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Friday came by too quick. School was going by fast, assignments were being assigned, and now today was the day that everyone wanted to go to a party. I somehow managed to let Isaac and Rachael convince that it would be a good idea. Now I have to go.
Isaac, on the other hand, is... doing good? You could say that because on the outside he was acting all dandy and fine. But I could tell he was trying to put on a facade and I hated that he was.
He would barely talk about his mom, and he would brush me off every time I tried to talk about it. So instead we were gonna end up going to a party, that I'm surprised Isaac even wants to go to.

I was sitting in class with Miles, barely concentrating on what the professor was saying, and miles was eating potato chips as always. All I could hear was the crunch of the chip, one after another and I turn to him.
"You chew so loudly," I tell him and he looks over to me and shrugs.
"Can't help it," he mumbles with a mouth full of chips. "Why are you so irritated today?" He questions stuffing another chip into his mouth.
"I'm not," I mutter sitting back.
"Yes you are," he nods. "What's wrong? Is it Isaac?"
"No, it's nothing," I lie. It was Isaac, this whole week I've been worried for him, and he was barely worried for himself.
"You suck at lying," he says.
"I've never been told that before!" I look at him.
"Well, I'm good at reading people then," he shrugs. "Because right now you suck at lying," he says. "Just tell me, I'm your best friend."
"It's just Isaac is acting weird," I shrug.
"Why? Last time I saw him, he seemed the same," he says.
"That's the thing," I shake my head. "He shouldn't be."
"What?" He gives me a look. "God you girls are so complicating."
"It's hard to explain," I mumble.
"Try me."
"Don't tell him I'm telling you this," I look at him.
"I barely talk to the guy," he shrugs.
"His mom died," I say and he stops mid-bite of a chip.
"Oh damn."
"Yeah, like a week ago," I nod. "And he's... all fine."
"Maybe that's his way of grieving," he says. "People are different."
"But he's acting like it's fine. He like cried once over the phone, and after that got awkward," I say.
"Oh," he nods. "Maybe he's just pulling a guy move and doesn't like to show his emotions in front of a girl," he adds.
"That's not like him."
"A lot of girls think that," he nods. "But it is."
"He's already showed emotions in front of me," I shake my head. "He's just being weird."
"I don't know what to tell you then," he says. "Just be there for him and let him be weird."
"I'm trying!" I groan. "And I have to go to a damn party tonight."
"Have to go?"
"I don't have to," I sigh. "But Isaac and Rachael want me to."
"You can say no," he says.
"Are you going?" I ask.
"I don't know."
"Can you?"
"Why?" He asks.
"Because you said so yourself, you're my bestie," I grin. Speaking of, I should probably ask Jude if he's gonna go.
"Maybe," he says.
"Okay," I take that. He always ends up showing up.
Me and miles were closer than you'd expect. We texted, we always talked in class, but he's a really angsty guy who stays in his dorm most the time so I don't see him out often.
I pull out my phone and text Jude.

ME: you going to the party tonight?

JUDE: which one? Don't all frat houses have parties on Friday?

ME: haha yeah
ME: IDK where tho
ME: Isaac and Rachael are forcing me

JUDE: Oof lol

ME: can you come?

JUDE: yeah, if you tell me where...

ME: I'll have to ask Rachael and I'll text you

JUDE: sounds good!

ME: thanks :)

I put my phone down and sighed looking up at the professor. Let's hope tonight goes smoothly.


I was looking through my closet and I grab a pair of mom jeans, with a single tip in the knee.
"I told you," Rachael comes up and grabs a tank top crop shirt I have. "You look hot in it, plus with the jeans! Perfect."
"Rachael," I mutter. "You're so obsessed with what I wear."
"Yeah, cause we gotta look good," she nods holding a curling iron up to her head. "Just try it."
"Fine," I mumble and change into my jeans and the tank top. She nods when she looks at me.
"I would tap that."
"Shut up!" I laugh and she grins. I go and look in the mirror. It was a simple outfit, but also a cute on. "Okay, not bad."
"See!" She nods. "And your boobs like great."
"You are obsessed with me!" I throw my shirt at her and she laughs.
"Well I mean... you are hot," she says. "What should I wear?"
"Let's see," I go through the closet. "How about this," I pull out a light yellow tank top with mini blue flowers and I grab some black jeans. "This?"
"Cute," she nods. "But I wanna go for sexy."
"Right," I nod. I keep the jeans and I grab her a deep-set v neck, a white crop top that was the long sleeve. "This? You can add a jacket or not."
"Perfect!" She grins. "Just put it on my bed. I'm gonna finish my hair!" She says and I nod.
I place the clothes on her bed. I go over to my desk and grab my perfume putting some on. My makeup was down my hair just regular loosely around my shoulders.
I sit down on my bed after slipping on my vans and wait for Rachael. There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," Rachael says and she does. "Um... Liv."
Oh, it was probably Jude. I told him to come here so he can just come with us.
I get off my bed and go to the door. It was Jude like I said.
"Oh hey!" I grin.
"Who's this?" Rachael looks at me.
"Jude, he's an old friend from Arizona!" I say. "Come in."
He walks in and Rachael looks at us.
"Hmm, how come I've never met him before?" She asks. "I'm Rachael by the way."
"Jude," he grins and she looks at me again.
"We caught up back home, and I just found out he goes here," I shrug. "He's coming with us tonight."
"Okay," she mumbles. "Come to the bathroom for a second," she adds.
"You can just sit on my bed," I tell Jude and he nods. I walk into the bathroom with her.
"He's hot," she tells me and I laugh. "I'm serious."
"Don't you like Noah?" I ask.
"I like him, but I'm not getting with him," she shrugs. "He's hot."
"I heard you the first time," I laugh again. "Flirt with him."
"Will he like me?" She asks.
"I don't know," I shrug.
"Liv!" She exclaims. "That's not a good answer."
"I just mean... we'll see tonight," I say. "I'm going out, now hurry up," I tell her and leave the bathroom. "Jude, you better keep me sane tonight."
"Why will you be going insane?" He asks.
"Because... I'm going to a frat party."
"Ahh," he nods. "I understand."
"Hey! You're gonna meet Isaac!" I chirp.
"Yeah!" He nods.
"Yeah, he's hot!" Rachael cheers and comes out grabbing her clothes.
"I'm excited to see how hot he is!" Jude jokes and I laugh. She goes back to the bathroom to change.
"Okay, Liv how do I look?" She comes out and does a twirl.
"Sexy as hell," I nod.
"Okay cool! Is my hair good?" She looks in the mirror.
"Yeah," I say. "You look hot, right Jude?"
"Sure," he shrugs.
"Sure?" She mutters.
"Sure," he says again. She rolls her eyes and I knew right then and there she didn't like him. Oof. Jude was too judgmental for her liking. He probably wasn't gonna like the "conceited" personality.
"Let's go," she mumbles slipping on her shoes. "Is Isaac coming with us?"
"Yeah," I nod.
We leave the room and I knock on Isaac's door but Alex opens it half-naked.
"Oh hey," he says. "Isaac?" He asks and I nod. "Isaac!" He calls and turns around.
Isaac comes to the door and he looked as good as ever. He was wearing some black khaki type pants, with a white t-shirt loosely tucked in. Damn. His hair was messy, but he pulled it off so well.
"Oh, we're leaving?" He asks and I nod. "Let's go!" He grins. "You look great," he looks me up and down and I felt my cheeks flush.
"You too," I say.
"Yeah... I look... sure," Rachael mutters and I laugh.
"What?" He asks.
I turn and almost bump into Jude.
"Oh, Jude!" I say. "Isaac, this is Jude!" I say and Isaac turns toward him.
"Hey!" Jude chirps. "I'm heard SO much about you," he grins and I roll my eyes.
"I'm sure, Liv loves talking about me," Isaac nods.
"Um, you wish!" I say.
"Guys! Let's get it going!" Rachael waves her hand.
"Trust me, Rach, you'll have enough time to flirt!" I tell her and she waves me off.

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