scott or... went somewhere. I reach over and grab my phone. It was almost 12:00. I lay back down and Isaac was still sound asleep. This is probably the longest he's been asleep. He looked so cute, his hair went down over his eye and his chest was rising and falling slowly.
I don't think I was ever this attracted to Alex. He turns over facing me and his eyes flutter open. He blinks a couple of times and his eyes were on me. He looked like he was in a daze. He grins when he's back to reality.

"Hey," he says his voice husky and full of sleep.
"Hi," I mutter and my voice was raspy from last night.
"You're staring," he states.
"Yeah," I admit and his smile grows. He runs a hand through his hair pushing it back.
"Why?" He asks.
"You look good when you sleep," I add and he lets out a chuckle.
"I feel like a whole weight is pushing me down because of the weed last night," I tell him.
"I agree," he nods. "I kinda feel like I can barely move."
"Yeah," I say.
"Do you know the time?" He asks.
"12:00," I reply. "I woke up 15-20 minutes ago."
"Thank god it's only Sunday and not Monday. I would not be able to do it," he adds and I laugh.
  "Dude, I know. I am seriously dead," I sigh leaning my head onto his chest. He pushes back some of my hair.
  "Yeah," he mumbles. "Another day of chilling in bed?" He chuckles and I look up at him.
  "Yes. But we need coffee," I nod. "We need more than just one coffee, and a bagel," I add and he laughs.
  "Okay. Let's go get that," he says. "If I'm able to get up."
  "Dude Same," I groan. I sit up running a hand through my hair. "Can you pass me my glasses?"
He passed them from the side table. I put them on and finally see clearly. "Let's go!"
He gets off the bed and I follow.
  "I just gotta go get a shirt," he tells me and I nod grabbing my bag. "And I need a kiss," he grins turning to me. I go on my tippy toes and he leans down giving me a little kiss.
  "Go get dressed," I push him and he sighs.
  "Wait in the hall for me," he says and leaves. I slip on my slippers and head out in the hall shutting my door.
Scott's door opens and Rachael walks out with her shoes and dress in hand, wearing his shirt. I smirk at her and she stops when she looks up and sees me.
  "Hey," She says.
  "Hi," I laugh. "How was your night?"
  "Good," she blushes. "Where are you going?" She asks.
  "To get coffee and a bagel with Isaac," I reply.
  "Okay. I'll probably be sleeping," she tells me and I nod. She goes into the room just as Isaac walks out with a long sleeve white shirt on, and his sweatpants.
  "Gets go!" He grabs my hand and we head over to the elevator.
I press the lobby and we stayed silent. I watch Isaac, he licks his lips and glances at me.
  "What?" He asks. I shake my head. "You're like obsessed with me."
  "Shut up," I laugh and he grins, but that half side smirk type of grin.
The doors open and we walk out.
  "It would be fine if you were. I'm kind of obsessed with you," he opens the front door for me and I walk out.
  "I know you are," I reply and he chuckles. "That's crystal clear."
  "Oh but it's not when it comes to you?" He asks.
  "I don't get obsessed," I shrug.
  "Must be a new and odd feeling then," he smirks and I roll my eyes.
  "Yes, you're so right," I nod. "It's so foreign."
I throw my hands up dramatically and he laughs.
  "Shut up," he grabs my hand pulling it around his waist as we walk. I laugh at myself.
  "Ohh... "make me" I mock and he looks at me.
  "Asshole," he says.
  "I know," I nod. "But you are too. So it works."
  "Exactly," he agrees and leans down pecking my lips. "And we both love coffee," he adds and I laugh.
  "Very true!"

We get to the cafe and Maisie and Wes both weren't working. So we ordered and got them. I sip it the minute I get it, finally feeling my nerves settle down. Coffee... my saving grace. I swear I could write a whole book on how amazing coffee is. It truly inspires me.
  "Good?" He chuckles.
  "Yes. I finally feel like myself," I grin and he smiles shaking his head.
  "Let's go," he nods toward the door. We leave and it was a nice day. It wasn't hot, but it wasn't cold, it felt just right. Not like Arizona ever.
  "Should we go for a walk!?" I ask. "It's nice out."
  "Sure," he nods. "Anywhere specific?"
  "Let's go where the wind takes us," I remark and he nods with a smile.
I was still wearing his shirt with a pair of bicycle shorts. But I didn't mind, I had my coffee, a bagel in a paper bag.
I thought I was gonna want to stay in all day, with a weight over my whole body. But I felt good to be out. Not inside cooped up like usual.
  "The weathers perfect," I state.
  "Yeah. It's really nice," he agrees sipping his coffee. I look at him and he was just staring straight as we walked on the sidewalk. Past some palm trees, bushes and all. He runs a hand through his messy hair still not noticing me staring. I've been doing that a lot, but he was too good looking to not stare at. Like... dad? Ew.
  "Have you figured out when you want to go visit your mom?" I ask and he looks over at me biting his lip. Oh, that little gesture had such an effect over me. I swear I'll die. As dramatic as I sound, it felt accurate.
  "Umm.," he mumbles. "Next weekend maybe," he nods. "I don't have anything planned. So probably then," he adds. "Why?"
  "I'm just wondering," I say.
  "Yeah, I think next week," he says. "I'll probably skip Friday, cause I'm driving."
"Yeah," I nod. "Does she know?"
"No, I'm gonna surprise her," he smiles a bit and it makes me smile.
"That's nice!" I chirp and sip my drink. I realized I haven't really talked to my family in a bit. We just text a small bit but nothing more. I should probably call my mom or dad later.
"Let's sit," I fell him and sit down on a bench. We were facing a park with palm trees and it was all bushy and green. He sits next to me. There were kids in the park playing and screaming.
"Oh the joy of screaming kids," Isaac jokes and I laugh.
"Kind of hate kids," I admit. "Unless they're related to me. But sometimes even then," I add and he chuckles.
"Really?" He asks and I nod. "I kind of like them?" He shrugs. "I mean, after they turn 9 then I'm kind of done with them," he says.
"Exactly. I only like them when they're like 2 and you can teach them bad words," I state and he laughs harder.
"Okay, I understand where you're coming from," he nods. "Do you want kids?"
Yeah if they're yours cause you're gorgeous. But obviously, I don't tell him that. Embarrassing.
"Maybe 2," I nod. "One is lonely two they can be friends. But if not that. Then none," I say. "Who knows. I don't want them now! Obviously," I add. "How about you?" I ask back.
"I think so," he nods. "Yeah..." he drifts off his smile slipping. He goes silent and licks his lips.
"You good?" I ask and he glances at me.
"Yeah," he nods. "I was just thinking," he adds.
"About having horrible children?" I joke and he chuckles.
"Yes," he nods. "Like all they do is keep you up at night, crying for food and diaper changes. Yuck," he states sarcastically and I laugh.
"Hell, no dude."
He laughs shaking his head. "We were once kids," he remarks and I nod.
"Yeah. We were once annoying as fuck," I agree.
"Once? I don't think anything has changed," he looks at me and I laugh loudly.
"That's so true," I nod. "Isn't it weird to think that... we were probably accidents," I add.
"Wow... don't crush all my confidence Liv," he grins. "I know. I just don't think about it."
"It's not bad. Every kid is an accident unless you are actually trying to get pregnant and half the time... that's not the case. It doesn't mean they're not wanted, it just means... we weren't born on purpose," I shrug.
"Yeah," he says. He sips his drink and I watch his eyes wander around like he was thinking. "You're really right about that. And it scares me."
He looks at me again.
"Why?" I ask. "It's life."
"Yeah," he mumbles.
"You've been saying "yeah" a lot today," I retort.
"Yeah," he grins and I roll my eyes. "You're saying things I have to reply with a yeah. So it's your fault."
"No, you're just... pondering so hard you don't know what else to say," I declare. "What's going through your mind dude?"
"Life," he shrugs.
"Did I make you contemplate everything? Sorry," I said.
"No," he shakes his head. "Not that. I'm just thinking."
"Okay... about?" I question.
"I said life."
"What about it?" I ask.
"It's weird," he claims.
"It is," I nod in agreement.
"Isn't it weird that people can have different lives?" He asks and I nod. "Like someone can be homeless, another person can be rich."
"Are we having a Liv moment here?" I laugh. But something felt off. It seemed like there was one thing on his mind. But he wasn't fully telling me what it was.
"Yeah, sorry," he looks down at his cup playing with the straw.
"You don't need to say sorry. I do it all the time," I voice. "I totally get it."
"It's just weird to think that these little kids are gonna grow up and... be different. Right now they're the same because they're little and don't know what's going on in life. But when they grow up, they realize their issues, some are totally fine and others probably have... or are gonna have bad times or lives," he remarks. "Some kids are gonna have... great families, some aren't..." he drifts. I stare at him and he was just staring at the kids. He looked conflicted.
"Yeah," I nod. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to make him feel weird if I ask if he's okay. But I wanted to know... if he was okay. "I wonder the same thing all the time."
He nods not saying anything. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. I have a message from Rachael.

RACH: hey!
RACH: when will you be back?

ME: an hour

RACH: I'm probably gonna head out with Ry to get food. Just making sure you have your keys?

ME: Yup!
ME: have fun

RACH: you too!

I put my phone down and look over to Isaac.
  "Wanna start heading back?" I ask him and he turns to me.
  "Yeah, let's go," he nods and I stand up and he stands after me. I sip my drink.
  "Rachael's heading out with Ryan. So we can watch something or... make out if you want," I tell him and he grins.
  "Both? Is that an option?" He asks.
  "It actually is," I nod.
  "Sounds good."

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