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I sip my coffee and re-read my English essay for the 50th time. Making sure I didn't miss anything or mess up. I already printed it and it was due by 2:00 pm which is my next class in about an hour. It was one of our first big essays that we've written over a book. Gladly, I read the book before so re-reading and figuring this out wasn't hard. But I wanted to do good on this. English is my major and I really want to succeed.

"What's this?" I hear and my paper is out of my hand. I look up and see Isaac looking down at my paper.
"That's my essay, give it back," I go to grab it but he moves it from my reach.
"I'm reading shut up," he tells me and I sigh.
"It's long Isaac. I don't know how long that's gonna take you to read," I move to grab it again.
"I read fast," he shrugs reading on. I really just didn't want him reading it.
"Isaac, give it," I said and he looks at me.
"Do you not want me reading it?" He grins.
"No, I really don't," I admit.
"Why, we're friends! Best friends," he sits across from me placing his coffee on the table. Best friends. I hated that.
"Yeah, I just don't want you making fun of me, like you do a lot of the time," I said going to grab it but he moves.
"I won't. I'll tell you if it's good or bad. Honestly," he says. "I can be your critic."
"Well, I don't have time to change it if it is bad. I have to hand it in, in about an hour," I tell him.
"You're a writer. It's probably great," he shrugs. "So let me read it."
"It's for a book. You don't need to, it's not like it's a story," I say reaching for it again and I grab it but he tightens his grip.
"Come on," he says.
"No, let it go before it rips Isaac," I tell him.
"Dude!" He says.
"Let go," he tells me.
"No, it's my paper. You let go you ass-face," I say.
"You're an ass-face. Let me read it," he says.
"I'll spill hot coffee on your dick."
"Wow!" He says and I laugh at myself. "That's sick of you to say."
"It's also something I swear I'll do," I said. "I don't let people I know read my stuff."
"But you let randoms?" He gives me a look.
"Because, they can't talk to me about it or know me personally. It makes sense," I say. "Gimme!"
"Gimme, gimme never gets," he sticks his tongue out and I glare at him.
"I'll hurt you, don't test me!" I tell him and he shrugs.
"I want to read it."
"It's not important for you to read," I say. "So, when I publish a book, you can read that."
"I don't know when that is!" He exclaims. "Come on Blue."
I hated that he had nicknames for me. I hated that he ever kissed me, I hated that I was slightly crushing on him. I hate that he calls us best friends. I hate him. He's hot, is a great kisser with nice tattoos and doesn't like me. I sigh and finally pull the paper from him. He was scared it was gonna rip so he was holding it a little more loose than I was.
"No Newton," I mutter pushing back my thoughts.
"Not Isaac Newton!" He groans.
"You're smart like him, you like math. It fits," I point out.
"I gave you this cute name like Blue and you call me Isaac Newton," he shakes his head. "Seriously. Shake my head," He adds.
"What would you like then?" I ask.
"Anything else," he says.
"Alexander," I say. "Jones. Bridget Jones," I add.
"Why do you hate me?" He sighs.
"Get over yourself. If I did hate you I wouldn't be giving you a nickname at all," I say putting my paper in my bag and sipping my coffee.
"So you love me then?" He says.
"I take it all back. I absolutely hate you," I mutter and he laughs.
"So when's your next class?" He asks.
"In an hour," I reply. "Do you have anymore classes?" I ask.
"Yeah... in an hour," he nods.
"Hey guys," Maisie pulls a chair up and sits down.
"Hey," I said.
"School sucks," she leans her head on her hand. "You think university if going so well... and you realize that your professors hate you and fail you," she groans.
"What happened to you?" I ask.
"I got a bad mark on an essay," she says. "Like... barely passing mark."
Isaac laughs and I roll my eyes at him.
"So what," I shrug. "It happens."
"It's counts for like 30 percent," she adds and I laugh this time.
"Dude, what did you do?" I ask and she shrugs.
"I've been busy," she remarks. "Well..."
"You're an idiot," I tell her and she laughs.
"My boyfriend came from San Francisco," she says. "So that's what."
"You can't complain because you're choosing to suck," I say and she sighs.
"He's got good dick," she says and I laugh.
"That stops me from doing my work too," Isaac says and I laugh again.
"I have work in 10 minutes and I don't want to do it?" She adds.
"Just faint and they'll let you go," I say.
"I need money..." she mutters.
"Why are you complaining about everything?" Isaac asks.
"I'm a girl," she groans.
"That's not a girl thing. That's an annoying you thing," I tell her.
"Shut up, I'll see you guys later," she stands up.
"Have fun," I said and she waves and leaves. "My class is across the school. I'm gonna head out," I stand grabbing my bag.
"I'm coming with," he stands.
"Fine," I said grabbing my coffee and we leave the cafe.
"So, what class is this?" He asks.
"English," I reply. "How about you?"
"English," he remarks and I look at him confused.
"You don't have an English class," I say.
"Yeah, I'm going with you," he states like I was supposed to know.
"What?" I ask.
"Yeah. I don't have an actual class. I'm going with you cause I'm bored and wanna see how you work in class," he shrugs with a grin. "Professors don't notice."
"Why don't you sneak into a class you are interested in. You hate English," I point out.
"Do you not want me there?" He asks. "Are you embarrassed of me!?"
"Actually yes. Could you walk 10 feet behind me?" I ask and he laughs nudging me.
"It'll be fun!" He says.
"So fun with you in my class," I roll my eyes.
"Just love me already."
"Nope. I'm good," I shake my head.

We get to my class and we were almost just in time a little early for it. I walk in and I see Miles where we both usually sit.
"Hey," I say when we get to him.
"Hey," Miles glances at me and I sit and Isaac sits on my other side.
"Who's he?" Isaac asks in a low voice.
"Miles, a friend," I reply. "Why?" I ask.
"Just asking. Didn't think you had any friends," he says and I glare at him.
"Fuck off," I said. I look straight.
"Who's the newby?" Miles asks and I turn to him.
"Oh, that's Isaac. He's not in this class... he's just annoying," I reply.
I sip the coffee I gladly still had.
"Does anyone have snacks?" I ask them.
"I've got some potato chips," Miles says. "Are you gonna eat them all?"
"How big is the bag?" He asks.
"Normal," he shrugs.
"That depends on how bored I get through class," I shrug. I turn to Isaac and he puts a couple packets of Welch's fruit snacks. "Dude!!" I say excited because these were my actual favourite snack.
"What?" He asks.
"I love these!"
"Yeah, they're good," he nods.
"Thanks," I smile.
"Glad, now you don't need to eat all my chips," Miles says and I shrug.
"I might want those too," I add. "I haven't eaten today. Also, I think it's the time of the month... soon at least," I pour one of the packets of fruit snacks in my hand and shove them in my mouth. "I wish you guys were girls. Then you'd understand how it felt."
"You have no shame," Miles says.
"Why should I?" I look at him. "Huh? Without woman you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't have a place to percolate when you were a fetus!" I tell him and I hear Isaac laugh.
"You're a freak," Miles mutters.
"Says the mysterious.... weirdo," I roll my eyes. I turn to Isaac. "What're you laughing at?"
"Nothing," he shrugs. "Stop being so on edge," he tells me.
"Did I not just tell you it's my time. Don't fuck with me Alexander," I remark and he sighs.
"I like Jones better," he says. "Alexander sounds too pretentious," he says.
"I still think Newton is the best one," I say.
"I started something that I completely regret," he mumbles.
"Oh, is that calling me four eyes?" I ask. "You should regret that ass-face," I nod.
"You should stop trying with nicknames. Because it comes naturally to me, you not so much," he says and I flip him off.
"Shut up. The professors in," I point out as the professor just walks in and he laughs.

I swear, if he wasn't hot, I'd hate him. The looks get to you man. They really do. He's fucking gorgeous.

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