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I wake up next to Isaac, my leg was thrown around him actually. I'm a messy sleeper!
I look up at him and he was awake and staring at the ceiling. His hands were resting on my thigh.
"Morning," I say my voice raspy. His eyes fart down toward me.
"Oh morning," he mumbles and grins, a very slight grin. He looks up at the ceiling again.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah," he nods.
"Hangover?" I ask.
"Oh yeah," he nods again. "I drank some Advil, but I still feel like a weight."
"Yeah, you were pretty drunk," I laugh. He nods while still staring at the ceiling. "What's so fascinating about the ceiling?" I ask.
"How white it is," he mumbles. His voice sounded distant like it wasn't him.
"Hmm," I say looking at him. "You sure you're okay?" I ask.
"Yeah," he then turns to look at me and grins. "I just think I might still be drunk."
"Ahh," I nod.
But I knew that wasn't the case. Maybe it was just one of those days, maybe he's sad. He's barely given himself time to grief, wouldn't be surprised if it all just came out now.
"Well, I know the perfect remedy for that," I grin.
I move so I'm on top of him.
"Really?" He asks and smiles. A real smile this time.
"Yes," I nod.
"Okay... what is it?" He asks moving a hand up my thigh.
"Coffee!" I exclaim and he laughs the minute the word leaves my mouth. "What?"
"Of course," he nods. "That's your remedy for everything."
"Because it works for everything," I nod back.
"Well, can I get a real remedy right now," he says. "Which is a kiss?"
"Coffee is the real remedy. My kiss would just be the placebo of it!" I remark.
"No, I think it'll be the real thing," he shakes his head.
"It can't be. It's not factual! Coffee is like a proven... thing to help all hangovers. Kisses are n-" he cuts me off by pulling me down and kissing me.
"Just shut up Liv," he mumbles against my lips then he kisses me deeply.
I pull back after a minute. "Coffee time!" I exclaim.
"Here we go!" He laughs.


I was sitting in bed, while Rachael was explained to me her night at the party. How drunk she got, who she made out with, and who she went home with. I swear, this girl lives a movie.
"Also, that was the first time I've seen Isaac her so drunk," she laughs. "It was funny."
"Yeah," I nod. "He was wasted."
"Why weren't you drunk?" She asks as she does a facial with some face mask she had. She was doing a whole process, oils one of those jade rollers, then a mask.
"I wasn't in the mood," I shrug. "I didn't really want to go to that party."
"Oh," she nods. "There's another tonight," she says.
"Are you going?" I ask.
"I don't know," she mumbles. "You?"
"Hell no," I shake my head. "I cannot handle 2 frat parties in a row," I lay back on my bed. "Who could do that?"
"A lot of normal college students," she remarks. "You just are anti-social."
"Exactly," I smile. "And I'm fine with it."
"Weirdo," she laughs. "Should I go?"
"I don't know," I shrug. "Do you want to get drunk and hook up with another random?"
"Don't make me sound like a hoe!" She exclaims and I laugh.
"I'm not! It's not a bad thing," I say.
"I should probably relax for a day," she waves at her face for her face mask to dry. "Right?"
"Yeah," I nod. "We could hang out."
"Sure!" She smiles. "But will Isaac interrupt?" She asks.
"No, I think he's hanging out with Dylan tonight," I reply.
"Cool," she says. "So question."
"What?" I ask.
"Why are you friends with that June? Jude? Guy?" She asks and I laugh.
"Jude," I say. "He's nice."
"Really?" She scoffs. "I beg to differ."
"He's just very controversial," I nod. "He's blunt. You can't expect him to sugar coat things."
"He just seems annoying to me," she shrugs.
"Because you guys are opposites," I say.
"Me and you are opposites, we get along," she says. "Like I thought he was hot, then he started being annoying," she mutters.
"Whatever, you guys don't like each other," I laugh.
"He doesn't like me!?" She asks.
"Dude, you don't like him. Do you expect him to like you?" I look over to her.
"I expect everyone to like me," she nods. "Why doesn't he like me?"
"He didn't tell me he doesn't like you," I remark.
"You just assume!?" She asks. "So he's obviously giving off signs!"
"Rach, who cares. He's my friend," I say.
"I don't like it when people don't like me!" She groans.
"Well, that's life," I shrug.
"Is it?"
"Yeah," I laugh. "Now, what are we gonna do tonight?" I ask sitting up in bed.
"I don't know," she shrugs as she inspects her fingernails.
  "And you call me boring," I scoff.
  "You're the one who loves staying in! You help me enjoy my night," she says.
  "Starts with Slurpees!" I say.
  "Ooh! I could definitely use one of those!" She smiles.
My phone buzzes and I get a text from Isaac.

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